Sunday, December 31, 2017

12/31/17 "2018 Where Ya At? (wya)"


5 Minutes of Focus
"2018 Where Ya At? (wya)"
Genesis 19:1-26 NIV

"Let the past stay in the past." That's exactly how God wanted Lot and his wife to feel about moving forward and running into what "God intended to be" their future in a new location, UNTIL Lot's wife looked back and changed everything for Lot.

After Lot's wife looked back and got changed into a pillar of salt...Lot had no choice. He had to keep going and not be hindered in a place that was no longer safe physically or emotionally for him, but he had to go forth now as a single man.

Are you going into 2018 single?
Absent of some people, relationships/friendships, associations....If so, don't even bother being sad.

"2018 Where Ya At? (wya)"
Instead, Be excited because anybody that made their exit out of your life in 2017 couldn't  handle you up the road in the future. So they had to turn, to change, and you had to witness that change,  in order to be able to let them go.

Lot witnessed his wife sudden change....Up until she looked back, Lot probably thought they were both on the same page (thinking alike).

Beloved, Not everybody shares your enthusiasm about the future. So,  while you're excited about 2018 and looking forward to a good year, someone else is not.

Truthfully,  Not everybody embraces change, but some like Lot's wife desire to stay the same...In a place of sin, reminiscing about how good it was while it lasted, not accepting that their time in that place physically and emotionally is over!

Focus Points

SOMEBODY: It's Over!!!..God is trying to give you a second chance.
Isaiah 1:18 NIV

2018 is your second chance...Embrace It.

God desires that you shall not perish.
2 Peter 3:9 AMP

Happy New Year!!!
Be Released and Go Forth
in Jesus name.

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Photo Credit (for this post goes to My God-daughter):
Tamyracle Pate

Monday, December 25, 2017

12/25/17 "Grieving Through"


Christmas Day!

"Grieving Through"

As you can see, the last gift my Grandmother  (the woman who raised me), would ever buy for me was this beautiful music box.

I love trains, so every year during this Christmas season, I take out the music box she bought me and just kind of reminisce . The more time passes, the more this music box means to me.

It's all apart of grieving through. My grandparents died less than 7 months apart of each other. (Aug. 18, 2008- March 10, 2009) So, I definitely know something about grieving through.

She raised me. He raised me and I still live in the house where I was raised, because I know that's what they would want. So I guess you can say, This house (that's paid for) has become a gift to me.

Imagine that: A gift in the midst of my pain.

SOMEBODY: Hidden amongst the memories that ache right now is a gift....A gift in the midst of your pain.

Still for Naomi,
In the book of Ruth.... Her testimony of grieving through is far different from mine.
Naomi didn't remain in the same home or even the same home town after the loss of her husband and sons.

She moved and Ruth moved with her and though she was bitter throughout the process because she started out one way and came back another.
(Ruth 1:20)...God was still faithful.

Naomi ended up not wanting for anything financially.
Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd. (SOMEBODY SAY): I shall not want... And so, she ended up restored emotionally through the birth of Ruth's baby whom the bible says, Naomi (old in age) breastfed...Talking about a miracle.

Beloved, There's a gift, a miracle hidden on the other side of the loss of that loved one you're grieving, that divorce you're grieving,, that bankruptcy, that diagnosis.
No, It will never be easy because the one you miss so much is not here and won't be here....But it will get better.

In the meantime, Don't let nobody tell you how to grieve, to stop grieving etc...Your process is your process, just keep going, grieve through.

God has promised to not just heal your body, but your wounds. Jere 30:17

Father God,
I pray for everyone that feels lost because of the loss of a loved one, a marriage etc.
Touch each wounded heart and heal.
Help them to accept what they can't change and to treasure what's left in the midst of the pain.
In Jesus name .

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 24, 2017

12/24/17 "It's Time You Offered The Gold, The Frankincense and The Myrrh"


5 Minutes of Focus

"It's Time You Offered The Gold, The Frankincense, and The Myrrh"

Matthew 2 ( NKJ)
The Christmas Story:
Jesus was born in the midst of the most unthinkable conditions... No hospital, the environment in which he came forth in was not even sanitized, but still he came forth.

He came forth and the bible says: Wise men brought him gifts.
You see, When you're wise, you bring forth your gifts when you know, Jesus is there (the blessing is) on it.

So, What's your excuse?
Why have you delayed coming forth with your gifts?

You know, Jesus is on it, because the few times you have actually tried to use your gift or gifts (plural), the people you're  assigned to were blessed.

If you're waiting on conditions to be perfect, without challenges...It will never happen. If you're waiting for everybody to accept you...It will never happen. Everybody won't see your star, everybody won't catch a glimpse of your shine.

Everybody didn't see the star signaling Jesus's arrival, everybody didn't accept him being there, or celebrate him (Even though they should have).
Wise men are the only ones said to have brought him gifts.
Be wise. Bring him your gifts.
He deserves to be celebrated and somebody, somewhere needs to be blessed by  your gifts.

SOME OF YOU: You're  blaming God, but he is not the one that has delayed you...You, Beloved, have delayed YOURSELF.

Stop your own delay! You have people waiting on you. Somebody needs the gold,, the frankincense, and the myrrh (the gifts)  you have to offer.

Focus Points:

Release your gifts...First, To Jesus in celebration of Him and then to the people.
Rom 12:1 AMP

You will know who has been assigned to you based on who rejects you and who accepts you.
John 1:11-12  NLT

Rejection hurts, but remember: It's neccessary to launch you forth to the right people.

If Jesus could come forth despite and in spite of...So can you.

Merry Christmas....It's Time!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 17, 2017

12/17/17 "How Could You?!!!"


5 Minutes of Focus
"How Could You?!!!"

How Could You?!!!...How could  you even think to trust the words of someone who has publicly made it known (by way of The Bible) all these years that he is indeed, INSECURE in his own identity?

Don't you know? THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!...He's a liar that was and still is super insecure in his own identity. HE WAS AND STILL IS UNCOMFORTABLE WITH HIMSELF.

Despite the fact, that he once lived in the most beautiful place (Heaven), had a nice job as the worship leader of all of Heaven...Still, he wanted to be somebody else...He wanted to be GOD, not work for God, but be God himself.
Read: Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14

Beloved, Anytime a person is so insecure, uncomfortable,  unhappy with themselves to the point, that want to be somebody else....It's obvious, they have not been taking the time needed to say the right things and invest in their own mental/emotional health.

So, How Could You?!!!...How could you even  think they would say the right things to you?
If they can't even tell themselves the truth....How could you expect them to be truthful with you?

John 8:44
He lies AND he uses people to lie to you for him, that's the only major stronghold he has.

Every since his big plan to be GOD fell through...The devil has nothing to lose and there are people who the devil has spiritually employed, people that have nothing to lose by lying to you, just like their boss a.k.a. "their father."

Focus Points:

The devil is the Father of lies...
Don't believe the hype!!!
John 8:44

In your own mouth is death and life...Speak words of life to yourself (Encouragement, and positivity over yourself).
Proverbs 18:21

You Take Control!!!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, December 16, 2017

12/16/17 "Power Activated...YOUR POWER Activated"

12/16/17 Saturday Night

"Power Activated...YOUR POWER Activated"
Luke Chapter 1

Mary the angel come to you 1st, so you would be prepared for the fallout that might happen, so you would be prepared just in case, Joseph decides to walk away and the rumors, they seem to tear you apart.

