Sunday, November 5, 2017

11/5/17 " For A While"


5 Minutes of Focus
"For A While"
1 Kings 17:1-9 NIV

And for a while, the brook met Elijah's every need (along with some ravens), but then it all dried up (changed).

What is it that has changed in your life and you're finding it hard to accept?

Often times, God will let one area of dependency dry up...So, that we can grow up, change, elvove in our perception, attitude and direction.

Your future is not just one stream of income (that's why Elijah couldn't stay at that brook...That brook was only one stream).
Beloved, Just like Elijah had to go and connect with a widow woman to get what he needed and she receive the finances she needed...There is someone you're supposed to connect with who will bless your future, your finances, your situation.

So, Don't get discouraged just because what you thought was solid is now shaky and you're finding yourself having to move on...It was only for a while (temporary)  and with good reason.

Focus Points:

Begin to look at people, the way God looks at people from the heart and not their physical appearance.
1 Sam 16:7 NIV

To the world around them, I'm sure, the widow woman in the text looked just like that,  " a widow woman" but still she had in her possession something Elijah needed and vice versa. Elijah could do for her what she could not do for herself.

To the world around them, I'm sure, Jacob looked like nothing more than "a con artist" but still Laban was blessed because of him.
Gen 30:27 NLT

In short: Don't  judge a book by its cover...READ ITS CONTENT FIRST!!!...Your blessing lies in the table of content of someone else.

Think about that!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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