Saturday, August 3, 2019

8/4/19 "Wasted Time "


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Wasted Time"

Then GOD assigned a huge fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah was in the fish's belly three days and nights.

Jonah 1:17 MSG

To us, three days and three nights generally means 72 hours, but we must understand the Bible historically and culturally. For the Jewish mind, this could mean any part of the first day, all of the second day and any part of the third day.Nevertheless, Jonah wasted time.He wasted time running...And just so you know, God by nature is not wasteful and he doesn't like it when we are either.

The scripture says: When they had all had enough to eat, he (Jesus) said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.

John 6:12 NIV

Let nothing be wasted. Why? Because God is not wasteful. He's always gathering the left over pieces of our broken hearts and healing each heart that would dare come to him, turn to him, healing our broken hearts piece by piece.

BELOVED, I KNOW YOU DON'T THINK YOU GOT THROUGH THAT divorce, that breakup, that funeral, that illness, got through the loss of that job, and having no place to stay on your own?

No, that was God not wanting your emotions, not wanting your tears to be all for nothing, so he healed you. He heals the brokenhearted.  Psalm 147:3, He bottles your tears. Psalm 56:8 NLT, In Jere 30:17 He (God) promises to restore your health and heal your wounds.

Still, some of us haven't learned yet, because after God heals us...Some of us go back into the same relationship re-infecting the wound, the hurt, hanging with the same kind of people and find ourselves back in a situation yet again, wasting time like Jonah running in the wrong direction, when what God has for us is over here, not there.

And if it's not there....Then guess what? You shouldn't be either. God says, Stop wasting time, gather up what's left over and move on. Stop re-infecting the wound after I have healed you. Let nothing be wasted...Amen.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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