Saturday, December 28, 2019

12/29/19 "Knowing YourWorth, Getting What You're Due"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Knowing Your Worth, Getting What You're Due"

She danced because it was her gift, but she didn't know her own worth, AND because she didn't know her own worth....Her mother took it as an opportunity to settle a grudge she had against John The Baptist.
Read HER story in: 
Matthew 14:1-12 NIV

BELOVED, It's so important that you know your own worth. Don't just dance, don't just sell your gift, don't just sell your product, or service without knowing your worth, without  knowing the worth , the real value of what you're offering. 

Herodias' daughter didn't  know her own worth, nor did she know the worth, the value of her gift. Therefore, she danced simply because she LOVED to dance, and she ended up trading her gift NOT FOR INCOME ( not for what it was worth), but for something DUMB. (Thanks to her mother).


When you're payday final comes for that thing you love to do and do so well...But careful NOT to listen to that person who is a KNOWN "trouble-maker" within the family, those known to hold a grudge and are SELFISH and not a team player because they will use your payday, your big moment as their opportunity to get something they want.

Instead, Pray about it and Trust God. Trust your God-given instincts, if you're female...Trust your intuition after you have prayed about it. 

Because the bible does say, It's God who teaches you to PROFIT (not family, not  friends etc., but GOD; he teaches you).
Isaiah 48:17-18 AMP

In 2020, The LORD is your  shepherd you shall lack nothing....Take the time to know yourself and your worth (from God's perspective) and get ready to receive that same level of quantity in  income for your gift, your product, your service. Psalm 23:1 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 22, 2019

12/22/19 "Back To Jesus, Back To Family"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Back To Jesus, Back To Family"

Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts.
Acts 3:2 NIV

BELOVED, The circumstances of this man's life was anything, but beautiful.  Be careful not to allow this Christmas season to put you in the lame position of begging, like this man was begging.  Begging ( it seemed) was this man's only way (in the text) of making ends meet. He knew no other way, this was his daily routine. 

It was his daily routine, but it doesn't have to become a way of life for you. Begging for money, borrowing  money, promising to pay it back, robbing Peter to pay Paul. None of that has to be your reality this Christmas season just to buy a few gifts... A few gifts that might very well get exchanged the next shopping day.

If Christmas really is about Jesus and celebrating His Birthday.... You must remember that before Jesus was able to give anybody, anything materialistic, he came as a baby and gave them His presence. The wise men brought him gifts, but really they were just overjoyed to be in His Presence. 

When  they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Matthew 2:10-11 NIV

Those of you with young children...Honestly,  I've seen them  play  with a box on Christmas morning and be just as happy and content, because all they really wanted was your presence, your time spent with them, doing whatever their young imaginations can find to get into....AND BOY, CAN THEY GET INTO SOME STUFF.

So, This  Christmas season please don't get yourself trapped in debt, weighed down by gifts you can't afford. Offer them your presence. That's what Jesus did. That's what Jesus would do. Presence over Presents. Make the season really count for something speacial. Bring the focus back to Jesus, back to family.

Until Next  Sunday. 
Merry Christmas Everybody  ☃️
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

12/15/19 "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not"


5 Minutes of Focus
"He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not"

I'm always amazed (even after, all these years of being single) at the games people play when it comes to love. And no, it's not just the men, because females play games too.

So much so, many of you right now, currently have a relationship status, a marriage status that is complicated. All the games do, the mind games do, all the ultimatums do is complicate what was meant to be a beautiful expression of God himself played out in the lives of two individuals who have chosen to be as one and commit to marriage. It's an expression of God himself because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 NIV

God is love, true...But still, you don't know, if you can really rely on your financee, rely on your husband, rely on your wife etc., to show you God's unconditional, agape love when you need him or her to take a step back and do just that...Just do it! So, you're confused about the future of the relationship, confused about the future of the marriage.

His love is not reliable, and maybe, her love is not reliable either...But God!

God has proven himself to you more times than you'd care to count. He has remained faithful to you, even when you were not faithful to yourself or to your needs. He has not run out on you (like some others have done). Instead, God has been right there with you the whole time, whether you chose to acknowledge his presence or not. He's an EVER-Present help in trouble; in a  troubled relationship, a troubled marriage, etc., trouble is trouble. God is there...Even if, it feels like you've made your bed in hell. God is there. God's love is reliable; his or her love may not be reliable based on everything they've put you through. But God...And so, we KNOW and RELY on the love God has for us. (God's love, not the love of people). 
1 John 4:16 NIV, Psalm 46:1 NIV,
Psalm 139:8 NKJ

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, December 7, 2019

12/8/19 "Using What's On Hand"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Using What's On Hand"

In 1 Kings 17 we read about a widow who didn't have time to properly prepare for her houseguest.

So, by the time, Elijah shows up at her house, and asked for a piece of bread...She has nothing in the house, but a handful of flour and a little olive oil in a jug and even if, she would've had time to properly prepare, she still wouldn't have had the money needed to cover the cost of a few groceries, because all she had went into cooking her and her son's last meal and dying. That was her mindset.

How many of you know, sometimes it's too costly to go to the store, especially when you're already not in the best place mentally and/or financially? Sometimes you actually do better just using what you have on hand.

How many of you know, you can do a lot with just that jar of olive oil alone? With one jar of olive oil, you can make bread, anoint your forehead, and moisturize your skin (if no lotion is available) and the text says, she had olive oil and flour.

Here she was using what she had on hand to feed Elijah 1st, then her and her son. After which, because she obeyed and brought Elijah a piece of bread 1st from the little she had...The bible says, There was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. GOD HAD MADE A WAY.


Don't tell me what the oil (the anointing) won't do. BELOVED, In 2020 opportunities are going to come so fast that you may not have time or money to properly prepare.  It will be a test of your faith, just like the widow in 1 Kings 17 her faith was tested, and reluctantly, afraid even, she decided against her better judgment (it seemed) to put Elijah's needs 1st before the needs of her and her son. Some might have called her a bad mother in that moment, but still. You will be tested and have to use what you have on hand and trust God for the rest, just like she did...And when you do, the supernatural will be released and the oil won't run dry (there will be no lack) in keeping with the word of the LORD.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 30, 2019

12/1/19 "Doubting You"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Doubting You"

Job could have easily started to doubt himself after going through so much for so long; not knowing that it was God who suggested his name to the devil to be tested in the first place.
Job Chapter 1

Job could have easily  started to doubt himself after his so-called friends showed up and one by one started accusing him of wrongdoing. 
Job 4:3-4, Job 4::7-8, Job 8:20 NIV

Job could have easily started to doubt himself after his children, money, and health were gone and all he was left with was a  wife talking foolish.
Job Chapter 2

But he didn't. Job never doubted himself, he never wavered from the fact that he was innocent.

