Saturday, July 27, 2019

7/28/19 "Inside Tracking"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Inside Tracking"

Many of you have things that you're holding inside, secrets that you have hidden to the point that you just can't anymore.

For somebody it has been 3 months, somebody else...It's been 3 years or more.

If Moses' mother were here now, she could relate because she did the exact same thing, but with good reason.She kept him (Moses) inside for 3 months. But when she could no longer keep him hidden....

Exodus Chapter 2 (CEV)

Now, It might not be a child or a pregnancy you're hiding....Or is it?

But you're hidden something and whatever it is...It's getting harder to hold inside, it's getting bigger and harder to hide.

Maybe, like Moses' mother, you too had a good reason for doing what you did at the time...But beloved, It's time you confessed (owned up to whatever it is). So that you can heal physically, mentally, and emotionally and I pray your confession is met with forgiveness, with arms of forgiveness. The same way the Prodigal Son's father forgave him for leaving pre-maturely and doing the things he did. I pray you are forgiven for willingfully withholding information from those who needed to know.... BUT ONLY FROM THOSE WHO NEEDED TO KNOW.

Luke 15:11-20 NIV

I pray you finally are comfortable enough to tell the whole truth and not fear any backlash....The way the woman in Mark 5 told Jesus everything that had happened and Jesus ended up calling it all an act of faith, on her part.

Finally, I pray you be able to keep track of what's going on with you emotionally and stop feeling like you're about to lose it, lose control at any time.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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