Sunday, October 29, 2017

10/29/17 "Broken At The Brook"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Broken At The Brook"

In 1 Kings 17:1-9 NIV
Elijah spoke a WORD right from where he was  and declared, "There would not be dew nor rain( in this place) except at my WORD"...He knew the power of a word.

So, when God told him to leave from that place and go to a certain brook he called by name; Elijah went.
And for a while, the brook meet his every need (along with some ravens), but then it all dried up (changed).

Still what I love is that Elijah didn't panic, get upset, he didn't blame God or get depressed after the brook dried up. Instead, he knew the power of a word and of his God...God gave his WORD to Elijah that there would now be a widow woman who would provide for him.
So, Elijah went to her house, expecting.

Do you have the faith of Elijah? What are you expecting or are you broken at the brook?
Broken. Panicking. Upset. Blaming God. Depressed because the brook (your money, your health & health insurance, your living arrangements, your  relationship, your marriage , your job, your career) has dried up.

It's so easy to let yourself be broken at the brook, to be hurt BEYOND hurt.
This Sunday, I encourage you to look for God in ways you NEVER would have expected him....He's talking to somebody's spirit right now about helping you.
It might look like you can't be helped, but I assure you...You can be...Dry your eyes and focus.

Focus Points:

God did not spare his own Son, BUT GAVE him for us all--- how will he not also along with him, graciously give us ALL THINGS?
Rom 8:32 NIV

Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, has not entered into the heart of man ALL that God has prepared, made and KEEPS READY for those who love Him.
1 Corin 2:9 AMPC

So, What I'm I trying to say?
Beloved, The truth is:
If he did it before....He'll do it again...Provide food for you, Pay your bills, Heal you, House you because he cares for you.
Psalm 55:22 NIV

Therefore, when your soul is (broken at the brook); when your soul is in the dumps...Rehearse everything  you know of Him.
Psalm 42:6 MSG

KNOW & Trust Him.
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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