Saturday, October 19, 2019

10/20/19 "The Power Of Choice"


5 Minutes of Focus

"The Power Of Choice"

Ruth chose Boaz for herself, after talking to Naomi and discovering he was indeed a possible kinsman redeemer for their family. 
Read: Ruth Chapter 3

Things worked out well for Ruth after choosing Boaz for herself because a real, true Boaz has much of the same characteristics as Jesus himself. A real, true Boaz is a protector,  but he's not over-protective. There is a difference.

As many of you, have found yourself in a relationship with someone who is over- protective to the point that it's become obsessive; not wanting you out of their sight, keeping taps on your every move, monitoring your phone calls or not wanting you on the phone at all....And Beloved, That's when the power of choice, of being able to choose for yourself becomes dangerous. 

Because SOMEBODY: You feel like because you chose them and God allowed it, it's okay. IT'S NOT OKAY.

YES, God has given you the freedom to choose for yourself and not feel like a mechanical robot taking orders; beginning back in Deuteronomy 30:19 with the choice between life and death being laid out and GOD subtly suggesting that you choose LIFE.

That's just it...God wants you to choose Him, God wants you to choose LIFE, but not just in the area of salvation, but in every area, relationships included. He wants you to choose a real, true Boaz- someone who will be a protector, the way that he protects you not wanting any harm to come to you.
The Lord is your protector,
and he won't go to sleep or  let you stumble.
Psalm 121:3 CEV
(NIV) He who watches over you will not slumber.

God doesn't even allow himself to think harmful thoughts towards you. 
In Jere 29:11 NKJ He says: For I know the thoughts, NIV says: The plans I have for you to prosper you and NOT TO HARM YOU.

So, why do you think it's okay to have someone one in your life who actually plans out ways to hurt you, who acts out the harmful thoughts that come to his or her mind concerning you? That's satanic, sick, and DEFINITELY NOT BOAZ-ish.

One of the coolest scriptures in The Book of Ruth is found in Ruth 2:9 NIV:
When Boaz let's Ruth know she is safe there with him...He let's  her know that he has told the men (working for him) NOT to lay a hand on her.

#HOMEWORK: Study the book of Ruth and Boaz's  characterics/similarities to Jesus, and prayerful you will make a better choice for yourself.   BELOVED, YOU DESERVE BETTER.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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