Saturday, October 26, 2019

10/27/19 "Pushed Into Marriage "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Pushed Into Marriage"

In Genesis 29
Leah was looked at a certain way, every translation making mention of her eyes, the NIV calling her eyes weak. Nevertheless, when a man (mankind in general),  spots your weakness, they will try to prey...Unfortunately, Leah in this chapter of her life had fallen prey to her own father (of all people), who pushed her into a marriage with Jacob just because she was older and had to be married before her younger sister, Rachel could be married.

SOMEBODY: You can relate because your family sees you a certain way and somebody in the family is  always pushing you to get married.

I want to give you the heads up before the holiday season gets here.

The bible says: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord....Not she who finds. If you keep attempting to find your spouse (out of the order God has put in place), you will be cutting yourself off from the favor that is attached and obtained from the woman when the man does the seeking.
Proverbs 18:22 NKJ

In Genesis 29 Leah had to go through the pain of having 3 children before regaining her praise (regaining her favor) with the 4th child whose name was Judah meaning praise; praise and favor being connected because when you praise him you create an atmosphere of favor and blessings come down.

So, Beloved, Stop letting loved ones push you into marriage or make you feel bad because you're not married.

Trust me, you'd rather be single and waiting on God's order to align your spouse into your life, the way that Boaz showed up in the right place at the right time to meet Ruth (in Ruth Chapter 3). You'd rather wait than go through the pain Leah went through for a man that just didn't love her like that. 

#MySisters: Don't jeopardize the favor that's attached to you all because you're being pushed. The right man, God's set man for your life will love your favor and be blessed to obtain it. Therefore, Wait I say, Upon the Lord. YOU'RE NOT OLD, YOU'RE JUST WISER than you used to be.

It's called growth. Everything beautiful experiences growth. Flowers grow, caterpillars grow and change into butterflies etc.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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