Monday, December 25, 2017

12/25/17 "Grieving Through"


Christmas Day!

"Grieving Through"

As you can see, the last gift my Grandmother  (the woman who raised me), would ever buy for me was this beautiful music box.

I love trains, so every year during this Christmas season, I take out the music box she bought me and just kind of reminisce . The more time passes, the more this music box means to me.

It's all apart of grieving through. My grandparents died less than 7 months apart of each other. (Aug. 18, 2008- March 10, 2009) So, I definitely know something about grieving through.

She raised me. He raised me and I still live in the house where I was raised, because I know that's what they would want. So I guess you can say, This house (that's paid for) has become a gift to me.

Imagine that: A gift in the midst of my pain.

SOMEBODY: Hidden amongst the memories that ache right now is a gift....A gift in the midst of your pain.

Still for Naomi,
In the book of Ruth.... Her testimony of grieving through is far different from mine.
Naomi didn't remain in the same home or even the same home town after the loss of her husband and sons.

She moved and Ruth moved with her and though she was bitter throughout the process because she started out one way and came back another.
(Ruth 1:20)...God was still faithful.

Naomi ended up not wanting for anything financially.
Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd. (SOMEBODY SAY): I shall not want... And so, she ended up restored emotionally through the birth of Ruth's baby whom the bible says, Naomi (old in age) breastfed...Talking about a miracle.

Beloved, There's a gift, a miracle hidden on the other side of the loss of that loved one you're grieving, that divorce you're grieving,, that bankruptcy, that diagnosis.
No, It will never be easy because the one you miss so much is not here and won't be here....But it will get better.

In the meantime, Don't let nobody tell you how to grieve, to stop grieving etc...Your process is your process, just keep going, grieve through.

God has promised to not just heal your body, but your wounds. Jere 30:17

Father God,
I pray for everyone that feels lost because of the loss of a loved one, a marriage etc.
Touch each wounded heart and heal.
Help them to accept what they can't change and to treasure what's left in the midst of the pain.
In Jesus name .

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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