Mary the angel came to you 1st ,so  you wouldn't abort the life in you, you wouldn't hang your head in shame, so you wouldn't be made to feel promiscuous and forefit the favor on your life.

SOMEBODY: The devil wants you to lose faith in YOURSELF, YOUR RELATIONSHIP, lose faith in JESUS, lose faith in THE DESTINY, THE PURPOSE that's inside you...But the devil is a liar.

The angel came to you 1st, so your power has been activated, released...It's happening for you even though, it doesn't feel like it. Just wait until they see what you already know.
Christmas is a little over a week away, then they will see.
Hold on, Stay strong.

LPS~ Love ProphetessStacy

12/16/17 "The Breaking Of The Alabaster Box"

Saturday 12/16/17

There should be certain love language, certain words that your spouse, your fiancee, boyfriend or girlfriend, your children, your family shouldn't hear spoken to them... BECAUSE those are the words of affection you have reserved for YOUR GOD.

Like for me, I will NEVER call my husband (to be) King..Even though,  a lot of wives do that these days. Not degrading the man, God sends to my life because he will lead and cover me, (and I will greatly appreciated that), but he is not MY KNG....Those words I reseverve for God...He is MY KING, the Lord of Lords.

The bible says, In Proverbs 25:11 from the Message bible : "The right word spoken at the right time is like custom made jewelry"....If you want God to give you a custom made blessing ( and I know, you do) try speaking custom made words, words you have reserved just for him at the right time. Love language! God deserves more than just to hear what you've given everybody else.

The woman who came to Jesus in
Mark 14 and broke her expensive Alabaster  Box open and used what was inside to worship him, fully understood this concept of giving to YOUR GOD apart of yourself that you have not given to another.

Give him what's inside your heart by way of words and deeds, save something special (reserve something) just for him...Love on him, bless him, and watch how he responds to your love language.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

12/10/17 "No Looking Back...No Going Back"


5 Minutes of Focus
"No Looking Back..No Going Back"

In Genesis 32 Jacob wrestles with an angel of the LORD and is left with a limp as a reminder.

Sometimes, God will leave you with a painful reminder of what you came out of, so that you won't forget and go back.

SOMEBODY: God doesn't want you rushing back into that relationship; forgetting the way, they treated you previously.

SOMEBODY else: God doesn't want you associating with that  certain person...Don't you remember, the damage being associated with them did to your reputation?

And so you limp....Somewhere in your life is a fresh reminder of what they did to you and how you felt (at the particular time).

You think, It's a coincidence that every time their name comes up...You remember....

You think, It's the devil tormenting your mind with the memory of that....But what if it's God?

Jacob wrestled, Jacob fought all night long....It cost him too much, to become Israel to just lose it all, still trying to be Jacob and hang with the people "his former self" used to hang with....So, God deliberately left him with a painful limp.

The limp says: No Looking Back.
Like Lot's wife you can't afford to look back and be changed. Gen 19:26

You can't afford to go back and be the person you used to be....To whom much is given, much is required.
God sacrificed much for you, the least you could do is ACCEPT THE LIMP AND STOP COMPLAINING....The pain has a purpose.

John 3:16 Luke 12:48

Focus Points:

The pain has a purpose.

No Looking Back....No Going Back.

You are no longer Jacob, but Israel.

God is a Father 1st above else, and  he does not want to see you, his Son, his Daughter revert back into a bad relationship, into bad associations because you have FORGOTTEN and it  just seems so easy to do right now.

Forgive, but it's not always WISE to forget.

Bad company corrupts good character.
1 Corin 15:33 NIV


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 3, 2017

12/3/17 "Jesus Is Sitting On What You Need"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Jesus Is Sitting On What You Need"

In John 4:6-7 KJV
Jesus sats on a well...Tired (NIV), but still willing to wait for  A Samaritan Woman to come get what she needed...To me, that really showcases just how beautiful His heart is.

Had that been some of us...We would have said, " Look, I'm tired and I don't feel like waiting on nobody"...But not Jesus.

Beloved,  After this Sunday...Don't spend another day, convinced that you have somehow missed out on what you needed from the LORD.

Just like Jesus sat there, willingly waiting for that Samaritan woman, sitting deliberately on what (he knew) she needed...He is waiting on you too.
Jesus is sitting on what you need, waiting on you to come receive.

The woman in John 4 needed water and here, Jesus was sitting on the well... The exact well (he knew), she would have to come to and draw water.
He was holding it down, UNTIL she could get there.

A Word 4 Somebody: Jesus has had what you need, this whole time, because he knew eventually you would make your way around to asking for it.

If you read John 4 in its entirety....It seems like Jesus deliberately asked the woman for a drink of water, just to start her talking about her life and what she needed.
What is it that you need, but have yet to talk to Jesus about? 

He has it ready and waiting for you to receive....No one else has it or can get it...Jesus is sitting on it, waiting on YOU!!!

Focus Points:

Ask and you will receive.
Matt 7:7 NIV

Ask what you will and it will be done for you....As long as you ABIDE IN HIM and His Words abide in you. That's the key.
John 15:7 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 26, 2017

11/26/17 "Better Things Are Coming"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Better Things Are Coming"

In Matt 14 The chapter starts out with the tragic death of John The Baptist and Jesus feeling the loss, (John was his cousin) withdraws only to end up feeding 5 thousand, only to end up in a storm; he & the disciples and the disciples being afraid of the God they should know and that same God; Jesus Christ walking on water, finally concluding with Peter having enough faith to ask and try to do the same.

Beloved, However, Your chapter started out at the beginning of this year..Please know that "Better Things Are Coming"...Your year might have began with the tragic loss of a loved one and like Jesus, you're feeling the loss. Still, for every loss, there is a miracle to behold,  a miracle so big it could only be God feeding YOU...Feeding you the spiritual food of hope, faith, strength, and peace.

Now, I'm not saying that after you get up from God's table (so to speak) being fed (spiritually and physically)...I'm not saying that you'll never have to go through anything else in your life....YOU  WILL.

That's what happened in the text..Just after feeding the 5 Thousand..Jesus & the disciples went through a storm and the disciples were afraid, so afraid that they didn'teven recognize  Jesus, the God who had been with them.

Have you ever been so afraid that you didn't even recognize God and what he was doing, how he was moving in your life?

If so, You understand where the disciples were coming from in the text. Still, this was not the end of their journey with Jesus. He would go on to show them that all things are possible..When Peter (who was one of them)  got out the boat from among them and walked on the water.

Truthfully, Your life will take a million turns before its conclusion, but still you can look at whatever you're facing and PROPHESY  1st to Yourself: "Better Things Are Coming"..This Is Not The End.
Then PROPHESY to the situation & all who will listen:
"Better Things Are Coming"..All Things Are Possible!

Focus Points:

All things are possible to him who believes.
Mark 9:23 NKJ

Ezekiel: Prophesy!...Can these dry bones live?...You decide.
Ezekiel 37

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 19, 2017

11/19/17 "Accept Or Decline"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Accept Or Decline"

In Jeremiah 1 from the NIV: God puts a call in to Jeremiah and Jeremiah answers by telling God his age, what he feels he can't do, basically he speaks his fears.....
And right there, God gently rebukes him...Urging him to not say that.
SOMEBODY: Stop talking yourself out of your dreams because you feel the call or cost is too great.

