Sunday, December 3, 2017

12/3/17 "Jesus Is Sitting On What You Need"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Jesus Is Sitting On What You Need"

In John 4:6-7 KJV
Jesus sats on a well...Tired (NIV), but still willing to wait for  A Samaritan Woman to come get what she needed...To me, that really showcases just how beautiful His heart is.

Had that been some of us...We would have said, " Look, I'm tired and I don't feel like waiting on nobody"...But not Jesus.

Beloved,  After this Sunday...Don't spend another day, convinced that you have somehow missed out on what you needed from the LORD.

Just like Jesus sat there, willingly waiting for that Samaritan woman, sitting deliberately on what (he knew) she needed...He is waiting on you too.
Jesus is sitting on what you need, waiting on you to come receive.

The woman in John 4 needed water and here, Jesus was sitting on the well... The exact well (he knew), she would have to come to and draw water.
He was holding it down, UNTIL she could get there.

A Word 4 Somebody: Jesus has had what you need, this whole time, because he knew eventually you would make your way around to asking for it.

If you read John 4 in its entirety....It seems like Jesus deliberately asked the woman for a drink of water, just to start her talking about her life and what she needed.
What is it that you need, but have yet to talk to Jesus about? 

He has it ready and waiting for you to receive....No one else has it or can get it...Jesus is sitting on it, waiting on YOU!!!

Focus Points:

Ask and you will receive.
Matt 7:7 NIV

Ask what you will and it will be done for you....As long as you ABIDE IN HIM and His Words abide in you. That's the key.
John 15:7 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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