BELOVED, It's one thing for people to doubt you, but when you start doubting yourself....Self-doubt is hard to shake.

It's hard to shake because we tend to believe what we say about ourselves, more so, than what others say about us.

May I remind you that the bible says: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 NKJ

Simply put: You become what you think about. You transform into who your thoughts say that you are.

So, if something in your head is doubting you, doubting your integrity, doubting your relationship with God. You are inwardly siding with your so-called friends, siding your enemies.

Instead, Seek to be more like Job and let whoever say, whatever. Maintain your innocence... Even if your spouse is the one talking foolish. You just might be the one God has chosen for the test and from the sidelines of heaven, he's cheering you on. Saying: (My Son, My Daughter)...You can do all things through  Christ who strengthens you. Philip 4:13

Therefore, Be strengthen. Don't fall prey to self- doubt,  just because you got this one and that one bombarding you with what THEY THINK is true. Know yourself better than that. Know your God better than that.

The bible says: In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
Job 2:10 NIV

Until  Next Sunday.
LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 23, 2019

11/24/19 "Progress Report Time"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Progress Report Time"

Teachers do progress reports on paper of our children to let us know how they are progressing along in school among their peers...That's what teachers do.

However, we as adults, tend to not measure our progress on paper. Instead, the first thing we do is look at The Joneses and see how blessed they "appear to be" and start comparing ourselves to them, comparing our journey to theirs. Nevermind, that the bible has clearly told us NOT to compare ourselves to others, stating that comparing ourselves to others is not wise. (NIV). While the (NLT) says, It's  Ignorant! 2 Corin 10:12

Still we do it...That's we do. That's how we determine how well we are progressing alongside our peers, co-workers, neighbors etc.

And in doing so, we are robbing God; the God that created us (Genesis 1:26-27) , robbing him of his right to look and say, Good, Very good, or whatever needs to be said in that moment. 

Remember, the bible does say that, Then God looked over ALL he had made, and he saw that it was very good.  Genesis 1:31 NLT

And BELOVED, there you have it... The first progress report ever to be given came from God. 

SOMEBODY: Your progress report comes from God. He saw when your conduct was good and you didn't snap on that certain person, but managed to avoid the whole situation.  He saw you trying your best to work well with others. He saw. He saw. He saw. He knows you need improvement in this area and that area. He knows.

Therefore, you don't need to be comparing yourself to others like that. God judges, accesses things fairly, fairer than you, them or whoever and he will bless you accordingly. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 16, 2019

11/17/19 "Lessons I Learned From Jack In The Box"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Lessons I Learned From Jack In The Box "

Growing up, I hated this toy because of its appearance, creepy sound and the way it always scared me, not knowing when it was ready to pop up. Only since, I've been grown have I  come to realize and appreciate some valuable lessons taught to me via Jack In The Box (The Toy).

1 Fear is in the waiting.

2 Not knowing when it's going to happen is exasperating.

3 Sometimes you can just be wound too tight.

4 Keeping things tucked inside, suppressing it only makes it pop up again.

5 Things will pop up on you in life.

6 Nothing stays hidden.

7 You can come back up from the hands that tried to oppress you.

8 Music and clowns can be creepy.

9 Scaring people is big business not just in horror movies, and rides, but toys too.

10 You're expected to be afraid.

11 Surprises can be bittersweet. 

12 Your heart can overcome fear.

13 You don't have to stay down.

14 No matter what they paid for it, money paid to whomever cannot stop your next move. 

15 People who should love you will hate you.

16 People will make you to look like a clown...Even though, you're the key to so much more.

And so, if I could talk to the childhood me, I would let her know: 

God has not given you the Spirit of Fear. 2 Tim 1:7

Perfect love drives out fear.
1 John 4:18

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philip 4:13

They meant it for evil, but God. 
Genesis 50:20

Your expectations come from the LORD. Psalm 62:5

Cast all your cares on the LORD.
Psalm 55:22

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

SIDENOTE: There is wisdom hidden in everything, a lesson to be learned or taught.

*I still hate the concept of this toy though, for young children especially. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 9, 2019

11/10/19 "SpillingThe Tea"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Spilling The Tea"

But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 
Genesis 38:9 NIV

As gross as the visual scene for this portion of scripture is to imagine...
Some of you don't have to imagine this at all, because right now, you're involved with someone who only likes the feel of you, but they have no intentions of ever reproducing anything tangible with you. What you have with them today is all you will ever have with them tomorrow or any day thereafter. 

Any time, they go so far as to spill their sement on the ground...I think it's safe to say, they're not interested in  growing your family, or  becoming a family with you.  They're wasting sement. They're wasting YOU.  

BELOVED, Wake Up and  smell the roses, wake up and sip some of this tea I'm spilling because it's the truth spoken in love, and the bible tells us that  INSTEAD OF (the alternative) the truth should be spoken in love. Ephesians 4:15

God did not create you to be somebody's feel good option ONLY, to be somebody's clause B.

But I 'm mighty afraid that's what you're doing the longer you allow they're unwillingness to commit or at least take responsibility for their actions to continue.

Onan didn't want to continue his dead brother's legacy by having a child with the wife he left behind, a child that wouldn't even be considered his and in a way that's understandable.

But still, that doesn't excuse the fact that he didn't hesitate to sleep with her and he kept sleeping with her, spilling his sement on the ground whenever he did...So, it seems she was, you are, good enough to sexually please him, but nothing else.

