Sunday, November 3, 2019

11/3/19 "Wearing The Weight Of The Armor"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Wearing The Weight Of The Armor"

Saul started out trying to make David just like him, by dressing him in his military armor, but soon came to realize that David was his own man (young or not). Saul realized what he was trying to do was wrong for David, after David (himself) opened his mouth and told him the armor was weighing him down, making him feel uncomfortable. 
1 Samuel 17:38-39 CEV

Still BELOVED, There are some people who are trying relentlessly to make you be just like them and they won't be satisfied UNTIL the armor you're wearing resembles theirs.

They won't stop until you're wearing or is weighed down by the armor of depression, the armor of guilt, the armor of shame. They won't stop until you're wearing the armor of debt just like them.

SOMEBODY: That's why as broke as they are...They're always suggesting the two of you go shopping together; because misery loves company. They want to get you to charging up your credit cards, drawing money out the bank, get you to gambling with your future and when you have successfully lost what little nest egg you have managed to save...THEN they will be at peace and stop calling you to go out and do this and that...Because they think, they have you on their level now, which was all they really wanted.

You see, the end game was never about seeing you happy. They were just trying to make you as unhappy, as weighed down with issues, and uncomfortable in  your own skin as they are in theirs.

So, Today, I hope this post gets you to thinking and asking questions. Stop receiving what "appears" to be a helping hand UNTIL you really know why their hand has been extended to you.

Some people out here are  just like Joseph's brothers...They mean it for evil against you, but God. 
Genesis 50:20

Be aware of hidden motives and if the armor (whatever they're  offering) makes you uncomfortable....Do like David did and

God keeps an watchful eye on the heart of every man (in general). He's not fooled by their outward appearance. 
1 Samuel 16:7
So, Trust Him. Trust your God-given instincts when it comes to people. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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