Sunday, November 19, 2017

11/19/17 "Accept Or Decline"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Accept Or Decline"

In Jeremiah 1 from the NIV: God puts a call in to Jeremiah and Jeremiah answers by telling God his age, what he feels he can't do, basically he speaks his fears.....
And right there, God gently rebukes him...Urging him to not say that.
SOMEBODY: Stop talking yourself out of your dreams because you feel the call or cost is too great.

Don't  you know that before it feels like your dream to you...You will first be tested with hard assignments that seem not to match anything you dreamed of.
But YOU MUST trust God and do just what he asked, what he called you to do...All things really do work together for the good of the one who has been called. Rom 8:28

That means (and hear this in my spirit): If you asked God for a car (that's your dream)...You might  have to ride the bus for a season.
If you asked God for house...You might have to rent for a season.
If you asked God for a spouse...You might have to first face the pain of seeing ALL your friends get married and YOU, still be single, but with a good attitude.

Just remember: Before you were in the womb...You were called, labeled as who you are.  Therefore, Who you are and how you're acting right now comes as no surprise to God.
Jere 1:5

Yes, God knew every insecurity you would possibly have about yourself. Still, he is trusting you not to decline the scary moments, the moments were things look impossible, like you just can't.... and fear is speaking, much louder than your faith.

Still, God is trusting you not to decline those moments, but accept it all and see where it eventually leads..... Beloved, Your dreams are calling you.... Pick up the phone!!!

Focus Points:

Lord, you know everything I want; my cries are not hidden from you.
Psalm 38:9 NCV

Enjoy serving the LORD and he will give you what want.
Psalm 37:4 NCV

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
Isaiah 1:19 ESV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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