Onan, Abram who didn't hesitate when asked to sleep with Hagar (Genesis 16) and Jacob who kept sleeping with Leah, even though he didn't love her like that (Genesis 29)...Brothers like this need to learn to control themseves sexually, especially when that's all it is. YOU DESERVE BETTER.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 3, 2019

11/3/19 "Wearing The Weight Of The Armor"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Wearing The Weight Of The Armor"

Saul started out trying to make David just like him, by dressing him in his military armor, but soon came to realize that David was his own man (young or not). Saul realized what he was trying to do was wrong for David, after David (himself) opened his mouth and told him the armor was weighing him down, making him feel uncomfortable. 
1 Samuel 17:38-39 CEV

Still BELOVED, There are some people who are trying relentlessly to make you be just like them and they won't be satisfied UNTIL the armor you're wearing resembles theirs.

They won't stop until you're wearing or is weighed down by the armor of depression, the armor of guilt, the armor of shame. They won't stop until you're wearing the armor of debt just like them.

SOMEBODY: That's why as broke as they are...They're always suggesting the two of you go shopping together; because misery loves company. They want to get you to charging up your credit cards, drawing money out the bank, get you to gambling with your future and when you have successfully lost what little nest egg you have managed to save...THEN they will be at peace and stop calling you to go out and do this and that...Because they think, they have you on their level now, which was all they really wanted.

You see, the end game was never about seeing you happy. They were just trying to make you as unhappy, as weighed down with issues, and uncomfortable in  your own skin as they are in theirs.

So, Today, I hope this post gets you to thinking and asking questions. Stop receiving what "appears" to be a helping hand UNTIL you really know why their hand has been extended to you.

Some people out here are  just like Joseph's brothers...They mean it for evil against you, but God. 
Genesis 50:20

Be aware of hidden motives and if the armor (whatever they're  offering) makes you uncomfortable....Do like David did and

God keeps an watchful eye on the heart of every man (in general). He's not fooled by their outward appearance. 
1 Samuel 16:7
So, Trust Him. Trust your God-given instincts when it comes to people. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 26, 2019

10/27/19 "Pushed Into Marriage "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Pushed Into Marriage"

In Genesis 29
Leah was looked at a certain way, every translation making mention of her eyes, the NIV calling her eyes weak. Nevertheless, when a man (mankind in general),  spots your weakness, they will try to prey...Unfortunately, Leah in this chapter of her life had fallen prey to her own father (of all people), who pushed her into a marriage with Jacob just because she was older and had to be married before her younger sister, Rachel could be married.

SOMEBODY: You can relate because your family sees you a certain way and somebody in the family is  always pushing you to get married.

I want to give you the heads up before the holiday season gets here.

The bible says: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord....Not she who finds. If you keep attempting to find your spouse (out of the order God has put in place), you will be cutting yourself off from the favor that is attached and obtained from the woman when the man does the seeking.
Proverbs 18:22 NKJ

In Genesis 29 Leah had to go through the pain of having 3 children before regaining her praise (regaining her favor) with the 4th child whose name was Judah meaning praise; praise and favor being connected because when you praise him you create an atmosphere of favor and blessings come down.

So, Beloved, Stop letting loved ones push you into marriage or make you feel bad because you're not married.

Trust me, you'd rather be single and waiting on God's order to align your spouse into your life, the way that Boaz showed up in the right place at the right time to meet Ruth (in Ruth Chapter 3). You'd rather wait than go through the pain Leah went through for a man that just didn't love her like that. 

#MySisters: Don't jeopardize the favor that's attached to you all because you're being pushed. The right man, God's set man for your life will love your favor and be blessed to obtain it. Therefore, Wait I say, Upon the Lord. YOU'RE NOT OLD, YOU'RE JUST WISER than you used to be.

It's called growth. Everything beautiful experiences growth. Flowers grow, caterpillars grow and change into butterflies etc.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 19, 2019

10/20/19 "The Power Of Choice"


5 Minutes of Focus

"The Power Of Choice"

Ruth chose Boaz for herself, after talking to Naomi and discovering he was indeed a possible kinsman redeemer for their family. 
Read: Ruth Chapter 3

Things worked out well for Ruth after choosing Boaz for herself because a real, true Boaz has much of the same characteristics as Jesus himself. A real, true Boaz is a protector,  but he's not over-protective. There is a difference.

As many of you, have found yourself in a relationship with someone who is over- protective to the point that it's become obsessive; not wanting you out of their sight, keeping taps on your every move, monitoring your phone calls or not wanting you on the phone at all....And Beloved, That's when the power of choice, of being able to choose for yourself becomes dangerous. 

Because SOMEBODY: You feel like because you chose them and God allowed it, it's okay. IT'S NOT OKAY.

YES, God has given you the freedom to choose for yourself and not feel like a mechanical robot taking orders; beginning back in Deuteronomy 30:19 with the choice between life and death being laid out and GOD subtly suggesting that you choose LIFE.

That's just it...God wants you to choose Him, God wants you to choose LIFE, but not just in the area of salvation, but in every area, relationships included. He wants you to choose a real, true Boaz- someone who will be a protector, the way that he protects you not wanting any harm to come to you.
The Lord is your protector,
and he won't go to sleep or  let you stumble.
Psalm 121:3 CEV
(NIV) He who watches over you will not slumber.

God doesn't even allow himself to think harmful thoughts towards you. 
In Jere 29:11 NKJ He says: For I know the thoughts, NIV says: The plans I have for you to prosper you and NOT TO HARM YOU.

So, why do you think it's okay to have someone one in your life who actually plans out ways to hurt you, who acts out the harmful thoughts that come to his or her mind concerning you? That's satanic, sick, and DEFINITELY NOT BOAZ-ish.

One of the coolest scriptures in The Book of Ruth is found in Ruth 2:9 NIV:
When Boaz let's Ruth know she is safe there with him...He let's  her know that he has told the men (working for him) NOT to lay a hand on her.

#HOMEWORK: Study the book of Ruth and Boaz's  characterics/similarities to Jesus, and prayerful you will make a better choice for yourself.   BELOVED, YOU DESERVE BETTER.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 12, 2019

10/13/19 "Live Your Dreams "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Live Your Dreams"

Live Your Dreams. Make History or Be History. Which are you prepared to do?  The emotional cost of the latter, being history, never thought of again in a field that has been the very heartbeat of your existence seems unbearable, seems like too much to even fathom.

So by default (if nothing else) I pray a determination rises up in you and you are determined now more than ever to defeat every obstacle that's been in your way and live your dreams.