Don't  you know that before it feels like your dream to you...You will first be tested with hard assignments that seem not to match anything you dreamed of.
But YOU MUST trust God and do just what he asked, what he called you to do...All things really do work together for the good of the one who has been called. Rom 8:28

That means (and hear this in my spirit): If you asked God for a car (that's your dream)...You might  have to ride the bus for a season.
If you asked God for house...You might have to rent for a season.
If you asked God for a spouse...You might have to first face the pain of seeing ALL your friends get married and YOU, still be single, but with a good attitude.

Just remember: Before you were in the womb...You were called, labeled as who you are.  Therefore, Who you are and how you're acting right now comes as no surprise to God.
Jere 1:5

Yes, God knew every insecurity you would possibly have about yourself. Still, he is trusting you not to decline the scary moments, the moments were things look impossible, like you just can't.... and fear is speaking, much louder than your faith.

Still, God is trusting you not to decline those moments, but accept it all and see where it eventually leads..... Beloved, Your dreams are calling you.... Pick up the phone!!!

Focus Points:

Lord, you know everything I want; my cries are not hidden from you.
Psalm 38:9 NCV

Enjoy serving the LORD and he will give you what want.
Psalm 37:4 NCV

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
Isaiah 1:19 ESV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 12, 2017

11/12/17 "The Reason Why"


5 Minutes of Focus
"The Reason Why"
Matt 14:30 NLT

Peter looked down, saw the strength of the wind and discovered the reason why he was suddenly sinking (drowning)....And in order to change that, change what was occuring....He cried out, "Save Me, Lord!"

Beloved, Identify the reason WHY you're drowning and change that.
Yes, people will talk about you, talk about how you were "doing it" and now, look at you!... Drowning, sinking in need of help.
Jesus even talked about Peter and his lack of faith, but Peter didn't seem to care....
Matt 14:31 NLT

Sometimes, You have to be like Peter and just don't seem to care...When you need the help and you know, you need the help...No matter how it looks and what people say: IDENTIFY the problem and then CRY OUT to the problem solver, "Save Me, Lord!"

Peter was able to make it back to the boat...All because he was not ashamed to ask for help. Matt 14:30-32 NLT

You can make it back to a better place in your life, if you will just stop being prideful and ask for help.

Focus Points:

Don't be ashamed to ask for help.

Cry out to the Lord and however, he decides to help and through whomever, he decides to help...Do not get prideful.

It's time you made your way back to a better place in your life.

Identify the problem, the reason why and ask for help.

Stop worrying about how it looks and what people will say.
We all suffer from a loss of faith, hope, and strength every now and then.

Yet, When we are weak...
He is strong.
2 Corin 12:8-9 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 5, 2017

11/5/17 " For A While"


5 Minutes of Focus
"For A While"
1 Kings 17:1-9 NIV

And for a while, the brook met Elijah's every need (along with some ravens), but then it all dried up (changed).

What is it that has changed in your life and you're finding it hard to accept?

Often times, God will let one area of dependency dry up...So, that we can grow up, change, elvove in our perception, attitude and direction.

Your future is not just one stream of income (that's why Elijah couldn't stay at that brook...That brook was only one stream).
Beloved, Just like Elijah had to go and connect with a widow woman to get what he needed and she receive the finances she needed...There is someone you're supposed to connect with who will bless your future, your finances, your situation.

So, Don't get discouraged just because what you thought was solid is now shaky and you're finding yourself having to move on...It was only for a while (temporary)  and with good reason.

Focus Points:

Begin to look at people, the way God looks at people from the heart and not their physical appearance.
1 Sam 16:7 NIV

To the world around them, I'm sure, the widow woman in the text looked just like that,  " a widow woman" but still she had in her possession something Elijah needed and vice versa. Elijah could do for her what she could not do for herself.

To the world around them, I'm sure, Jacob looked like nothing more than "a con artist" but still Laban was blessed because of him.
Gen 30:27 NLT

In short: Don't  judge a book by its cover...READ ITS CONTENT FIRST!!!...Your blessing lies in the table of content of someone else.

Think about that!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 29, 2017

10/29/17 "Broken At The Brook"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Broken At The Brook"

In 1 Kings 17:1-9 NIV
Elijah spoke a WORD right from where he was  and declared, "There would not be dew nor rain( in this place) except at my WORD"...He knew the power of a word.

So, when God told him to leave from that place and go to a certain brook he called by name; Elijah went.
And for a while, the brook meet his every need (along with some ravens), but then it all dried up (changed).

Still what I love is that Elijah didn't panic, get upset, he didn't blame God or get depressed after the brook dried up. Instead, he knew the power of a word and of his God...God gave his WORD to Elijah that there would now be a widow woman who would provide for him.
So, Elijah went to her house, expecting.

Do you have the faith of Elijah? What are you expecting or are you broken at the brook?
Broken. Panicking. Upset. Blaming God. Depressed because the brook (your money, your health & health insurance, your living arrangements, your  relationship, your marriage , your job, your career) has dried up.

It's so easy to let yourself be broken at the brook, to be hurt BEYOND hurt.
This Sunday, I encourage you to look for God in ways you NEVER would have expected him....He's talking to somebody's spirit right now about helping you.
It might look like you can't be helped, but I assure you...You can be...Dry your eyes and focus.

Focus Points:

God did not spare his own Son, BUT GAVE him for us all--- how will he not also along with him, graciously give us ALL THINGS?
Rom 8:32 NIV

Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, has not entered into the heart of man ALL that God has prepared, made and KEEPS READY for those who love Him.
1 Corin 2:9 AMPC

So, What I'm I trying to say?
Beloved, The truth is:
If he did it before....He'll do it again...Provide food for you, Pay your bills, Heal you, House you because he cares for you.
Psalm 55:22 NIV

Therefore, when your soul is (broken at the brook); when your soul is in the dumps...Rehearse everything  you know of Him.
Psalm 42:6 MSG

KNOW & Trust Him.
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 22, 2017

10/22/17 "God Restores"


5 Minutes of Focus
"God Restores"

In John 20:11-16  NIV
After the cross, Jesus' body comes up missing....Mary Magdalene stands at the tomb, crying; thinking somebody  had taken (stolen, kidnapped) the body of her LORD...Eventually, Jesus himself, comes to Mary and ask, " Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"....But Mary doesn't realize, it's Jesus whose asking her this....Not UNTIL, He called her out by name,  "Mary."....Then, she turned to him and said, "Rabboni" (Teacher)...Her crying completely stopped.

It is my sincere prayer that...God will call you out of the pain you're in, that the crying will stop for you and whatever was lost will be restored to you.

God cares about you and what you're going through as an individual...Your name nor pain isn't lost somewhere in the resources of his mind.
No, the LORD (Jesus) is mindful of you.
Psalm 8:4 NKJ
Psalm 115:12 NKJ

You may not feel worthy of his attention, but still he is mindful of you, collecting your tears in a bottle, not wanting to waste any of your emotions. 
Psalm 56:8 NKJ

SOMEBODY: It is not a waste...You are not a waste....So, there's no need to get wasted....Drugs, alcohol, sexually escapades  (outside of marriage) is not the answer.
Shopping trying to  drown the pain in the biggest, best, most expensive of things is not the answer...You'll only end up drowning in debt and possibly lose whatever you do have left.  
Beloved,  That's not the answer, but just as Jesus called Mary out by name and she stopped crying, just as God answered Job out of the storm. Job 38:1 NIV
He will answer you, call you out and bring restoration to you, to your life...No need to give up now.

