Sunday, August 27, 2017

8/27/17 'God Won't Let You...."


5 Minutes of Focus
"God Won't Let You...."
1 Kings 19 NIV

Beloved, God knows you're tired of your current circumstances, you're tired and "somewhat" afraid of the things that have come down on your head.
Stressed in mind and body to the point that you want to give up...BUT GOD!...God Won't Let You..."

God Won't Let You give up and forget all the good moments you've had, all the victories you've had. There will always be people set to oppose you, to distract you, to discourage you, but to give in to the pressure of it all...God Won't Let You.

In the text: Jezebel was threatening Elijah...Elijah was under such pressure that he literally was ready to give up his life, give up his good moments, give up his victories even and sit down under a tree, no energy left, depressed.
BUT GOD...God wouldn't let Elijah quit (and God won't let you quit either).
SOMEBODY: Stop wondering how you are making it from day to day, how you continually find yourself holding on, despite feeling like you wanna give up...God Won't Let You.

Your current situation has been ordained by God whether you believe that at times or not and your strength is coming from Him; from what you know of Him (your relationship with Him).

So, God sent an angel to feed Elijah some food...God will supply your needs, bring food in your household etc., if that's what you're worried about. Philip 4:19

God supplied Elijah with food.
God restored  his strength...You are stronger than you think because of the God in you, despite the things of this world coming against you. 1 John 4:4

You are not defeated yet and nothing or no one will take your life or destroy or control your life.
Yes, people get angry sometimes and say things; "they think" they mean and maybe they do mean them (to a certain extent), BUT GOD.
Their hurtful words will not be louder or carry more influence with you than HIS.
And God is saying, Get Up!
Get Up Elijah...Get Up Elianne, Get Up Eddie, Get Up Ashley, Get Up Anna, Get Up Albert etc..

Whatever your name is...If you're reading this: Get Up!!!
God Won't Let You....Give Up, Quit etc.

Focus Points:

1. Depression be bound. Your strength be restored, eat, enjoy, LIVE. (Ezekiel 16:6)

2. You are more (so much more) than a conqueror throughout all life's challenges.

Amen >>>So Be It!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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