The pathway has been set, the ground has been broken up (especially for those of us of color) and is now fertile for you and I to take ownership. Tyler Perry is just the 1st installment of what God wants to do, even now.

To live and be able to see Tyler Perry, a man who once testified to having to live in his car, now take ownership of  his own studio as a black man in this country and LIVE IN  HIS DREAM  INSTEAD OF HIS CAR IS LEGENDARY IN ITSELF.

Somehow it just reaffirms ones faith that all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23 KJV

It will take time naturally, of course...Nobody who has or is doing wonderful things in the earth is an overnight wonder. It didn't happen overnight. 

Remember: Joseph's dream of being in charge (which turned out to be a governor position in Egypt) started when he was  just 17 years old and still at home with his dad.  Genesis 37

The dream would then take him through the pit and later on through prison (a season where he was lockdown, unable to make any real strategic moves towards his dream), only to be released into his dream at age 30. Genesis 39, Genesis 41

So, yes it will take time and you will have to put in effort. 
Ecclesiastes 5:3 AMP says:  For the dream comes through much effort....Just not as much effort, because the ground has been effectively broken up and it's fertile NOW meaning where one foot could break free, step and possess (take ownership), so can another.

Just as God said to Moses: I will give every place where you set your foot. Joshua 1:3 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 5, 2019

10/6/19 'Bring It Into The NOW'


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Bring It Into The NOW'

NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 NKJ

It's 2019 soon to be 2020  and many of you are still struggling to bring your faith into the NOW..You have faith in the past because you know what was, but because you're uncertain about the present, and even more uncertain about the future, your faith is lagging, lagging behind, needing to be updated and brought into the NOW.

The scripture says, NOW faith is...NOT faith is always NOW...It should be, but it's going to take some work on your part for faith; your faith to be in the NOW and stay in the NOW.

They same way you renew your mind to the latest trends, saying, movies and music, the same way you keep those things current, up-to-date...You must keep your faith up-to-date by renewing your mind daily in the Word of God.

In Joshua 1:8  NIV the bible tells us how to renew our mind by meditating day & night on the Book of the Law.

And Romans 12:2 NCV tells us:  Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. THEN you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. 

BECAUSE the truth is: Some of you know exactly what's going on in the culture, with Kanye West, with The Kardashians etc...

But you have absolutely no idea what's going in the WORD from day to day and your faith, the faith you used to have is suffering because of it.

Still, faith was designed to be NOW, to be with you in the NOW, to help you get through what you're going through  NOW with a positive attitude.

But faith can't do that, if you're not reading the Word, hearing the Word, putting it in your ears because faith comes by hearing. Romans 10:17 NKJ
Just food for thought.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 29, 2019

9/30/19 "Making The Hole Count"


Topic of the Month: Making The Hole Count

Foundational Text 
Mark 2:1-4 CEV
1  Jesus went back to Capernaum, and
a few days later people heard that he
was at home.
2  Then so many of them came to the house that there wasn't even standing 
room left in front of the door. 
Jesus was still teaching. 
3 when four people came up, carrying a man on a mat because he could not walk.
4 But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus.
So they made a hole in the roof above and let the man down in front of everyone. 

The four people in the text ended up making a hole in the roof of Jesus' house.

Therefore, this month, I want to talk to you about making the hole count, making whatever you do count for something and don't just be  out here, doing stuff just to be doing it.

BELOVED, You have too much purpose on your life to hang around with people who don't take their time on this earth seriously....You have too much purpose on your life to BE THAT PERSON who is careless with time and just randomly reacts without thinking.

No in this season...Everything you do must be done on purpose, even the hole you make or find yourself in must be made to count for something.

The four people in the text made that hole in the roof of Jesus' house count for something...That hole was their way of giving their friend the opportunity he needed, but couldn't give himself, a chance for him to heal and recover from a situation that had him bound in a position of defeat. They made that hole count for something. 

Any time you're unable to stand on your own two feet for whatever reason....You're in a position of defeat. Whether you made the hole they're putting you down in or not.

FOR EXAMPLE: I believe that Joseph's brothers putting him in the pit was wrong....But I also believe he (Joseph) was partially to blame for being in the pit, trapped in a hole with no water (or food either, for that matter).

You see, Joseph had it bad watching his brothers and then going back (reporting it), telling on them to their Father, Isarel.  He was their father's snitch-man and nobody likes a snitch. So, in all, they  just got tired of being under Joseph's microscope, knowing he was a snitch, but not just a snitch...He was also their father's favorite and him having the dreams of them bowing to him was just the last straw and is really what set things off in a destructive way.
Genesis 37:2-24 NKJ

Still whether you were partially to blame for the pit, for the hole you found yourself in like Joseph or not...Make it count for something, don't just let it be something that you done or that was done to you with no significant reason for it in the end.
Remember all things work (didn't say it felt good or was good, but it works) together for the good....
Romans 8:28

Joseph made his moment in that pit, in that hole count for something when he made it to Egypt and was able to save many lives, lives of others who were now in some form of a pit; including his own family who found themselves in a famine pit and desperately needed food.
Genesis 50:20

Make it count.
Meditation Points:

1). In this season especially....Be careful who you hang out with or around. Bad company corrupts good character.
1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV

2). Ask God to teach you how to use your time wisely (as our limited time on this earth is no joking matter).
Psalm 90:12 CEV.

3). All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

4). There is a purpose seek it out or don't be apart of whatver it is.
Romans 8:28

5). God rescued you from that pit, from that hole on purpose for a purpose.
Somebody: You didn't just get delivered from depression for nothing.
You were delivered from that pit, from that dark hole for a purpose.
Romans 8:28

6.)  There is life after the pit ...
Joseph became govenor of Egypt, second in command after the pit & prison.
Genesis 37, Genesis 41 NIV

7). It was all worth it, that hole ( in Jesus'roof) was worth it and counted for something significant in the life of that disable man, when he could now walk on his own, no longer needing to be carried.

So, BELOVED, Pray about it ...THEN find away to make that hole count .
God is on YOUR side!

Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV
Call or Text: 865-408-8690
Or Email Me:

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 💜

Saturday, September 28, 2019

9/29/19 "Make It Plural "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Make It Plural"

Philip 4:6 NIV
DO NOT be anxious about anything, but in EVERY situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your requests (plural) meaning more than one...Present your REQUESTS to God.