Focus Points:

God will cause all things (Even what you're going through right now) to work TOGETHER (to connect, to come together and make sense) for the good. Romans 8:28

Jesus said: You don't realize NOW what I'm doing, but later you will understand.
John 13:7 NIV

God will restore your health and heal your wounds.
Oh yes, God Restores.
Jere 30:17 NIV

Receive on Today...
Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 15, 2017

10/15/17 "One Of The Others"


5 Minutes Of Focus
"One Of The Others"

In John 10:16 NIV
Jesus talks about having OTHER sheep that ARE NOT of that particular sheep pen, but they too will listen to his voice.

I remember reading that scripture years ago and feeling like, "I just had to be ONE OF THE OTHERS Jesus was talking about"....I mean, for me that would explain so much. It would definitely explain: Why I feel odd (different) and I never have been able to fit in....To this day, I still feel like an outsider that somehow found my way into the sheep pen, for which I am grateful.

Therefore, I'm not, nor do I know how to be a typical Christian...I do not believe that only this one and that one, that happens to look a certain way can hear Jesus' voice (hear, listen to and obey his voice). No, I believe Jesus has other sheep (just as he said) that are not churchy or even in a church setting, but they hear his voice and they too help make up the sheep pen that has only ONE SHEPHERD.

Beloved, Those of you who have experienced some things and were left feeling some kinda way...You feel like an outsider, you feel like an outcast...You Are Not Alone. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus knows exactly where you're at and he's coming for you to bring you to Himself and the people that don't recognize you as a Man Of God or a Woman Of God will; not that it matters, but they will.

Just like people recognize me NOW as a Woman Of God with a full time internet ministry 5 years strong....Your day of recognition is coming until then...

Focus Points:

Stay true to YOURSELF and to the GOD that created you, called you, and placed you in the industry, the business, the part of the world you're in.

If God is for you, who can be against you? Rom 8:31 NIV

Until Next Sunday....
For one outsider, one outcast to another...Stay Strong!

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 8, 2017

10/8/17 "Living With A Lie"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Living With A Lie"

In Genesis 39
Potiphar's wife falsely accuses Joseph of rape...He didn't rape her, it was a elaborate lie...But God allowed the lie, to be as elaborate, as it was.

I mean, she could have lied to her husband and said (since she was THE BOSS' s wife)..."Honey, Your employee mouthed off at me today, he totally disrepected me." But no, she had to take it ALL THE WAY with the claim of rape.

Here's where God comes in:
God knew a charge of rape would get Joseph removed from that environment and placed in prison for a season.

Prophecy Moment:
Somebody: You keep hoping, praying for the truth to come out...But God is using that lie, as elaborate as it is, to bring you out.

You might have to live with (accept) the lie that's been told on you, but you don't have to live with the liar....Therefore, God is bringing you out. He's  either going to remove you  from that environment or remove them.

Right now, I know you feel imprisoned, but even in prison (and Joseph was in an actual prison)...You are still favored by God...God's hand of grace and mercy is still on your life, just as with Joseph.

God is using this time of imprisonment  (physically for some, mentally, emotionally for others) to get you to accept the lie and move on....Joseph got out of prison and NEVER  looked back at Potiphar's wife,  he accepted the lie AND a brand new promotion that now awaited him. Genesis 41

Focus Points:
Accept the lie, let it go, God has a purpose for it all.
Rom 8:28 NLT

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Prov 3:5 NLT

Pray This Prayer: "Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...."
From: The Serenity Prayer

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 1, 2017

10/1/17 "That Funny Look"


5 Minutes of Focus
"That Funny Look"

In John 4  from the Message Bible: The disciple had gone to the villiage to buy food for lunch and in their absence, Jesus made his move...Jesus talks to the woman at the well.
There were SO MANY reasons why Jesus shouldn't have been talking to a woman; especially that woman (according to the customs of that society).

John 4:26 MSG
Jesus reveals who he is to the woman saying, " I am he (The Messiah). You don't have to wait any longer or look any further."
John 4:27 MSG Just then his disciples came back. They were shocked.  They couldn't believe he was talking to THAT KIND OF WOMAN. No one said what they were all thinking, but their faces showed it. 

The disciples had "That Funny Look " on their faces...You know that funny look people get, when inwardly, they're  judging you. The disciples were actually judging Jesus (being judgemental of his decision to talk to the woman at the well).
You would think the disciples would know better, but oh well.

Focus Points:

1. It's the people closest to you that will be the most judgmental of you.

2. Take it from Jesus...You will not be able to please everybody.

3. The decisions you make WITH YOUR LIFE will always offend somebody.

As for "That Funny Look", that judgmental look...People can get that look over the silliest of things...The bible says: "The disciples had a look that showed on their faces"... and it was not like Jesus was flirting, or being inappropriate towards the woman in any kinda way....He was just TALKING to her....breaking the rules set for that society; YES, but still it was just a conversation. Geez!!!

Sometimes, You may have to cross that line, set by society, in order to be in line with Jesus.

Jesus is not a racist,  a womanizer, a hater, a criticizer, but he is a PRO-LIFER...He will offer life, a chance, an opportunity to anybody..Because he knows how it feels to be judged unfairly....You are not alone.
Matt 7:1 AMP

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 24, 2017

9/24/17 "We're Moving"


5 Minutes Of Focus
"We're Moving!"

In Genesis 12 NIV
Abram left his home, country, his people because God said, Go....
Unsure of where he was going, but he was sure of his God.

So, Beloved, this seems to be: Evacuation Season both in the natural and in the spirit realm. Time to let some things go.
We're Moving!

In the natural,  in order to move, you must pack up some things, give away  some things (that are still in good condition, but of no use to you), you must let some things go.

In the spirit realm, in order to move, God's instructions are no different. God has MAJOR blessings ahead of you, but you must move from where you are and don't let a storm move you. God wants you to voluntarily move, simply because you heard him say, " Go!"

SOMEBODY:  In your spirit, you heard God say, "Go!" Leave that place and stop hanging around those people, relating yourself to a certain group... When God has territory you have not yet conquered, things you want, but have yet to possess still waiting on.

In Genesis 12  Abram and his nephew,  Lot had so much together that they couldn't stay together, but it was best for them to separate and each go their own way...They made a smart business move.

Tell that friend,  that so - called  boyfriend or girlfriend, that co-worker,  that niece or nephew,  that BLOOD relative ..."Nothing personal, but we need to separate."

Don't fool yourself  (especially now) ...If you want God's best, you're going to have to do some separating of things and people. You're going to have to show God...It's about Him (obeying Him)  in spite of them.

Focus Point:

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish  things.
1 Corin 13:11 NLT
*Best Moving On Scripture Ever!
You're Moving...We're Moving!

Handle Your Business!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 17, 2017

9/17/17 "I'm Tired...That's All"


5 Minutes of Focus
"I'm Tired...That's All"

The scripture says:
And Jesus tired as he was from the journey, sat down by  the well.
John 4:6 NIV

Jesus had been doing a lot of traveling  and though he was tired, he still managed to meet with the woman at the well.

