Sunday, July 23, 2017

7/23/17 "Rebuilding Our Broken Walls/Rebuilding Life Goals


5 Minutes of Focus
"Rebuilding Our Broken Walls/Rebuilding Life Goals"

Before Nehemiah got permission, released to go and rebuild the wall...He spent a season of his life crying, fasting, praying and repenting. Nehemiah 1

Sometimes you just have to spend time releasing your emotions in order to heal and move forward.

There is no way, Nehemiah could have successfully rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem had his own walls been torn down, had he been in a broken state inwardly himself.

So Beloved, The first step to rebuilding what was lost is to rebuild YOU...Your walls and what you're blocking out or holding in comes first.

Take some time to heal you...A healed you is a better you.

Before the first nail can be hammered, the first manuscript written, first record released or broken, the first marathon be ran, before you go back to school, get married for the first time, or get married again, have your first child or another child, before the first major thing on your bucket list is accomplished, before  you attempt to go after and rebuild your life goals....You must first
work on YOU.

YOU are a piece of work that can't  be overlooked...God didn't overlook Nehemiah, but  received the man of God's tears, prayers, his repentance and showed him as much.

Nehemiah stood afraid, asking for time off from his regular job as cup bearer to go rebuild  a wall ??? >>> Huh!
You can't even attempt to ask something so HUGE unless your own walls have experienced healing and can't be destroyed by possible rejection.
So,  are you really ready to go there and do that?

Focus Points:

1. You first....Then the work can be done on other things.

2. Your personal goals, challenges addressed...Before life goals, before walls can be successfully rebuilt.

3. Cry your cry of release, pray and repent because what God is going to use you to accomplish affects more than just YOU.

4. If Nehemiah could do it, despite opposition...You can too. Read your bible.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, ProphetessStacy

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