BELOVED, As long as stuff is not the ONLY reason, you're coming to God... It's okay to ask God for more than one thing. 

As long as you're not just trying to treat God like your personal sugar daddy or Santa Claus, as long as you're not trying to take advantage of his agape love for you by testing that love, just to see what you can get. You know, the way you might put a man or woman's love for you through the test.

As long as that's not the case...THEN God doesn't mind you taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for more than one thing.
Make It Plural.

He more than anyone else knows, you need things to make it in this world. That's why in The Bible you repeatedly find scriptures like:

But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right--- the attitude and character of God), and these THINGS (plural) will be given to you as well.
Matt 6:33 AMP

THINGS (plural) will be given to you when you are living right, exemplifying the character of God and not of someone whose just out to get what you can get. So, check that " hustler mentality " at the door.

He wants to show you THINGS you don't know so you can be knowledgeable and successful in this world where so much is questionable.
Jere 33:3 NKJ 
Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty THINGS (plural), which you do not know.

So, Make It Plural. You're not doing anything wrong. Remember you're not in religion (like many of you were taught), but you're in a relationship with God. A real relationship where you don't have to put him through the test or play games, but you can just ask....and as long as what you're asking is ACCORDING TO HIS WILL and not some absurd things that are UNGODLY (outside of His Will), you shall receive.
John 15:7 AMP
That's bible.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, September 21, 2019

9/22/19 "Thoughts Of Peace"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Thoughts Of Peace"

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 NKJ

God has thoughts of peace when he thinks of you.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but...There's no evil in God's heart where you are concerned. 
He's not doing anything to block or hinder your future.

Beloved, God is love (1 John 4:8) and he desires to show you that hope still exist in love. You don't have to give up on your dreams or compromise yourself to have a life that's fitting to everybody else's standard.

No, God has your future all planned out. He knows what he's doing. Read Jere 29:11 from the Message bible

Your future is not supposed to look like anybody else's because you are not them and they are not you.
God has called you to a different standard.

God has called you to a different standard, but the devil is trying to get you to lower that standard by lowering your standard and accepting something or someone you shouldn't.

THEN next thing you know, here comes all these thoughts that God must be mad, upset with you because NOTHING ever works out for you. That's just  the devil trying to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus has come to give you life and life more abundantly.  John 10:10 NKJ

It's time you fought back against these mental attacks you've been having and know that God's thoughts toward you are of peace, so you can be at peace. I decree & declare it NOW...
In Jesus name. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 15, 2019

9/15/19 "Shift Control "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Shift  Control"

"Lord, if it's you. Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
Matthew 14:28 NIV

When you are unsure, when you just don't know... Be like Peter and ask the Lord to tell you to come, to go, to stay, what have you. If it's indeed Him and that's something he wants you to do... Ask him to get involved and give you feedback. Instead of you trying to tell him what you want him to do.
Shift Control.

Give God the permission he needs to intervene in your life, to get all up in your business, and tell you what to do. Give him the control.
Allow him to tell you what to do for a change.

Beloved, you can't boss God around like you do some people. God is not your employee. He is not for hire, nor can he be fired.

You must remember Jesus in John 15:16 was quick to let us know that: He chose us, we didn't choose him which means the purpose and plan for ANYTHING concerning us still has to come through him.

Now, you can plan to do what you want to do, as a adult, that is your right and that's always a choice.
But don't forget the bible says:
You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose  will prevail.
Proverbs 19:21 NLT

So, My point is: Why not save yourself some time and energy, trying to do something other than what is the Lord's purpose for you, something the bible says will not prevail...Why not just ask the Lord upfront?

"Lord, if it is you...tell me to come." Peter had the right idea. Even though, walking on the water was something he really wanted to try.

He knew enough to ask God's permission....He knew enough to Shift  Control and not try to be his own boss or to try to boss or control God.

Ask. Get God's Permission.  Proceed with caution .If his answer is indeed come or go... But if in your spirit, you hear or feel you need to stay....Do so in faith, knowing it's not a delay. It could be, that the timing is not right yet for such a bold move.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 8, 2019

9/8/19 "Famine In Your Finances "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Famine In Your Finances "

After the Prodigal Son had spent  everything, there was  a severe famine in that whole country and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.

Luke 15:14-15 NIV

Sometimes circumstances will force you to take a job you really don't want, force you to work a job you can't stand; the atmosphere itself  just stinks.

But still you show up there, prepared to work and all the while, your mind is working on something else, you are coming to your senses. Like the Prodigal Son, you are coming to your senses and your escape root is becoming visible.

SOMEBODY: You know what you must get up and do...Just like the Podigal Son, you know what you must get up and do. It's time to stop being passive, not everybody will be happy about your comeback, but God has left the door open for you to come back.

Now, when you get back in "that place"... The place that is so familiar to you, that place where you don't have to worry about money or try to budget what you do have because famine has hit your finances...Some will celebrate  you and some will go right on hating you.

While, other's hatred of you will really just turn out to be jealousy among family.

Read Luke 15 starting at verse 11 in its entirety. 

Yet, inspite of all the upset and drama, you being back in your rightful place will cause...God still has material things waiting on you, because he doesn't mind you having things. The bible actually says:

No good THING will God withhold for those that walk uprightly

Psalm 84:11 KJV

Therefore, God has a house along with jewelry and clothing waiting on somebody....Is it you?

Tough things out for now (temporarily)...But the 1st chance you get, you do what you know you need to do and GET OUT OF THERE. God has plans for your comeback, plans for your future. Jere 29:11 Get in position to receive and KEEP GOD 1ST in everything; material things and otherwise.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess  Stacy

Saturday, August 31, 2019

9/1/19 "Understanding The Spirit of Offense"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Understanding The Spirit of Offense"

Perhaps, You're like David. You're just a person out to do a good deed, but every good thing you do gets attacked and completely taken the wrong way.

Here, David was in 1 Samuel 17 delivering lunch to his brothers who were apart of the Israelite Army and in battle. While he was there, delivering them food and checking on them... He overhears something that peaked his interest. So, he decided to hang around a bit and ask questions.What did he do that for? OUCH!.

Because the minute, David's brother Eliab saw him there, he got offended and verbally lashed out at David, accusing him of being conceited in his actions.