You travel a lot. You got this going on and that going on and you're just tired. Physically, you're tired, mentally, you're tired, socially, you're tired; if you have to see just one more person today at work....

Though you feel that way, you can't stop and just lock yourself away from EVERYTHING. Had Jesus nursed his own tiredness and procrastinated on his meeting with the woman at well...Her healing would have been delayed and she would have still been committed to an ungodly  relationship; thinking prehaps she can't do any better.

You're tired...I get that. I understand that more than  you know...But still so much is dependent on you coming through...You're tired, but you are not irrelevant.
Even in your tiredness, you still have what somebody needs.

So feel however you're feeling and then shake it off....I decree and declare rest from your day, days over your life and you be refreshed.
Be refreshed in your soul ( your mind, will, and emotions). Be refreshed in your body.
There's still people to see, meetings o be kept, traveling to be done.

Focus Points:

1.SOMEBODY: The doctors are trying to diagnosis you with this disorder and that disorder...You're tired...That's All... Nothing a spa trip couldn't cure.

2. Remember This: There is nothing too hard for God,  his shoulders can carry you.
Jere 32:27 NIV
Psalm 55:22 MSG

3. When you get tired of so much commotion...You can put a stop to that, but don't you dare run from your life responsibilities.  You are revelant. You are needed.
Mark 5:39-40 NIV

4. Jesus said: Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls).
Matt 11:28 AMPC

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 10, 2017

9/10/17 "This Is Not That!"

5 Minutes of Focus
"This Is Not That!"
Genesis Chapters:37, 41, 45

In Gen 37 Joseph was just a young naive teenager. At 17, he was certainly no match for his brothers and their hatred towards him...So they sold him to get him away from them.
However, Bible Scholars believe Joseph was 39 years old when his brothers saw him again.

By this time, things had severely changed and "This was not That" meaning Joseph was not still that little teenage boy, they had previously made fun of and put down in a pit. Joseph was now Prime Minister and his brothers had to come under his authority to get what they needed.

Somebody : The day is coming when you will be able to look your enemies in the face...And let them know, "This Is Not That!"
They used to be able to get to you, down you and even cause you to down yourself...But Not No More >>> "This Is Not That!" I assure you what used to be the case, is not the case anymore.

Your life is in a much better place and where you were once weak, you are now strong. This is a new season unlike like That of your past and the sooner you receive it, and believe it...The sooner someone else besides You, Me, and God will see it.

Focus Points:
1. When Joseph brothers saw he was not the push over he used to be...Their attitude soon lined up.

2 .When they see your power and no longer a display of your weakness...Their attitude will line up.

3. Just like seasons change. Your life, your circumstances,  and  the level of strength you possess are subject to change.

4. Therefore, Take some time every day to build up your confidence in yourself...You can do all things through Christ...You will have whatsoever you say.
Mark 11:24 KJV
Philip 4:13

5. Somebody, Say it with me: This Is Not That! You came looking for the person I used to be...
Sorry, This Is Not That!!!...It's a whole different situation now.
Handle Me accordingly.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 3, 2017

9/3/17 "Broken To Heal"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Broken To Heal"
Genesis 16 NIV

In the text:  Sarai comes up with a plan to conceive a child for her and her husband (Abram), using an Egyptian slave named Hagar.
Ladies: You can relate to Hagar because Hagar finds herself pregnant and in a situation she didn't ask for.
Men: You can relate to Hagar too because Hagar did Sarai a HUGE favor, only to get dogged out later because of it.

Nevertheless, despite Sarai's wrong treatment of her...Hagar was broken to heal.
And even though, some of you believe, you're hurting because you're broken....God says: You're broken to heal. Just like when a glass is broken and everything that was in the glass comes out....It's time for you to let the anger, the unforgiveness; the hurt and pain, let it all come out. You've been holding on to it too long.

Now, Hagar's 1st intinct (like some of you) was to run away...But God sent her back KNOWING that if she could just live through this...He would bless her seed- her child, her family, her offering.

God wants to bless you, your child, your family, your offering... But first, you must go back to that place of hurt and release the anger, the unforgiveness, the hurt, the pain, the shame and the sadness etc.
It's time your perspective be changed.. SOMETHING bigger than what you see is going on.

Focus Points:

Therefore, Don't  be shut out of your blessing, looking at the pain, dwelling on what they said/did.

You might have to get away by yourself for a minute to regroup, to get your heart & mind together...But go back because things are about to change.
Luke 5:16, Isaiah 43:19-21 NIV

Healing is in the brokenness..Of your will for His, your comfort zone, for His call upon your life.
Broken To Heal.

Beloved, Every time you answer His call with, "Yes Lord" (Even though, it's hard and it's hurting your flesh), God's response is: AMEN meaning So Be It or Let It Be!
Blessings flow when you just let it be.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 27, 2017

8/27/17 'God Won't Let You...."


5 Minutes of Focus
"God Won't Let You...."
1 Kings 19 NIV

Beloved, God knows you're tired of your current circumstances, you're tired and "somewhat" afraid of the things that have come down on your head.
Stressed in mind and body to the point that you want to give up...BUT GOD!...God Won't Let You..."

God Won't Let You give up and forget all the good moments you've had, all the victories you've had. There will always be people set to oppose you, to distract you, to discourage you, but to give in to the pressure of it all...God Won't Let You.

In the text: Jezebel was threatening Elijah...Elijah was under such pressure that he literally was ready to give up his life, give up his good moments, give up his victories even and sit down under a tree, no energy left, depressed.
BUT GOD...God wouldn't let Elijah quit (and God won't let you quit either).
SOMEBODY: Stop wondering how you are making it from day to day, how you continually find yourself holding on, despite feeling like you wanna give up...God Won't Let You.

Your current situation has been ordained by God whether you believe that at times or not and your strength is coming from Him; from what you know of Him (your relationship with Him).

So, God sent an angel to feed Elijah some food...God will supply your needs, bring food in your household etc., if that's what you're worried about. Philip 4:19

God supplied Elijah with food.
God restored  his strength...You are stronger than you think because of the God in you, despite the things of this world coming against you. 1 John 4:4

You are not defeated yet and nothing or no one will take your life or destroy or control your life.
Yes, people get angry sometimes and say things; "they think" they mean and maybe they do mean them (to a certain extent), BUT GOD.
Their hurtful words will not be louder or carry more influence with you than HIS.
And God is saying, Get Up!
Get Up Elijah...Get Up Elianne, Get Up Eddie, Get Up Ashley, Get Up Anna, Get Up Albert etc..

Whatever your name is...If you're reading this: Get Up!!!
God Won't Let You....Give Up, Quit etc.

Focus Points:

1. Depression be bound. Your strength be restored, eat, enjoy, LIVE. (Ezekiel 16:6)

2. You are more (so much more) than a conqueror throughout all life's challenges.

Amen >>>So Be It!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 20, 2017

8/20/17 "According To The Sword"


5 Minutes of Focus
"According To The Sword"

For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it JUDGES the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Heb 4:12 NIV

"No one can judge me, but God...You can't judge me." Honestly, I think that saying is just used as an cop out or excuse for the person saying it, to keep doing what they're doing.

