Sunday, November 12, 2017

11/12/17 "The Reason Why"


5 Minutes of Focus
"The Reason Why"
Matt 14:30 NLT

Peter looked down, saw the strength of the wind and discovered the reason why he was suddenly sinking (drowning)....And in order to change that, change what was occuring....He cried out, "Save Me, Lord!"

Beloved, Identify the reason WHY you're drowning and change that.
Yes, people will talk about you, talk about how you were "doing it" and now, look at you!... Drowning, sinking in need of help.
Jesus even talked about Peter and his lack of faith, but Peter didn't seem to care....
Matt 14:31 NLT

Sometimes, You have to be like Peter and just don't seem to care...When you need the help and you know, you need the help...No matter how it looks and what people say: IDENTIFY the problem and then CRY OUT to the problem solver, "Save Me, Lord!"

Peter was able to make it back to the boat...All because he was not ashamed to ask for help. Matt 14:30-32 NLT

You can make it back to a better place in your life, if you will just stop being prideful and ask for help.

Focus Points:

Don't be ashamed to ask for help.

Cry out to the Lord and however, he decides to help and through whomever, he decides to help...Do not get prideful.

It's time you made your way back to a better place in your life.

Identify the problem, the reason why and ask for help.

Stop worrying about how it looks and what people will say.
We all suffer from a loss of faith, hope, and strength every now and then.

Yet, When we are weak...
He is strong.
2 Corin 12:8-9 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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