When Eliab, David's oldest brother heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and ask, "Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."

1 Samuel 17:28 NIV

You see, Beloved when a person is truly offended...They can't stand even the sound of your voice. Eliab got offended when he heard David speaking; they accuse you of everything imaginable and try to down play your accomplishments. 

Is that the way someone is currently treating you? But Why? ONE WORD: REJECTION.

Every little thing offends the rejected.

If you read your bible, you will recall that in 1 Samuel 16 Eliab was one of David's brothers rejected for the Kingship, a position that David ended up getting anointed for right there at the house in front of his brothers. 

So, A lot of Eliab's offensive behavior, his verbal attack on David came from his being rejected and David then receiving the position he wanted.

SOMEBODY: That person doesn't like you and verbally attacks you because they don't know how to deal with the rejection that happened to them.

I'm asking you today to have compassion on them and consider that they're really in more pain than what they're trying to inflict. 

Somewhere, there is a root cause of all their anger that has yet to be pulled up. Maybe, It is a David & Eliab situation. Who knows?.

Still, this is your prayer for them:

Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. In Jesus name. 🙏Amen 📖 Matt 15:13 NIV

Pull it up Father...Deliver them.

And just so you know...David turned away from his brother's foolishness and went on to talk to somebody making sense.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

8/31/19 "The Importance of Unity and Setting A Time"


The Month's Topic: The Imprtance of Unity and Setting A Time

Foundational Text:

Nehemiah Chapter 1

Artaxertes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem

Nehemiah 2:1-6 NIV

1 In the month of Nisian in the twentieth year of King Artaxertes, when wine was brought to him, I took the wine and gave it to the king. I had not been sad in his presence before,

2 so the king asked me, "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart."

I was very much afraid,

3 but I said to the king, "May the king live forever! Why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?"

4 The king said to me, "What is it you want?

Then I prayed to the God in heaven,

5 and I answered the king, "If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it."

6 Then the king with the queen sitting beside him, asked me,

" How long will your journey take, and when will you get back?" It pleased the king to send me; so I set a time.

This month,  I really just want to focus on the last verse, verse 6. ..I just love how the queen was right there, sitting beside the king hearing EVERYTHING said between her husband and Nehemiah.

The bible says: How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in UNITY.
Psalm 133:1

Meditation Points:

If you want things to be good and pleasant in your home, whether it's among brethren, siblings, or husband and wife...There must be UNITY. You can't have one person saying one thing behind the other person's back (especially if you are parenting or co-parenting kids) and expect there to be UNITY.

The king said nothing behind the  queen's back.....She was sitting right there, when the king made the decision to send Nehemiah to rebuild the wall.

No secrets. Anything that needs to be said let it be said openly....Let decisions be made in UNITY. Present yourself as a united front in your marriage, in your parenting, in your home life, in your business, in your ministry, in general against the enemy (against the devil, wherever he attempts to rear his ugly head).

The queen was right there....She was not at home being submissive. She was by his side being submissive. 
Because when you are really in UNITY, you can trust that other person to represent you and they can trust you to do the same equally as well for them.

The second thing, I love about verse 6 of Nehemiah 2 is how Nehemiah set a time in which he would be back and the assignment would be complete. 

Somebody: You need to set a time and work with everything in you to stick to it.

Be goal oriented...And don't ever take for granted the opportunity you have been given. "Because nobody has to do anything for you." Seems like I've been hearing that phrase a lot lately.

So, If it pleased the king (God) to send you there, to let you be hired there...Then you owe it to him to set a time or if your boss has given you a time that he or she expects the work to be done, you owe it to God to honor their request. 

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 

Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. 
Coloss 3:23-24 NLT

The Lord will give you an inheritance as a reward for the work similar to, but MUCH GREATER than the inheritance the Prodigal Son's Father had for him.
Luke 15:11-24 NIV

So, In closing it's important to set a time (a goal) and to push yourself to achieve greater than your current status or current ability.

It's important to set a time to show respect and honor for God (the king), to show respect for your boss. Because again, nobody has to do anything for you.
The king didn't have to let Nehemiah leave his current position (working for him as a cupbearer) to go build a wall, but he did.

It's also important to be in Unity because the devil would like nothing more than to rob you of your potential, sabotage the potential of your marriage, your home life, your business, your ministry.

It's important to be in Unity and to set a time (a goal) because your kids need to see you doing it. Children follow and learn from what they see you doing as a parent and not just from what you say.

Beloved, Read and see what revelations the Holy Spirit will give you on Nehemiah Chapter 2 especially verse 6.

Until Next Month. 
LPS~ LOve, Prophetess Stacy 
Here if you need me...
Call or Text: 865-408-8690

Saturday, August 24, 2019

8/25/19 "What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You."


5 Minutes of Focus 

"What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You"

The old saying, " What you don't know won't hurt you" is such a lie.

What you don't know can unfairly alter your whole life. ...For it's only when you know better that one can truly do better.

Think about the famous quote by Harriet Tubman. Now, just imagine how many slaves she could have freed, if only they knew they were slaves. It all comes back to what you know and what you don't know.

And if we're honest, not knowing is what landed most of us right in the midst of dysfunction, thinking it's normal behavior  because by now, we have gotten so use to the way things are, that we don't even think to question it. Surely, this is the way everybody is living, behaving. Surely, there are no real Huxtables or Brady Bunches out there or is there?

The bible says: The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examined him. Proverbs 18:17 Berean Study Bible 

Beloved, I know it seems right the way you've been raised to live, because at an early age that's the first thing that was presented to you.... But it's time that theory was cross-examined by Jeremiah...Because in Jere 29:11 CEV

The prophet, Jeremiah says on behalf of God: I will  bless you with a future filled with hope --- a future of success, not of suffering.

But that's just it, many of us have come  from a background of suffering, a background laced with some form of abuse and/or dysfunction; making it hard to believe anything better even exist.

SOMEBODY: You've been living pay check to pay check, living in debt, being a slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7.

Not even realizing you are indeed "A 21st Century Slave." A slave that God wants to set free, a slave he wants to bless with a successful future...But again, in the words of Harriet Tubman:

"If only they knew they were slaves." So, don't tell me, what you don't know won't hurt you. Oh, yes it will.

