Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7/31/19 "What Serving Others Really Reveals About You?"

Foundational Text:
Exodus 2:1-10 CEV

Moses Is Born

1 A man from the Levi tribe married a woman from the same tribe,
2 and she later had a baby boy.
He was a beautiful child, and she kept him inside for three months
3 But when she could longer keep him hidden, she made a basket out of reeds and covered it with tar.
She put him in the basket and placed it in tall grass along the edge of the Nile River.
4 The baby's older sister stood off at a distance to see what would happen to him.
5 About that time one of the king's daughters came down to take a bath in the river, while her servant women walked along the river bank.
She saw the basket in the tall grass and sent one of them to pull it out the water.
6 When the king's daughter opened the basket, she saw the baby crying and felt sorry for him.
She said, "This must be one of the Hebrew babies."
7 At once the baby's older sister came up and asked, "Do you want me to get a Hebrew woman to take care of the baby for you?"
8 "Yes, the king's daughter answered.
So the girl brought the baby's mother,
9 and the king's daughter told her, "Take care of the child, and I will pay you."
The baby's mother carried him home and took care of him.
10 And when he old enough, she took him to the king's daughter who adopted him. 

This Month's Topic: What Serving Others Really Reveals About You?

In the text we see the daughter of a king (a queen) that had servants working for her, tending  to her every need. She would say something, and they would do it.

So, you would think just by looking at her on the outside, she had everything her heart could ever want and than some.

But it becomes clear from the text that she had a hidden need, a hidden desire that would be revealed, when she ordered her servant to pull the basket she saw out the water; and her reaction when you saw it was a baby said it all...She felt sorry for him, she felt. She wasn't cold-hearted like her father (who had given the order to kill this baby  and so many others like him). 
See Exodus Chapter 1

No, Pharaoh's daughter (this queen) actually had a LOVE FOR CHILDREN and deep down she desired to be a mother, the queenship by itself wasn't enough. How do I know?
I know because without hesitation she was willing  to pay someone to nurse the baby for her....
And the first opportunity she got... She made it official. She adopted Moses and become his mother. 

You see, When Pharaoh's daughter (the queen) made the split decision to help a baby she didn't know, she put herself in the position of a servant and not just someone of high privilege, some queen being served and it revealed her true heart....and what it revealed about her was Motherhood. She was put on this earth not just to be a queen, but to be a mother and she became one, she became a mother through the beauty of adoption.

Beloved, You don't need some UNGODLY, so-called psychic nor do you have to be psychic to figure some things out. Pay attention to your service, pay attention to your acts of service.

1 What is it or who is it, you would go to bat for?
2 What is it or who is it, you wouldn't hesitate to make a split decision for, if it meant helping them?
3 What is it or who is it,  you would be willing to serve; willingly with no regrets...and what does it reveal about you?

Beloved, Meditate on these questions and when you're ready, answer them for yourself. So that, you can see what has really been revealed about you.

Enclosing here are some scripture references to study over and deepen your thinking process.

1).  Psalm 37:4
God will give you the desires of your heart.

2). 1 Samuel 16:7
God looks at the heart, not your appearance. 

3). Luke 6:38
Give and it shall be given unto you.

4). Ephes 6:8
What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

5). Psalm 68:6 NIV
God sets the lonely in families. 

6). Romans 15:1-2 (Msg) Strength is for service, not status.

7). Acts 13:36 (KJV)
 David served his generation. 

Father God,
Give them the wisdom needed, the disciplined needed to pay attention and see for themselves what you're trying to reveal to them about them, using any given situation.
Cause them to refrain from paying an UNGODLY psychic, refrain from reading their horoscope and simply pay attention.
For those that have paid some UNGODLY "so-called" psychic... Cause them to repent (turn away from such behavior) and pay attention.
Cause the money they spent on the psychics to be returned to them 30/60/100 fold. So, that they will know that YOU alone are God and none other.
In Jesus name,

Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV
CALL OR TEXT: 865-408-8690 
Until Next Month. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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