Sunday, October 15, 2017

10/15/17 "One Of The Others"


5 Minutes Of Focus
"One Of The Others"

In John 10:16 NIV
Jesus talks about having OTHER sheep that ARE NOT of that particular sheep pen, but they too will listen to his voice.

I remember reading that scripture years ago and feeling like, "I just had to be ONE OF THE OTHERS Jesus was talking about"....I mean, for me that would explain so much. It would definitely explain: Why I feel odd (different) and I never have been able to fit in....To this day, I still feel like an outsider that somehow found my way into the sheep pen, for which I am grateful.

Therefore, I'm not, nor do I know how to be a typical Christian...I do not believe that only this one and that one, that happens to look a certain way can hear Jesus' voice (hear, listen to and obey his voice). No, I believe Jesus has other sheep (just as he said) that are not churchy or even in a church setting, but they hear his voice and they too help make up the sheep pen that has only ONE SHEPHERD.

Beloved, Those of you who have experienced some things and were left feeling some kinda way...You feel like an outsider, you feel like an outcast...You Are Not Alone. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus knows exactly where you're at and he's coming for you to bring you to Himself and the people that don't recognize you as a Man Of God or a Woman Of God will; not that it matters, but they will.

Just like people recognize me NOW as a Woman Of God with a full time internet ministry 5 years strong....Your day of recognition is coming until then...

Focus Points:

Stay true to YOURSELF and to the GOD that created you, called you, and placed you in the industry, the business, the part of the world you're in.

If God is for you, who can be against you? Rom 8:31 NIV

Until Next Sunday....
For one outsider, one outcast to another...Stay Strong!

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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