Saturday, November 30, 2019

12/1/19 "Doubting You"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Doubting You"

Job could have easily started to doubt himself after going through so much for so long; not knowing that it was God who suggested his name to the devil to be tested in the first place.
Job Chapter 1

Job could have easily  started to doubt himself after his so-called friends showed up and one by one started accusing him of wrongdoing. 
Job 4:3-4, Job 4::7-8, Job 8:20 NIV

Job could have easily started to doubt himself after his children, money, and health were gone and all he was left with was a  wife talking foolish.
Job Chapter 2

But he didn't. Job never doubted himself, he never wavered from the fact that he was innocent.

BELOVED, It's one thing for people to doubt you, but when you start doubting yourself....Self-doubt is hard to shake.

It's hard to shake because we tend to believe what we say about ourselves, more so, than what others say about us.

May I remind you that the bible says: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 NKJ

Simply put: You become what you think about. You transform into who your thoughts say that you are.

So, if something in your head is doubting you, doubting your integrity, doubting your relationship with God. You are inwardly siding with your so-called friends, siding your enemies.

Instead, Seek to be more like Job and let whoever say, whatever. Maintain your innocence... Even if your spouse is the one talking foolish. You just might be the one God has chosen for the test and from the sidelines of heaven, he's cheering you on. Saying: (My Son, My Daughter)...You can do all things through  Christ who strengthens you. Philip 4:13

Therefore, Be strengthen. Don't fall prey to self- doubt,  just because you got this one and that one bombarding you with what THEY THINK is true. Know yourself better than that. Know your God better than that.

The bible says: In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
Job 2:10 NIV

Until  Next Sunday.
LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy

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