Sunday, October 1, 2017

10/1/17 "That Funny Look"


5 Minutes of Focus
"That Funny Look"

In John 4  from the Message Bible: The disciple had gone to the villiage to buy food for lunch and in their absence, Jesus made his move...Jesus talks to the woman at the well.
There were SO MANY reasons why Jesus shouldn't have been talking to a woman; especially that woman (according to the customs of that society).

John 4:26 MSG
Jesus reveals who he is to the woman saying, " I am he (The Messiah). You don't have to wait any longer or look any further."
John 4:27 MSG Just then his disciples came back. They were shocked.  They couldn't believe he was talking to THAT KIND OF WOMAN. No one said what they were all thinking, but their faces showed it. 

The disciples had "That Funny Look " on their faces...You know that funny look people get, when inwardly, they're  judging you. The disciples were actually judging Jesus (being judgemental of his decision to talk to the woman at the well).
You would think the disciples would know better, but oh well.

Focus Points:

1. It's the people closest to you that will be the most judgmental of you.

2. Take it from Jesus...You will not be able to please everybody.

3. The decisions you make WITH YOUR LIFE will always offend somebody.

As for "That Funny Look", that judgmental look...People can get that look over the silliest of things...The bible says: "The disciples had a look that showed on their faces"... and it was not like Jesus was flirting, or being inappropriate towards the woman in any kinda way....He was just TALKING to her....breaking the rules set for that society; YES, but still it was just a conversation. Geez!!!

Sometimes, You may have to cross that line, set by society, in order to be in line with Jesus.

Jesus is not a racist,  a womanizer, a hater, a criticizer, but he is a PRO-LIFER...He will offer life, a chance, an opportunity to anybody..Because he knows how it feels to be judged unfairly....You are not alone.
Matt 7:1 AMP

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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