Sunday, September 15, 2019

9/15/19 "Shift Control "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Shift  Control"

"Lord, if it's you. Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
Matthew 14:28 NIV

When you are unsure, when you just don't know... Be like Peter and ask the Lord to tell you to come, to go, to stay, what have you. If it's indeed Him and that's something he wants you to do... Ask him to get involved and give you feedback. Instead of you trying to tell him what you want him to do.
Shift Control.

Give God the permission he needs to intervene in your life, to get all up in your business, and tell you what to do. Give him the control.
Allow him to tell you what to do for a change.

Beloved, you can't boss God around like you do some people. God is not your employee. He is not for hire, nor can he be fired.

You must remember Jesus in John 15:16 was quick to let us know that: He chose us, we didn't choose him which means the purpose and plan for ANYTHING concerning us still has to come through him.

Now, you can plan to do what you want to do, as a adult, that is your right and that's always a choice.
But don't forget the bible says:
You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose  will prevail.
Proverbs 19:21 NLT

So, My point is: Why not save yourself some time and energy, trying to do something other than what is the Lord's purpose for you, something the bible says will not prevail...Why not just ask the Lord upfront?

"Lord, if it is you...tell me to come." Peter had the right idea. Even though, walking on the water was something he really wanted to try.

He knew enough to ask God's permission....He knew enough to Shift  Control and not try to be his own boss or to try to boss or control God.

Ask. Get God's Permission.  Proceed with caution .If his answer is indeed come or go... But if in your spirit, you hear or feel you need to stay....Do so in faith, knowing it's not a delay. It could be, that the timing is not right yet for such a bold move.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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