A little food for thought...Hmmm 🤔

Until Next Sunday. LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 17, 2019

8/18/19 "I Have No Husband"


5 Minutes of Focus

"I Have No Husband"

The woman said to Jesus, " Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water."

He told her, "Go call your husband and come back."

"I have no husband, she replied."

Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband."

John 4:15-17 NIV

Let's face it, if you're a certain age and still unmarried in this country....Society tries to make you feel ashamed; as though there's something wrong with you. You're the reason you still don't have a husband.

God is not like that, though. Jesus was not trying to make the woman at the well feel ashamed.

He seeked only to make her "honestly" aware....Aware that she didn't have a husband, but what she had was a situation, a living situation that was costing her time and energy. He wanted her to open her eyes and see that legally she hadn't changed, her last name was still the same. Though over the years she probably had changed emotionally after living, voluntarily with a man who only gave her a complicated status and nothing more.

Beloved, There is living water available to you. That's what Jesus was offering the woman at the well...Water that will stop your thirst to be emotionally fulfilled. You see, most of the time for us, as women, it's not about the sex or even the wedding day, but deep down we just want to be emotionally fulfilled.

And the woman at the well was totally missing the revelation Jesus was trying to drop on her concerning this.

She wanted Jesus to give her the water he spoke of, so that she wouldn't get thirsty again and have to come there to draw water.

When in reality, she would get thirsty naturally again and have to come there and draw herself some water. But what Jesus and his living water would do for her soul (her mind, her will, and her emotions) is fill her up and stop her from coming there (to that man's door), thirsting for acceptance, thirsting for emotional fulfillment.

God says, Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. 

Why your mouth?  Because your mouth represents your hunger, your thirst, and your voice/identity all of which are areas where you need to be fulfilled. 

Psalm 81:10 NIV

Read: John 4:1-29 NIV

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 11, 2019

8/11/19 "The Mobility Of Thank You "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Mobility Of Thank You"

Beloved, Have you ever given somebody something and you expected them to at least say, "Thank You?" Instead, they just looked at you in that moment and said EVERYTHING, but thank you.

Instantly, something in you that was mobile (moved with generosity) is now stagnant, stopping you and them from going any further. They appear to be ungrateful and you don't know what to make of it; so you don't.  You don't say anything.

However, "Thank You" was meant to be mobile, a common courtesy that would work in the natural with man, you, and me and in the spirit realm with God as well. 

A simple thank you is often times all it takes for the person to be even more generous towards you the next time; just knowing that what they gave (contributed) the first time did matter.

That's from the natural realm of course, but in the spirit realm....

Did you know, "Thank You" is the key to unlocking more and moving you from the gates (entry level) to the courts (inner courts)  of God? In other words, a heart-felt thank you gets you in, takes you in...I dare you to praise him with a sincere  "Thank You" on your lips right now. 🙌 See what I mean.

Psalm 100:4 AMPC

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. And a thank offering and into His courts with praise! BE THANKFUL AND SAY SO TO HIM.

SIDE NOTE: Thanks is something that's supposed to be given. Therefore give it, open your mouth and say so to him.

Yet, some of you wonder why things are not moving a long as rapidly as you had expected. TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE ACTIONS ARE PROTRAYING BY WHAT YOU'RE NOT SAYING. If you're thankful....The scripture says: You must say so to Him.

Why else would God have given us each other to practice the common courtesy of "Thank You" on? It's because thank you really is the key to so much more than we know. The message bible says it like this:

Psalm 100:4 MSGEnter with the password: "Thank You!"

It's the password, it's the key which makes me wonder, how many things, situations could you have bypassed, if you would've just had a thankful heart (towards God) and said so?

Food for thought.

Until Next Sunday.LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 3, 2019

8/4/19 "Wasted Time "


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Wasted Time"

Then GOD assigned a huge fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah was in the fish's belly three days and nights.

Jonah 1:17 MSG

To us, three days and three nights generally means 72 hours, but we must understand the Bible historically and culturally. For the Jewish mind, this could mean any part of the first day, all of the second day and any part of the third day.Nevertheless, Jonah wasted time.He wasted time running...And just so you know, God by nature is not wasteful and he doesn't like it when we are either.

The scripture says: When they had all had enough to eat, he (Jesus) said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.

John 6:12 NIV

Let nothing be wasted. Why? Because God is not wasteful. He's always gathering the left over pieces of our broken hearts and healing each heart that would dare come to him, turn to him, healing our broken hearts piece by piece.

BELOVED, I KNOW YOU DON'T THINK YOU GOT THROUGH THAT divorce, that breakup, that funeral, that illness, got through the loss of that job, and having no place to stay on your own?

No, that was God not wanting your emotions, not wanting your tears to be all for nothing, so he healed you. He heals the brokenhearted.  Psalm 147:3, He bottles your tears. Psalm 56:8 NLT, In Jere 30:17 He (God) promises to restore your health and heal your wounds.

Still, some of us haven't learned yet, because after God heals us...Some of us go back into the same relationship re-infecting the wound, the hurt, hanging with the same kind of people and find ourselves back in a situation yet again, wasting time like Jonah running in the wrong direction, when what God has for us is over here, not there.

And if it's not there....Then guess what? You shouldn't be either. God says, Stop wasting time, gather up what's left over and move on. Stop re-infecting the wound after I have healed you. Let nothing be wasted...Amen.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7/31/19 "What Serving Others Really Reveals About You?"

Foundational Text:
Exodus 2:1-10 CEV

Moses Is Born

1 A man from the Levi tribe married a woman from the same tribe,
2 and she later had a baby boy.
He was a beautiful child, and she kept him inside for three months
3 But when she could longer keep him hidden, she made a basket out of reeds and covered it with tar.
She put him in the basket and placed it in tall grass along the edge of the Nile River.
4 The baby's older sister stood off at a distance to see what would happen to him.
5 About that time one of the king's daughters came down to take a bath in the river, while her servant women walked along the river bank.
She saw the basket in the tall grass and sent one of them to pull it out the water.
6 When the king's daughter opened the basket, she saw the baby crying and felt sorry for him.
She said, "This must be one of the Hebrew babies."
7 At once the baby's older sister came up and asked, "Do you want me to get a Hebrew woman to take care of the baby for you?"
8 "Yes, the king's daughter answered.
So the girl brought the baby's mother,
9 and the king's daughter told her, "Take care of the child, and I will pay you."
The baby's mother carried him home and took care of him.
10 And when he old enough, she took him to the king's daughter who adopted him. 

