Sunday, July 21, 2019

7/21/19 "The Power Your Life Needs"


5 Minutes of Focus

"The Power Your Life Needs"

The bible says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Proverbs 18:21 

SOMEBODY: The power your life needs is in your tongue.

Perhaps, Nothing is happening for you because your tongue has become stagnant to the amazing opportunities God has for you in this life. So, because you can't see things moving, changing for the better...You refuse to say any thing at all.

But still, the fact remains: The power your life needs is in your tongue.  You shall have whatsoever you say. Mark 11:24

Boy, Do Mariam and I have a testimony about the power of words and having what you say...

Everybody the photo attached to this post is of a then 6 year old, Mariam from Ghana. She just recently became my sponsored child,  making her number 6 of those I currently sponsor.

But how she became my sponsored child when it appeared...SHE ALREADY HAD A SPONSOR??? Pay attention to this: I saw this beautiful child for the 1st time on Facebook, when World Vision sent her and some others across my newsfeed.

Instantly, I loved her and I just wanted the chance to tell her how beautiful, I think she is. I just wanted to be the one to pour into her life. I saw her on Facebook the night of June 30th. I called World Vision the next morning July 1. They searched and I re-search for her, but it seemed she had a sponsor and was no longer in the system. 

Still every day, I checked and I prayed: "Lord, Back that sponsor (those sponsors) off. Re-route them, let them go sponsor another child."... I kept praying that EVERY DAY, speaking it under my breath. That was July 1st, by July 3rd,  she became available for sponsorship again and I became her sponsor on July 5th.

I share this testimony to let SOMEBODY know: There's power in your words, you have the power to re-route that situation, you have the power in Jesus name to back some people off and get what you want.

The power your life needs is in your tongue.  Amen! 🎤

And just in case, Mariam's beautiful face has inspired you to become a SPONSOR....A child in need needs you.

Click the link below:

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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