Saturday, August 31, 2019

9/1/19 "Understanding The Spirit of Offense"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Understanding The Spirit of Offense"

Perhaps, You're like David. You're just a person out to do a good deed, but every good thing you do gets attacked and completely taken the wrong way.

Here, David was in 1 Samuel 17 delivering lunch to his brothers who were apart of the Israelite Army and in battle. While he was there, delivering them food and checking on them... He overhears something that peaked his interest. So, he decided to hang around a bit and ask questions.What did he do that for? OUCH!.

Because the minute, David's brother Eliab saw him there, he got offended and verbally lashed out at David, accusing him of being conceited in his actions.

When Eliab, David's oldest brother heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and ask, "Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."

1 Samuel 17:28 NIV

You see, Beloved when a person is truly offended...They can't stand even the sound of your voice. Eliab got offended when he heard David speaking; they accuse you of everything imaginable and try to down play your accomplishments. 

Is that the way someone is currently treating you? But Why? ONE WORD: REJECTION.

Every little thing offends the rejected.

If you read your bible, you will recall that in 1 Samuel 16 Eliab was one of David's brothers rejected for the Kingship, a position that David ended up getting anointed for right there at the house in front of his brothers. 

So, A lot of Eliab's offensive behavior, his verbal attack on David came from his being rejected and David then receiving the position he wanted.

SOMEBODY: That person doesn't like you and verbally attacks you because they don't know how to deal with the rejection that happened to them.

I'm asking you today to have compassion on them and consider that they're really in more pain than what they're trying to inflict. 

Somewhere, there is a root cause of all their anger that has yet to be pulled up. Maybe, It is a David & Eliab situation. Who knows?.

Still, this is your prayer for them:

Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. In Jesus name. 🙏Amen 📖 Matt 15:13 NIV

Pull it up Father...Deliver them.

And just so you know...David turned away from his brother's foolishness and went on to talk to somebody making sense.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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