Sunday, September 24, 2017

9/24/17 "We're Moving"


5 Minutes Of Focus
"We're Moving!"

In Genesis 12 NIV
Abram left his home, country, his people because God said, Go....
Unsure of where he was going, but he was sure of his God.

So, Beloved, this seems to be: Evacuation Season both in the natural and in the spirit realm. Time to let some things go.
We're Moving!

In the natural,  in order to move, you must pack up some things, give away  some things (that are still in good condition, but of no use to you), you must let some things go.

In the spirit realm, in order to move, God's instructions are no different. God has MAJOR blessings ahead of you, but you must move from where you are and don't let a storm move you. God wants you to voluntarily move, simply because you heard him say, " Go!"

SOMEBODY:  In your spirit, you heard God say, "Go!" Leave that place and stop hanging around those people, relating yourself to a certain group... When God has territory you have not yet conquered, things you want, but have yet to possess still waiting on.

In Genesis 12  Abram and his nephew,  Lot had so much together that they couldn't stay together, but it was best for them to separate and each go their own way...They made a smart business move.

Tell that friend,  that so - called  boyfriend or girlfriend, that co-worker,  that niece or nephew,  that BLOOD relative ..."Nothing personal, but we need to separate."

Don't fool yourself  (especially now) ...If you want God's best, you're going to have to do some separating of things and people. You're going to have to show God...It's about Him (obeying Him)  in spite of them.

Focus Point:

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish  things.
1 Corin 13:11 NLT
*Best Moving On Scripture Ever!
You're Moving...We're Moving!

Handle Your Business!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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