Sunday, September 17, 2017

9/17/17 "I'm Tired...That's All"


5 Minutes of Focus
"I'm Tired...That's All"

The scripture says:
And Jesus tired as he was from the journey, sat down by  the well.
John 4:6 NIV

Jesus had been doing a lot of traveling  and though he was tired, he still managed to meet with the woman at the well.

You travel a lot. You got this going on and that going on and you're just tired. Physically, you're tired, mentally, you're tired, socially, you're tired; if you have to see just one more person today at work....

Though you feel that way, you can't stop and just lock yourself away from EVERYTHING. Had Jesus nursed his own tiredness and procrastinated on his meeting with the woman at well...Her healing would have been delayed and she would have still been committed to an ungodly  relationship; thinking prehaps she can't do any better.

You're tired...I get that. I understand that more than  you know...But still so much is dependent on you coming through...You're tired, but you are not irrelevant.
Even in your tiredness, you still have what somebody needs.

So feel however you're feeling and then shake it off....I decree and declare rest from your day, days over your life and you be refreshed.
Be refreshed in your soul ( your mind, will, and emotions). Be refreshed in your body.
There's still people to see, meetings o be kept, traveling to be done.

Focus Points:

1.SOMEBODY: The doctors are trying to diagnosis you with this disorder and that disorder...You're tired...That's All... Nothing a spa trip couldn't cure.

2. Remember This: There is nothing too hard for God,  his shoulders can carry you.
Jere 32:27 NIV
Psalm 55:22 MSG

3. When you get tired of so much commotion...You can put a stop to that, but don't you dare run from your life responsibilities.  You are revelant. You are needed.
Mark 5:39-40 NIV

4. Jesus said: Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls).
Matt 11:28 AMPC

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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