Sunday, July 16, 2017

7/16/17 "Don't Give Up Hope"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Don't Give Up Hope"

Over the course of your life, there will be a wide variety  of things you will have to give up, some of which to better yourself and some not for the better, but you will be FORCED to give up it  anyway.

But don't you dare give up... HOPE. Hope (itself) is yours FOREVER!!!
You might have to change what you're hoping for (the purpose of your hope).

But don't you dare give up...HOPE.
SOMEBODY: You've already sacrificed so much, given up so much.
Still, It is Hope that keeps you going, hope that somehow things will get better...You need Hope to survive all that you're going through.

The bible says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick....
Deferred meaning detoured, delayed, shifted.
Proverbs 13:12 NIV

So don't you detour, delay, or shift away from Hope...You need Hope. Hope is what's keeping you emotionally healthy. Hope is what's keeping depression at bay in your life.

Hope is so important BECAUSE faith is the substance of things HOPED for.
Heb 11:1 NKJ

Without Hope your faith has no substance (significance or foundation).

Therefore Beloved, Be like Abraham...The bible says: Against all hope, Abraham in Hope believed and so became the father of many nations.
Rom 4:18 NIV

Focus Points:

1. Hold on to Hope. There is so much more you will become, if you don't forake hope in this season.

2. Don't forsake hope. Don't defer, detour, delay, or shift away from hope. Hope gives your faith substance, significance, a foundation.

3. The devil desires that you lose hope, making your faith shaky at best ( having no significance, no foundation).

4. BUT GOD!!!

5. Don't you dare give up hope. Hope ( itself) is yours FOREVER...No matter what.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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