Saturday, December 26, 2020

12/27/20 "WAKE UP"


5 Minutes Of Focus 


A very bad wind came up on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat, and it was almost full of water. Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!” 
Mark 4:37‭-‬38 ERV 

BELOVED, I know you want to, you're tempted to, to sleep your way through that situation because you really don't want to face it. So, You're showing signs of depression. 

But if, Jesus who was asleep at 1st had to wake up and face what was going on around him, thanks to his followers, his disciples who woke up him...THEN guess what?! You have to wake up and face it too.

Wake Up...This is No Time to be asleep, trying to avoid what's clearly there.  Wake up and face it. Wake up and confront it in faith, expecting to see change occur.

Change occurred when Jesus woke up and faced that wind, faced that storm because he knew the authority he carried and he knew the only way to activate it and demonstrate control was through his opened mouth.

So, He spoke in faith to that wind, to that storm...Because a closed mouth gets NOTHING achieved, but silence.

And silence is NOT the answer to your problem neither is oversleeping, trying to avoid the problem.
Mark 4:35-39 ERV

Then he (Jesus) went back to the followers. Again he found them sleeping. They could not stay awake. So he left them and went away one more time and prayed. This third time he prayed, he said the same thing.
Matthew 26:43‭-‬44 ERV 

That's your answer...
Fight the urge to sleep.
Pray and keep praying.
Speak in faith to that problem, that situation.

Because remember: A closed mouth gets nothing achieved, but silence. 

Until Next Sunday

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Monday, December 21, 2020

12/21/20 Prolific Fire-Tonight's Song List & Notes

In Luke 10:38-42

Tells the story of 2 sisters, Mary & Martha. 

Martha invited Jesus over to the house for dinner. 
Hence tonight's title:
"Dining With Jesus"

She invites Jesus over to the house and she's in the kitchen, preparing,
working to get things just right  for Him...
She was working for Jesus, but at the same time, she was neglecting his actual presence, distracted by the work.

Don't let that be us...
Working for Jesus,
but having no real relationship with Him.
Serving but not surrendering with our hearts to Him.

Instead, In honor of His birthday (Jesus' birthday)...
Let us come together and dine at his feet like Mary did.

•Instructions are at His feet. Deut 33:3 NIV
•He speaks in a worship atmosphere.
Acts 13:2 NIV

Songs Tonight from Dining With Jesus  (Worship Experience):

•  A Little Longer- Brian & Jenn Johnson 

• ABBA - Jonathan David Helser 

• When I Lock Eyes With You- Maverick City  Music feat. Upperroom 

• Lean Back- Maverick City Music feat.  Amanda Lindsey Cook & Chandler Moore 

• All I Need- Rita Springer

• Give Me You- Shana Wilson

• I Love You- Mary Alessi

• Hunger- David & Nicole Binion feat. Mdsn

• Forever Amen - Steffany Gretzinger 

Listen to Dining With Jesus (Worship Experience) 

Merry Christmas Everyone...
Thanks for the support. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

12/20/20 "Unprepared, Maybe...But Not Unfit"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Unprepared, Maybe...But Not Unfit"

It seems like Jesus was born to parents who were unprepared....
I mean, they had no where for him to lay his head. The best they could do in that moment, in terms of providing was a manger- a trough for horses or cattle to eat from. So, Jesus was born in a manger. Such humble begins for a baby that had so much promise,so much potential.
Luke 2:1-7 NKJ

What the Holy Spirit wants you take away from that, is THIS: Please don't feel like an unfit parent in this season, just because this year you can't give your children everything they want for Christmas.

Please don't feel like an unfit parent because you're struggling to provide off of one income. Mary & Joseph were not unfit parents, even though as a baby the scriptures say, Jesus had no place to lay his head; they didn't either (for that matter).

So, They were unprepared in that moment, maybe but they were not unfit. There's a difference.
So, Stop thinking of yourself as unfit. That's just the devil being his usual accusatory self. REMEMBER: He is the accuser of the brethren, after all.
Bringing false accusations with very little truth mixed in is what he does.
Rev 12:10 KJV

But just like Jesus STILL grew up into his destiny despite his rocky start in life as a baby...
As a matter of fact that same chapter, Luke Chapter 2 where it starts off talking about how Jesus (as a baby) had no where to lay his head ENDS by saying:

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Luke 2:52 NKJ

Jesus became wise, and he grew strong. God was pleased with him and so were the people.
Luke 2:52 CEV

In other words, He was unaffected by the atmosphere he was born into.

Therefore, Beloved, You need to know: YOUR CHILDREN will not be scarred permanently by what they don't have, nor will it be, as it is now, FOREVER.

I just feel like telling SOMEBODY: It won't END like it STARTED!!

😮 Selah- Pause & Think About That.

Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!! 🎁 🔥

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, December 12, 2020

12/13/20 " Made To Lean On Him"

12/13/ 20

5 Minutes of Focus 

"Made To Lean On Him"

24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. 
Genesis 32:24‭-‬25 KJV 

God touched Jacob's thigh because he wanted him to stop fighting and lean on Him.
~Pastor Benny Hinn 
•Benny Hinn Institute (BHI)

SOMEBODY: You're literally fighting and getting nowhere, in exchange for all the energy you have extended and you don't understand why the process is not causing you to make progress. 

Could be that God wants you stop fighting (to make a way for yourself) and let him be the way by which you get all things done. 

Remember the Apostle Paul said:
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philip 4:13 KJV 

BELOVED, Stop fighting and lean on Him. Still for those of us, so used to having everything and everybody depend on us, being vulnerable enough to lean on someone else is easier said than done; I know.

