Sunday, August 11, 2019

8/11/19 "The Mobility Of Thank You "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Mobility Of Thank You"

Beloved, Have you ever given somebody something and you expected them to at least say, "Thank You?" Instead, they just looked at you in that moment and said EVERYTHING, but thank you.

Instantly, something in you that was mobile (moved with generosity) is now stagnant, stopping you and them from going any further. They appear to be ungrateful and you don't know what to make of it; so you don't.  You don't say anything.

However, "Thank You" was meant to be mobile, a common courtesy that would work in the natural with man, you, and me and in the spirit realm with God as well. 

A simple thank you is often times all it takes for the person to be even more generous towards you the next time; just knowing that what they gave (contributed) the first time did matter.

That's from the natural realm of course, but in the spirit realm....

Did you know, "Thank You" is the key to unlocking more and moving you from the gates (entry level) to the courts (inner courts)  of God? In other words, a heart-felt thank you gets you in, takes you in...I dare you to praise him with a sincere  "Thank You" on your lips right now. 🙌 See what I mean.

Psalm 100:4 AMPC

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. And a thank offering and into His courts with praise! BE THANKFUL AND SAY SO TO HIM.

SIDE NOTE: Thanks is something that's supposed to be given. Therefore give it, open your mouth and say so to him.

Yet, some of you wonder why things are not moving a long as rapidly as you had expected. TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE ACTIONS ARE PROTRAYING BY WHAT YOU'RE NOT SAYING. If you're thankful....The scripture says: You must say so to Him.

Why else would God have given us each other to practice the common courtesy of "Thank You" on? It's because thank you really is the key to so much more than we know. The message bible says it like this:

Psalm 100:4 MSGEnter with the password: "Thank You!"

It's the password, it's the key which makes me wonder, how many things, situations could you have bypassed, if you would've just had a thankful heart (towards God) and said so?

Food for thought.

Until Next Sunday.LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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