This Month's Topic: What Serving Others Really Reveals About You?

In the text we see the daughter of a king (a queen) that had servants working for her, tending  to her every need. She would say something, and they would do it.

So, you would think just by looking at her on the outside, she had everything her heart could ever want and than some.

But it becomes clear from the text that she had a hidden need, a hidden desire that would be revealed, when she ordered her servant to pull the basket she saw out the water; and her reaction when you saw it was a baby said it all...She felt sorry for him, she felt. She wasn't cold-hearted like her father (who had given the order to kill this baby  and so many others like him). 
See Exodus Chapter 1

No, Pharaoh's daughter (this queen) actually had a LOVE FOR CHILDREN and deep down she desired to be a mother, the queenship by itself wasn't enough. How do I know?
I know because without hesitation she was willing  to pay someone to nurse the baby for her....
And the first opportunity she got... She made it official. She adopted Moses and become his mother. 

You see, When Pharaoh's daughter (the queen) made the split decision to help a baby she didn't know, she put herself in the position of a servant and not just someone of high privilege, some queen being served and it revealed her true heart....and what it revealed about her was Motherhood. She was put on this earth not just to be a queen, but to be a mother and she became one, she became a mother through the beauty of adoption.

Beloved, You don't need some UNGODLY, so-called psychic nor do you have to be psychic to figure some things out. Pay attention to your service, pay attention to your acts of service.

1 What is it or who is it, you would go to bat for?
2 What is it or who is it, you wouldn't hesitate to make a split decision for, if it meant helping them?
3 What is it or who is it,  you would be willing to serve; willingly with no regrets...and what does it reveal about you?

Beloved, Meditate on these questions and when you're ready, answer them for yourself. So that, you can see what has really been revealed about you.

Enclosing here are some scripture references to study over and deepen your thinking process.

1).  Psalm 37:4
God will give you the desires of your heart.

2). 1 Samuel 16:7
God looks at the heart, not your appearance. 

3). Luke 6:38
Give and it shall be given unto you.

4). Ephes 6:8
What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

5). Psalm 68:6 NIV
God sets the lonely in families. 

6). Romans 15:1-2 (Msg) Strength is for service, not status.

7). Acts 13:36 (KJV)
 David served his generation. 

Father God,
Give them the wisdom needed, the disciplined needed to pay attention and see for themselves what you're trying to reveal to them about them, using any given situation.
Cause them to refrain from paying an UNGODLY psychic, refrain from reading their horoscope and simply pay attention.
For those that have paid some UNGODLY "so-called" psychic... Cause them to repent (turn away from such behavior) and pay attention.
Cause the money they spent on the psychics to be returned to them 30/60/100 fold. So, that they will know that YOU alone are God and none other.
In Jesus name,

Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV
CALL OR TEXT: 865-408-8690 
Until Next Month. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

7/28/19 "Inside Tracking"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Inside Tracking"

Many of you have things that you're holding inside, secrets that you have hidden to the point that you just can't anymore.

For somebody it has been 3 months, somebody else...It's been 3 years or more.

If Moses' mother were here now, she could relate because she did the exact same thing, but with good reason.She kept him (Moses) inside for 3 months. But when she could no longer keep him hidden....

Exodus Chapter 2 (CEV)

Now, It might not be a child or a pregnancy you're hiding....Or is it?

But you're hidden something and whatever it is...It's getting harder to hold inside, it's getting bigger and harder to hide.

Maybe, like Moses' mother, you too had a good reason for doing what you did at the time...But beloved, It's time you confessed (owned up to whatever it is). So that you can heal physically, mentally, and emotionally and I pray your confession is met with forgiveness, with arms of forgiveness. The same way the Prodigal Son's father forgave him for leaving pre-maturely and doing the things he did. I pray you are forgiven for willingfully withholding information from those who needed to know.... BUT ONLY FROM THOSE WHO NEEDED TO KNOW.

Luke 15:11-20 NIV

I pray you finally are comfortable enough to tell the whole truth and not fear any backlash....The way the woman in Mark 5 told Jesus everything that had happened and Jesus ended up calling it all an act of faith, on her part.

Finally, I pray you be able to keep track of what's going on with you emotionally and stop feeling like you're about to lose it, lose control at any time.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 21, 2019

7/21/19 "The Power Your Life Needs"


5 Minutes of Focus

"The Power Your Life Needs"

The bible says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Proverbs 18:21 

SOMEBODY: The power your life needs is in your tongue.

Perhaps, Nothing is happening for you because your tongue has become stagnant to the amazing opportunities God has for you in this life. So, because you can't see things moving, changing for the better...You refuse to say any thing at all.

But still, the fact remains: The power your life needs is in your tongue.  You shall have whatsoever you say. Mark 11:24

Boy, Do Mariam and I have a testimony about the power of words and having what you say...

Everybody the photo attached to this post is of a then 6 year old, Mariam from Ghana. She just recently became my sponsored child,  making her number 6 of those I currently sponsor.

But how she became my sponsored child when it appeared...SHE ALREADY HAD A SPONSOR??? Pay attention to this: I saw this beautiful child for the 1st time on Facebook, when World Vision sent her and some others across my newsfeed.

Instantly, I loved her and I just wanted the chance to tell her how beautiful, I think she is. I just wanted to be the one to pour into her life. I saw her on Facebook the night of June 30th. I called World Vision the next morning July 1. They searched and I re-search for her, but it seemed she had a sponsor and was no longer in the system. 

Still every day, I checked and I prayed: "Lord, Back that sponsor (those sponsors) off. Re-route them, let them go sponsor another child."... I kept praying that EVERY DAY, speaking it under my breath. That was July 1st, by July 3rd,  she became available for sponsorship again and I became her sponsor on July 5th.

I share this testimony to let SOMEBODY know: There's power in your words, you have the power to re-route that situation, you have the power in Jesus name to back some people off and get what you want.

The power your life needs is in your tongue.  Amen! 🎤

And just in case, Mariam's beautiful face has inspired you to become a SPONSOR....A child in need needs you.

Click the link below:

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy