Sunday, October 22, 2017

10/22/17 "God Restores"


5 Minutes of Focus
"God Restores"

In John 20:11-16  NIV
After the cross, Jesus' body comes up missing....Mary Magdalene stands at the tomb, crying; thinking somebody  had taken (stolen, kidnapped) the body of her LORD...Eventually, Jesus himself, comes to Mary and ask, " Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"....But Mary doesn't realize, it's Jesus whose asking her this....Not UNTIL, He called her out by name,  "Mary."....Then, she turned to him and said, "Rabboni" (Teacher)...Her crying completely stopped.

It is my sincere prayer that...God will call you out of the pain you're in, that the crying will stop for you and whatever was lost will be restored to you.

God cares about you and what you're going through as an individual...Your name nor pain isn't lost somewhere in the resources of his mind.
No, the LORD (Jesus) is mindful of you.
Psalm 8:4 NKJ
Psalm 115:12 NKJ

You may not feel worthy of his attention, but still he is mindful of you, collecting your tears in a bottle, not wanting to waste any of your emotions. 
Psalm 56:8 NKJ

SOMEBODY: It is not a waste...You are not a waste....So, there's no need to get wasted....Drugs, alcohol, sexually escapades  (outside of marriage) is not the answer.
Shopping trying to  drown the pain in the biggest, best, most expensive of things is not the answer...You'll only end up drowning in debt and possibly lose whatever you do have left.  
Beloved,  That's not the answer, but just as Jesus called Mary out by name and she stopped crying, just as God answered Job out of the storm. Job 38:1 NIV
He will answer you, call you out and bring restoration to you, to your life...No need to give up now.

Focus Points:

God will cause all things (Even what you're going through right now) to work TOGETHER (to connect, to come together and make sense) for the good. Romans 8:28

Jesus said: You don't realize NOW what I'm doing, but later you will understand.
John 13:7 NIV

God will restore your health and heal your wounds.
Oh yes, God Restores.
Jere 30:17 NIV

Receive on Today...
Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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