Saturday, December 7, 2019

12/8/19 "Using What's On Hand"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Using What's On Hand"

In 1 Kings 17 we read about a widow who didn't have time to properly prepare for her houseguest.

So, by the time, Elijah shows up at her house, and asked for a piece of bread...She has nothing in the house, but a handful of flour and a little olive oil in a jug and even if, she would've had time to properly prepare, she still wouldn't have had the money needed to cover the cost of a few groceries, because all she had went into cooking her and her son's last meal and dying. That was her mindset.

How many of you know, sometimes it's too costly to go to the store, especially when you're already not in the best place mentally and/or financially? Sometimes you actually do better just using what you have on hand.

How many of you know, you can do a lot with just that jar of olive oil alone? With one jar of olive oil, you can make bread, anoint your forehead, and moisturize your skin (if no lotion is available) and the text says, she had olive oil and flour.

Here she was using what she had on hand to feed Elijah 1st, then her and her son. After which, because she obeyed and brought Elijah a piece of bread 1st from the little she had...The bible says, There was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. GOD HAD MADE A WAY.


Don't tell me what the oil (the anointing) won't do. BELOVED, In 2020 opportunities are going to come so fast that you may not have time or money to properly prepare.  It will be a test of your faith, just like the widow in 1 Kings 17 her faith was tested, and reluctantly, afraid even, she decided against her better judgment (it seemed) to put Elijah's needs 1st before the needs of her and her son. Some might have called her a bad mother in that moment, but still. You will be tested and have to use what you have on hand and trust God for the rest, just like she did...And when you do, the supernatural will be released and the oil won't run dry (there will be no lack) in keeping with the word of the LORD.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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