But in the current culture we're living in...You're going to wish you had picked up that bible of yours more than on Sunday and judged somebody and some things too.

Why? Because the bible is  the only book I know, that will keep it real with you ABOUT EVERYTHING.

SOMEBODY: Right now, you're kinda involved  with somebody and you can feel something is wrong but  you're afraid to JUDGE them...So you keep giving them the benefit of the doubt (an undeserved opportunity).

Beloved, There is a difference between judging and being judgmental.
Judging means to decide, decree, pronounce.
Judgmental means having a negative, condemning, overcritical attitude towards somebody or something.

What I'm strongly suggesting you do is : Pick up that bible, that sword that's sharper than any double-edged sword; that sword that penetrates, divides the soul and spirit, that sword that JUDGES the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Pick up that bible and read it and JUDGE- decide, decree, pronounce to that person and/or situation what shall be, what's acceptable and not acceptable in your life.
That's what a double-edged sword does...It helps and it hurts. In this case, let it help you get to root of some lingering issues/questions that exist in your life right now.

Are you involved with a potential Boaz or a poisonous Judas? Judge them. Are you involved with Abigail or in a relationship from hell? Judge them according to the Word of God, according to the sword of the spirit.
Judge them according to the Word (sword) and not your personal opinion or others personal opinion of them...Now that would be judgemental.

The scripture that says: Do not judge, or you too will be judged in Matt 7:1-5 NIV is talking about having a judgmental attitude towards somebody when you, yourself are not perfect (there's a plank in your eye that needs to be removed).
But JUDGE is actually the same word DECIDE OR DECREE and the bible in
Job 22:28 AMPC tells us to make some decisions.

God would not have us to be indecisive  (promoting confusion)...So start JUDGING some people, things, situations, job opportunities, etc., DECIDE where's the best place for you to live, work, relocate to etc., DECREE over your child/children,  over that relationship, friendship, your marriage, family, business, ministry  etc. what shall be and what is and is not acceptable.
In Jesus name.

Simply put..
Focus Points:

1. HAVE A STANDARD and live by it...To do that successfully though requires JUDGING some people and things.

2. Ignore those that say, "Only God can JUDGE ME"....Not only do they not know the bible...They clearly don't know the difference between judging and being judgemental.

Do the research please and thank you...Geez.  LOL

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 13, 2017

8/13/17 "Cutting Away At Freedom"


To: My Cutters...I Care.
5 Minutes of Focus
"Cutting Away At Freedom"
Mark 5:1-5 NIV

The text says: NIght and day the man was in the tombs, crying out in the hills and no one was strong enough to subdue him, so he cut himself with stones.

Beloved, Sometimes people are just not strong enough to handle your issues...
Truth be told: They can barely handle their  own issues from day to day.

So, they'd rather bring you under control using physical force, versus taking the time needed  to get to the root of what's really bothering you emotionally.

Night and day,  you cry out, but no one can hear you, no one cares or understands you; at least, that's what you think....So, you cut yourself to escape the reality of your world, to escape  the pressures of your world...You cut yourself as I way of regaining control, as a way of taking control out of the hands of all the ones that hurt you. Not many will understand that place you're coming from.

But Jesus and his nailed scarred hands, he fully understands...
Jesus didn't cut himself or self-harm, but he did allow himself  to be harmed....and he did it just for you. (Isaiah 53, Matt 27)

So you wouldn't have to know the shame of hiding yourself. Hiding in long clothes all summer long, hiding behind dark shades, hiding  behind humor (when nothing is funny), hiding behind sarcasm and/or profanity NOT wanting anyone to see your scars.

Read Mark 5 in full and you will discover the man in the text was referred to as "Demon Possessed"....Why demon possessed?  Because  it's  the devil that wants to take your life or your quality of life by inflicting you with pain.

Still Jesus is a restorer, he's  the restorer of the brokenhearted.  (Psalm 147:3)
He heals bodies and emotions
(Jere 30:17)
He is the lifter of your head. (Psalm 3:3)

Focus Points:

1. Why are you acting and doing the things that you're doing?

2.   Don't you know: For every physical action...There is an emotional reaction.

3. So, What are you reacting to?

4. Cutting yourself is not the answer...It will only complicate matters further.

5. The Self-Harm Hotline....Call: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)
There is help/hope.

6. To hear this message in full "Cutting Away At Freedom"
Join Me
On #ProlificFire #MondayNights #OnlineChurch
See Flyers for details!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 6, 2017

8/6/17 "Coping With Self -Failure"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Coping With Self -Failure'

In Matthew 14:
Peter asked Jesus for permission to come join him on the water....Now, Jesus would have been just as pleased with Peter had he stayed in the boat.

But Peter wanted to be closer, to do more. So he gets out on the water and attempts to walk  and for a while, he was doing it!!! He was literally making history as the only man other than Jesus to walk on the water. The world hasn't seen a move like that, since. Of course, there have been men who walked on the moon, but none on the water.

Leave it to Peter to make a move like that and test his own faith UNTIL fear crept in,
leaving him unable to walk...HE FAILED HIMSELF. (He didn't fail God). He failed himself because he couldn't finished what he started...Coping With Self -Failure.

Dont  let the fact that you failed paralyze your next move...There has to be a next move, you must keep going.

Focus Points:

1. You are not a failure,  just because you failed and couldn't finish what you started...Just like a car cannot  be described as a flat tire, just because it had a flat tire and couldn't reach its destination.

2. You are not what happened, but you are apart of what happened meaning it was your experience. Now it's up to you....Will you continue  to BE the experience (attaching it unfairly to your existence)  or will you LIVE THROUGH the experience?

Peter chose to LIVE THROUGH the experience and the same water (place) where he experienced SELF- FAILURE became his place of healing; the place where God would prove to him, he was not a failure after all. Luke 5

Beloved, LIVE THROUGH IT, Let God prove to you...You are not a failure, even though, you feel like one right now.
God is not displeased with you or ashamed of you.
LIVE!!! Ezekiel 16:6 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 30, 2017

7/30/17 "Surrounded By Unbelievers"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Surrounded By Unbelievers"

Most of the time the words: "Yoked Together With Unbelievers" refers to being in a relationship with someone who is unsaved, ungodly or somehow unequal.

But God told me: Many of you reading this are "Surrounded By Unbelievers." His use of the word, unbelievers  (in this case) has nothing to do with those who are unsaved, ungodly or unequal.

But God says: Many of you are surrounded by unbelievers - people who do not believe in you.

In Genesis 37 NIV:
Joseph was surrounded by (yoked with) his brothers (members  of his own immediate family) who didn't believe in him.

And because of their unbelief and jealousy...There was a time, when Joseph's life fell  into a pit, a pit he couldn't get out of on his own.
But God...God sent somebody (The Midianite) with the necessary means to lift and shift Joseph's life up and out of the pit and onto the right direction.

Right now, Your life is in the pit..It's dark ( it's bleak) and your resources are limited and God knows without somebody's help you'll never get out.

There's a palace in your future, a job with a promotion attached in your future, but first you must survive the pit.

God sent the Midianite with the means to lift Joseph's life out the pit monetarily, but physically HE MADE Joseph's brothers pull him out the pit, they put him in.

Beloved, God knows how to get to your enemies and MAKE THEM pull you out the pit, they put you in.

