Sunday, November 26, 2017

11/26/17 "Better Things Are Coming"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Better Things Are Coming"

In Matt 14 The chapter starts out with the tragic death of John The Baptist and Jesus feeling the loss, (John was his cousin) withdraws only to end up feeding 5 thousand, only to end up in a storm; he & the disciples and the disciples being afraid of the God they should know and that same God; Jesus Christ walking on water, finally concluding with Peter having enough faith to ask and try to do the same.

Beloved, However, Your chapter started out at the beginning of this year..Please know that "Better Things Are Coming"...Your year might have began with the tragic loss of a loved one and like Jesus, you're feeling the loss. Still, for every loss, there is a miracle to behold,  a miracle so big it could only be God feeding YOU...Feeding you the spiritual food of hope, faith, strength, and peace.

Now, I'm not saying that after you get up from God's table (so to speak) being fed (spiritually and physically)...I'm not saying that you'll never have to go through anything else in your life....YOU  WILL.

That's what happened in the text..Just after feeding the 5 Thousand..Jesus & the disciples went through a storm and the disciples were afraid, so afraid that they didn'teven recognize  Jesus, the God who had been with them.

Have you ever been so afraid that you didn't even recognize God and what he was doing, how he was moving in your life?

If so, You understand where the disciples were coming from in the text. Still, this was not the end of their journey with Jesus. He would go on to show them that all things are possible..When Peter (who was one of them)  got out the boat from among them and walked on the water.

Truthfully, Your life will take a million turns before its conclusion, but still you can look at whatever you're facing and PROPHESY  1st to Yourself: "Better Things Are Coming"..This Is Not The End.
Then PROPHESY to the situation & all who will listen:
"Better Things Are Coming"..All Things Are Possible!

Focus Points:

All things are possible to him who believes.
Mark 9:23 NKJ

Ezekiel: Prophesy!...Can these dry bones live?...You decide.
Ezekiel 37

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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