Sunday, August 6, 2017

8/6/17 "Coping With Self -Failure"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Coping With Self -Failure'

In Matthew 14:
Peter asked Jesus for permission to come join him on the water....Now, Jesus would have been just as pleased with Peter had he stayed in the boat.

But Peter wanted to be closer, to do more. So he gets out on the water and attempts to walk  and for a while, he was doing it!!! He was literally making history as the only man other than Jesus to walk on the water. The world hasn't seen a move like that, since. Of course, there have been men who walked on the moon, but none on the water.

Leave it to Peter to make a move like that and test his own faith UNTIL fear crept in,
leaving him unable to walk...HE FAILED HIMSELF. (He didn't fail God). He failed himself because he couldn't finished what he started...Coping With Self -Failure.

Dont  let the fact that you failed paralyze your next move...There has to be a next move, you must keep going.

Focus Points:

1. You are not a failure,  just because you failed and couldn't finish what you started...Just like a car cannot  be described as a flat tire, just because it had a flat tire and couldn't reach its destination.

2. You are not what happened, but you are apart of what happened meaning it was your experience. Now it's up to you....Will you continue  to BE the experience (attaching it unfairly to your existence)  or will you LIVE THROUGH the experience?

Peter chose to LIVE THROUGH the experience and the same water (place) where he experienced SELF- FAILURE became his place of healing; the place where God would prove to him, he was not a failure after all. Luke 5

Beloved, LIVE THROUGH IT, Let God prove to you...You are not a failure, even though, you feel like one right now.
God is not displeased with you or ashamed of you.
LIVE!!! Ezekiel 16:6 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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