Focus Points:

1. Expect God to send somebody with the necessary means, somebody that understands your worth..You don't have to settle for less in order to change your situation.

2. You will have the last laugh... Those who don't  believe in you will...When they see your new direction, new position; they will.
(Genesis 41 & 45)

3. But for now, you might have to distance yourself from some people, family even... God sent Joseph to Egypt AWAY from his brothers AND there... his life, his situation changed.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 23, 2017

7/23/17 "Rebuilding Our Broken Walls/Rebuilding Life Goals


5 Minutes of Focus
"Rebuilding Our Broken Walls/Rebuilding Life Goals"

Before Nehemiah got permission, released to go and rebuild the wall...He spent a season of his life crying, fasting, praying and repenting. Nehemiah 1

Sometimes you just have to spend time releasing your emotions in order to heal and move forward.

There is no way, Nehemiah could have successfully rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem had his own walls been torn down, had he been in a broken state inwardly himself.

So Beloved, The first step to rebuilding what was lost is to rebuild YOU...Your walls and what you're blocking out or holding in comes first.

Take some time to heal you...A healed you is a better you.

Before the first nail can be hammered, the first manuscript written, first record released or broken, the first marathon be ran, before you go back to school, get married for the first time, or get married again, have your first child or another child, before the first major thing on your bucket list is accomplished, before  you attempt to go after and rebuild your life goals....You must first
work on YOU.

YOU are a piece of work that can't  be overlooked...God didn't overlook Nehemiah, but  received the man of God's tears, prayers, his repentance and showed him as much.

Nehemiah stood afraid, asking for time off from his regular job as cup bearer to go rebuild  a wall ??? >>> Huh!
You can't even attempt to ask something so HUGE unless your own walls have experienced healing and can't be destroyed by possible rejection.
So,  are you really ready to go there and do that?

Focus Points:

1. You first....Then the work can be done on other things.

2. Your personal goals, challenges addressed...Before life goals, before walls can be successfully rebuilt.

3. Cry your cry of release, pray and repent because what God is going to use you to accomplish affects more than just YOU.

4. If Nehemiah could do it, despite opposition...You can too. Read your bible.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, ProphetessStacy

Sunday, July 16, 2017

7/16/17 "Don't Give Up Hope"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Don't Give Up Hope"

Over the course of your life, there will be a wide variety  of things you will have to give up, some of which to better yourself and some not for the better, but you will be FORCED to give up it  anyway.

But don't you dare give up... HOPE. Hope (itself) is yours FOREVER!!!
You might have to change what you're hoping for (the purpose of your hope).

But don't you dare give up...HOPE.
SOMEBODY: You've already sacrificed so much, given up so much.
Still, It is Hope that keeps you going, hope that somehow things will get better...You need Hope to survive all that you're going through.

The bible says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick....
Deferred meaning detoured, delayed, shifted.
Proverbs 13:12 NIV

So don't you detour, delay, or shift away from Hope...You need Hope. Hope is what's keeping you emotionally healthy. Hope is what's keeping depression at bay in your life.

Hope is so important BECAUSE faith is the substance of things HOPED for.
Heb 11:1 NKJ

Without Hope your faith has no substance (significance or foundation).

Therefore Beloved, Be like Abraham...The bible says: Against all hope, Abraham in Hope believed and so became the father of many nations.
Rom 4:18 NIV

Focus Points:

1. Hold on to Hope. There is so much more you will become, if you don't forake hope in this season.

2. Don't forsake hope. Don't defer, detour, delay, or shift away from hope. Hope gives your faith substance, significance, a foundation.

3. The devil desires that you lose hope, making your faith shaky at best ( having no significance, no foundation).

4. BUT GOD!!!

5. Don't you dare give up hope. Hope ( itself) is yours FOREVER...No matter what.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 9, 2017

7/9/17 "Knowing The People We Shouldn't Know"

5 Minutes of Focus
"Knowing The People We Shouldn't Know"

In Jonah Chapter 1
God instructs Jonah to go to Nineveh, but Jonah rebels and goes and boards a ship in Joppa instead, where he meets and gets to know a group of sailors and trouble breaks  out.

Trouble breaks out because Jonah is in the wrong place, spending time with the wrong people.

Jonah had no business  being on that ship...That's not what God told him to do.Jonah took himself all out the way.  Had he not been on that ship,  he never would have known those sailors and vice versa.

You see...It's not God's fault.
Sometimes we take Ourselves all out the way, getting to know people we shouldn't even know.

Who is it, you know that  you never should have known?
They were just a distraction sent to send you in the wrong direction, causing you time and energy .

They were just a sailor and a ship going in the wrong direction.

Problems existed for you as long as you were with them... Problems were coming against that ship as long as Jonah was on board. 

Just something for you to think about this Sunday. 

Focus Points:

1. You can't be on board (in agreement) with everybody and everything....Disconnect.

2. Think About It: Did God connect you to that person (those people) or did you do the connecting YOURSELF ?

3. Stop distracting yourself with them.. ...You are costing yourself valuable time.

4. Time that God needs you to be in alignment, going in the right direction.

5  Get to your purpose and away from them ...You never should have known (those sailors) people, that certain person in the first place.

You Feel Me! >>> Lol
Make the necessary changes.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 2, 2017

7/2/17 "The Right Kind Of Love"

5 Minutes Of Focus
"The Right Kind Of Love"

1 Samuel 1
The Lord caused Hannah to be barren...But still (her husband) Elkanah loved her and give her double of what he had.

That's the right kind of love...
Someone that loves you EVEN THOUGH you don't  have it all together.

Elkanah loved Hannah EVEN THOUGH she didn't have it all together meaning (in her case)....She couldn't give him a child.

The text says: The Lord caused Hannah to be barren...Sometimes, the Lord deliberately causes a problem to exist to create resistance and develop your strength.

Rom 5:3-4 NLT
We can rejoice, too, when  we run into problems and trials, for we know that THEY HELP US develop endurance.
And endurance develops strength of character...

And lets just be honest...It takes strong character to stay in a marriage, stay in a relationship when things are far less than perfect. It takes strength of character to not stray away into the arms of the meet.

That's the right kind of love...A love that chooses to stay and love, and embrace you as you are...EVEN THOUGH you don't have it all together (you're barren on some level) and hard to deal with at times....But still.

Focus Points:

1. Choose the right kind of love.

2. The right kind of love, loves you EVEN THOUGH you don't have it all together.

3. The right kind of love does not stray when things get hard.

4. The right kind of love has strength of character.

5. Let that problem that exist develop you and your character.

6. Don't be so quick to walk away.

I want to see you get it right!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 25, 2017



5 Minutes of Focus

In 2 Samuel 4 :
Mephiboseth was dropped by someone sworn to care for him... Being dropped left him injured physically and deeply scarred emotionally.

Beloved, Sometimes people are hurt more than you can see...Time is not always a healer....Sometimes they can't just get over it!

2 Samuel 9:
It's years later... Mephiboseth is still not over it, and is now referring  to himself as "A DEAD DOG." Dead dog meaning something that's no longer of use or value, something that's  no longer important.

I think it's safe to say: Mephiboseth was caught up  in his feelings and definitely not in the mood for company.
He was not in the mood to meet with King David and discuss how his life could/would be changed (blessed) from that point on.

