Sunday, December 24, 2017

12/24/17 "It's Time You Offered The Gold, The Frankincense and The Myrrh"


5 Minutes of Focus

"It's Time You Offered The Gold, The Frankincense, and The Myrrh"

Matthew 2 ( NKJ)
The Christmas Story:
Jesus was born in the midst of the most unthinkable conditions... No hospital, the environment in which he came forth in was not even sanitized, but still he came forth.

He came forth and the bible says: Wise men brought him gifts.
You see, When you're wise, you bring forth your gifts when you know, Jesus is there (the blessing is) on it.

So, What's your excuse?
Why have you delayed coming forth with your gifts?

You know, Jesus is on it, because the few times you have actually tried to use your gift or gifts (plural), the people you're  assigned to were blessed.

If you're waiting on conditions to be perfect, without challenges...It will never happen. If you're waiting for everybody to accept you...It will never happen. Everybody won't see your star, everybody won't catch a glimpse of your shine.

Everybody didn't see the star signaling Jesus's arrival, everybody didn't accept him being there, or celebrate him (Even though they should have).
Wise men are the only ones said to have brought him gifts.
Be wise. Bring him your gifts.
He deserves to be celebrated and somebody, somewhere needs to be blessed by  your gifts.

SOME OF YOU: You're  blaming God, but he is not the one that has delayed you...You, Beloved, have delayed YOURSELF.

Stop your own delay! You have people waiting on you. Somebody needs the gold,, the frankincense, and the myrrh (the gifts)  you have to offer.

Focus Points:

Release your gifts...First, To Jesus in celebration of Him and then to the people.
Rom 12:1 AMP

You will know who has been assigned to you based on who rejects you and who accepts you.
John 1:11-12  NLT

Rejection hurts, but remember: It's neccessary to launch you forth to the right people.

If Jesus could come forth despite and in spite of...So can you.

Merry Christmas....It's Time!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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