Saturday, September 28, 2019

9/29/19 "Make It Plural "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Make It Plural"

Philip 4:6 NIV
DO NOT be anxious about anything, but in EVERY situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your requests (plural) meaning more than one...Present your REQUESTS to God.

BELOVED, As long as stuff is not the ONLY reason, you're coming to God... It's okay to ask God for more than one thing. 

As long as you're not just trying to treat God like your personal sugar daddy or Santa Claus, as long as you're not trying to take advantage of his agape love for you by testing that love, just to see what you can get. You know, the way you might put a man or woman's love for you through the test.

As long as that's not the case...THEN God doesn't mind you taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for more than one thing.
Make It Plural.

He more than anyone else knows, you need things to make it in this world. That's why in The Bible you repeatedly find scriptures like:

But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right--- the attitude and character of God), and these THINGS (plural) will be given to you as well.
Matt 6:33 AMP

THINGS (plural) will be given to you when you are living right, exemplifying the character of God and not of someone whose just out to get what you can get. So, check that " hustler mentality " at the door.

He wants to show you THINGS you don't know so you can be knowledgeable and successful in this world where so much is questionable.
Jere 33:3 NKJ 
Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty THINGS (plural), which you do not know.

So, Make It Plural. You're not doing anything wrong. Remember you're not in religion (like many of you were taught), but you're in a relationship with God. A real relationship where you don't have to put him through the test or play games, but you can just ask....and as long as what you're asking is ACCORDING TO HIS WILL and not some absurd things that are UNGODLY (outside of His Will), you shall receive.
John 15:7 AMP
That's bible.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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