What do you do when they're not emotionally strong enough to receive the good life still has for them?

It's on days like this, that you must find it in yourself to LOVE THEM a little LOUDER than the insecurities inside their head.

LOVE  THEM a little LOUDER than the past, they can't seem to get passed.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER than the world and all it's preconceived notions.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER the way that Christ loved you when you were unable to love yourself.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER... Help them...Lend your strength to them.

Rom 5:6 NCV: When we were UNABLE to help ourselves, at the right time, Christ died for us...He helped us.

LOVE THEM a little LOUDER until they believe they're still worthy of love, still worthy of a blessing.

Focus Points:

1. Don't you dare give up on them!

2. Remember you haven't always been so easy to love.

3. Now is your opportunity  to show them the love of Christ.

4. LOVE THEM a little LOUDER because deep down...You still remember, how it feels to be them.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 18, 2017

6/18/17 "More Than What You Remember"


5 Minutes of Focus
"More Than  What You Remember"

SOMEBODY: Life is more than what you remember...You can't keep living off the past.

God doesn't want you to be like the man in Mark 8 only seeing what you remember of life.
He was blind, you are not...Therefore, you have no excuse.

He was a blind man trying to get healed.
The bible says: Jesus spit on his eyes, touched him and asked him, "Do you see ANYTHING?" (By using the word, ANYTHING....Jesus left the question open for a zillion possible answers).

The man answered, "I see men, BUT they look like trees." This lets me know that he hadn't always been blind; somewhere in his past he remembered what trees look like.

If you are reading this: It's time you start really seeing life AND stop remembering  life through the dysfunctional mishaps of your past. What that man was seeing (remembering) was dysfunctional. Men are not supposed to look like trees.

But what I love about this precious man is that HE KNEW what he was seeing was wrong and he was TRYING to get himself some help.

Focus Points:

1. Beloved, Memories of your past will have you seeing life wrong.

2. Memories of  your past will have you judging people and relationships wrong.

3. Until you can see, you can't  see.

4. Seek professional help.

5. I' m praying for the healing of your eyes, the deliverance of your mind.


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 11, 2017

"Where Is My Joy?" .


5 Minutes Of Focus
"Where Is My Joy?"

The scripture says: Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5 NKJ

Joy comes?...Well, Is it morning yet?..Because I still haven't seen or felt my joy?
Where Is My Joy?

Beloved,  You have already received your joy. If you have wept (cried), been stressed out in the middle of a situation BUT STILL you managed to find the strength to continue, to not give up and let depression have a full  claim on you...You have already received your joy.

The problem is: In your mind, joy operates much like happiness so you keep expecting to feel it in the form of good times, fun and games. You keep expecting to see it in your laughter etc....But nothing you've been through or  currently going through is laughable.

Therefore, Joy can't possibly be an emotion (as some would have you believe)....All this time, you didn't know it, but joy is actually STRENGTH.
Nehemiah 8:10

Weeping ( situations that cause you to cry, be stressed) ENDURE for a night but joy comes in the morning. Joy meaning strength. If you had the strength to get out bed this morning and face another day in spite of...That was your joy. That was the LORD coming to you, ENABLING you.
Your joy has already come...You just didn't  recognize it.

Focus Point:

No, the bible didn't lie to you...So don't quit on God...Your joy came and continues to come every morning. Your joys name is STRENGTH.

Thank God for joy!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 4, 2017

6/4/17 "Think NOW and Not Later" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg.


5 Minutes of Focus
"Think NOW and Not Later"

Peter got out the boat without thinking....So much like us, we often get ourselves into things without thinking.

Then AFTER he was out the boat and walking in the middle of the sea...That's when he started thinking.

How many times have you panicked and started thinking after you were right in the middle of a  situation, right in the middle of an assignment, a  relationship etc ?

Here's the problem with that type of thinking: When you panic or find yourself operating in fear...God has not given us the spirit of fear.
2 Timothy 1:7

Therefore,  whatever you're thinking in that moment or decide on in that moment will most likely be WRONG and greatly fabricated by fear.

Peter in the middle of the sea was not in a storm, but he thought that he was; it was all fabricated by fear.

Time out for LATE thinking!

Focus Points:

1. Learn to take your time and think things through.
2. Think before you do it.
3. Ask God and if God gives you the okay...Don't second guess it, like Peter did LATER!

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, May 28, 2017

5/28/17 "No Serpents No Scorpions" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg


5 Minutes of Focus  (The Non-Video)
"No Serpents No Scropins"

Behold! I have given you authority and power  to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and (physical and mental strength and ability) over the power that the enemy (possesses); and nothing shall in any way harm you.
Luke 10:19 AMPC

Beloved, God has given you authority...The word "authority" means the power  or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
The word "Behold" in the bible means don't miss it.

You have been missing it for too long. You have not tapped into the authority/power that God has given you.

You have literally let serpents- toxic connections, toxic relationships make you sick with worry, sick with stress, sick with the spirit of depression and/or oppression. All of which are attacks on your head (your mental capacity) that shows up physically in your  body.

You have literally let scorpions- people sent by the devil get close enough to you to sting you, to hurt you, to break your heart...WATCH YOUR ASSOCIATIONS  in this season. Not all associations are God sent or the good thing you've been praying for.


Focus Points:

1. Be more attentive. ...Ask questions. Don't just take people and situations at face value because that's what you want to see and believe.

2. Ask God for the spirit to discern ( to know,  to detect the difference, though hidden from the casual eye).

3. You have power. ..Use it.

4. You have authority...Command it.

5. Give orders....You know what you want, order it to be done for you.
According to your faith be it unto you.  Matt 9:29 KJV

6. Make decisions....You don't have to keep living undecided.
You shall decree a thing. Job 22:28 AMPC

7. Enforce Obedience -Because obedience is better than sacrifice...You don't have to keep living without.
1 Sam 15:23 KJV

You are powerful ...Trample some things under you feet!!!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, May 21, 2017

5/21/17 "The Weight Of Responsibility" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg

5/21/17  ♡

5 Minutes Of Focus...The (Non- Video)
"The Weight Of Responsibility"

Think with me: If Jesus had all those siblings...Why  didn't he, when he was preparing to die on the cross choose to leave his mother in the care of  one of his siblings? 

Instead the bible says:
26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, "Woman, here is your son,"
27 and to the disciple, "Here is your mother. "
From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.
John 19:26-27 NIV

Jesus chose to give his mother to his beloved disciple, John and have her live with him.

Looks like Jesus himself,  knew what it was like to have  siblings that were irresponsible and Him, being the oldest having to make up for their shortcomings.

In this,  I want you to see that...

Focus Points:

1.Jesus made the best possible decision he could under the circumstances.

2.  You were made in the image and likeness of Jesus...Therefore, you too are capable of making the best  decision, capable of making the best of things, despite your current situation.

3. You don't  always have to make the obvious choice and appease people.
(Jesus leaving his mother in the care of one of his siblings would have been the obvious choice...But it wasn't his choice).

4. Just because they are related to you...That doesn't mean they can do things as efficient as you.

5. The weight of responsibility is real, but if God chose you for the task....You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Philip 4:13

6. Their shortcomings are just that >>>THEIRS!

Thanks for thinking with me...
Hope this helped SOMEBODY!

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy