Saturday, November 16, 2019

11/17/19 "Lessons I Learned From Jack In The Box"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Lessons I Learned From Jack In The Box "

Growing up, I hated this toy because of its appearance, creepy sound and the way it always scared me, not knowing when it was ready to pop up. Only since, I've been grown have I  come to realize and appreciate some valuable lessons taught to me via Jack In The Box (The Toy).

1 Fear is in the waiting.

2 Not knowing when it's going to happen is exasperating.

3 Sometimes you can just be wound too tight.

4 Keeping things tucked inside, suppressing it only makes it pop up again.

5 Things will pop up on you in life.

6 Nothing stays hidden.

7 You can come back up from the hands that tried to oppress you.

8 Music and clowns can be creepy.

9 Scaring people is big business not just in horror movies, and rides, but toys too.

10 You're expected to be afraid.

11 Surprises can be bittersweet. 

12 Your heart can overcome fear.

13 You don't have to stay down.

14 No matter what they paid for it, money paid to whomever cannot stop your next move. 

15 People who should love you will hate you.

16 People will make you to look like a clown...Even though, you're the key to so much more.

And so, if I could talk to the childhood me, I would let her know: 

God has not given you the Spirit of Fear. 2 Tim 1:7

Perfect love drives out fear.
1 John 4:18

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philip 4:13

They meant it for evil, but God. 
Genesis 50:20

Your expectations come from the LORD. Psalm 62:5

Cast all your cares on the LORD.
Psalm 55:22

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

SIDENOTE: There is wisdom hidden in everything, a lesson to be learned or taught.

*I still hate the concept of this toy though, for young children especially. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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