So, God has to touch some things in our lives, not to harm us, but to make us stop, make us slow down, make us stop fighting.

In Song Of Solomon 8:5 NKJ the question is asked:
Who is this coming up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved? 

In order to get us to lean on Him, be vulnerable with him, in order to get us to a place where we are coming up out of the wilderness, out that situation with a lean, with a limp that depends solely on his grace & mercy....He touches some things, he allows some things to hurt, to be felt like he did Jacob.

Because we were never meant to keep ourselves. We were designed to need God, made to be vulnerable at times, made to lean on Him, surrender to Him.

Jesus for example:
He had disciples who followed him, who depended on him, and in The Garden he struggled with being vulnerable, with releasing his will to the Father. He struggled. Mentally, he fought, finally he surrendered, he was made to lean and so he did; and so should we. 
Luke 22

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 6, 2020

12/6/20 "THY SOUL- Relationships ll"


5 Minutes of Focus

" THY SOUL - Relationships ll"

In John 4  the woman comes to the well carrying a water pot, looking to collect water, but after she conversates with Jesus a bit, she wants the water he mentioned; the living water.

Jesus then lets her know, just how much he knew her, by calling out her previous relationships, something that was otherwise her private info.

Instantly, She knew from being in his presence and the accuracy of his words that he was a prophet; and possibly The Messiah. 

And so, by the end of John 4:1-29 NIV....Guess what happened?  The woman leaves the water pot she was carrying behind.

Now, Usually when a woman puts down what she's been carrying, what she felt, she had no choice, but to carry...It's because she feels safe.
Jesus made her feel safe.

Safe is when you can CONFIDE in that person and NOT be judged.

Safe is when they know the worst about you, your faults & failures and still they're not ashamed to be seen  with you.

Jesus' disciples came back from buying food with a certain look on their face, because they couldn't believe that Jesus was talking to "that kind" of woman as the scripture says in John 4:27 MSG

But Jesus didn't care about the disciples opinion, rules & regulations of that time, about the dissociation between Jews & Samaritans.  He cared about her, about the wellness of her SOUL after all she had been through.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as THY SOUL prospereth. 
3 John 1:2 KJV 

Have you found a Jesus type of love? A love that is concerned about your soul?  A love that makes you feel safe or are you still carrying EVERYTHING yourself because you feel, you have no choice, you have to carry it.

It's time you find Jesus, the living water himself and stop accepting substitutes.

Blessed be the Lord, who bears our burden day by day, The God who is our salvation! Selah. 
Psalms 68:19 AMP 

He's willing to carry  it for you, you can unburden yourself.
SOMEBODY: It's safe to leave your water pot behind.

God ’s a safe-house for the battered...
Psalm 9:9‭ MSG 

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, November 28, 2020

11/29/20 "Don't Be Left Holding The Bag "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Don't  Be Left Holding The Bag"

Hear Me: You can't afford to be the one left holding the bag, and that's exactly what's going to happen. They're not going to pay the loan and the creditors are going to start calling you for the money.

Beloved, it's biblical for you NOT to be the one left holding the bag.
DON'T LET THEM USE YOU LIKE THAT pandemic or no pandemic. 

You're not a cash register; especially in this season. They can't just be ringing up debt on you like that.

God says,
Don’t promise to pay what someone else owes, and don’t guarantee anyone’s loan. If you cannot pay the loan, your own bed may be taken right out from under you. 
Proverbs 22:26‭-‬27 NCV 

That's what happened to the woman, the wife (turned widow), the mother of 2 in  2 Kings 4:1-7 NLT

She was left holding the bag after her husband died. The creditors were not sampthathic to her situation, but showed up looking for repayment and threaten to take her 2 sons (all she had left of her husband biologically) and make them slaves, if she didn't pay. 

So, she sought the help of Elisha, a fellow prophet who knew her husband and knew what he stood for....And what I love is that her financial troubles FORCED her into a little family owned business. She & her sons bottled and sold oil out of their house.

Still, I say to SOMEBODY: Unless you're ready for you financial troubles to INCREASE and FORCE you to go into business selling whatever you got (a little oil is what the woman had)....Then, don't co-sign for nobody.

You might not have a lot of money, but you have excellent credit. Don't let people mess up your credit. You don't have to buy friendships or family relationships and be the one left holding the bag when it gets too expensive. 

Go into business for yourself because you want to, NOT because you were trying to please them and got FORCED into it.

There's a HUGE difference between being a lender (blessing people) vs actually co-signing for someone, agreeing to pay their debt.
Deut 15:6, Deut 28:12

Lenders can afford to lend.
Co-signers are FORCED to pay, if that person doesn't, FORCED to borrow oil from neighbors etc.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 22, 2020

11/22/20 "Relationships"


5 Minutes of Focus 


The bible says:  Do not be envious of evil men, Nor desire to be with them; 
Proverbs 24:1 NKJV 
The NLT says: Don’t desire their company. 

But still you desire to be with them, you know they're not good for you, but still you desire to be with them, you desire their company.

You're still finding creative ways to reach out to them, just to have them be apart of your life, really it makes no sense to your educated mind. You're smarter than that, but still you're doing just  that.

I don't understand... What's the attraction?  Is there a need inside of you so great that keeps causing you to fall for the same type of evil?

What is it? Help me understand.
Help me understand how Eve in Genesis 3 could spend all that time talking to the serpent and feel  comfortable doing so. Even though, she had a husband.

Is your need for companionship so great that you would lower your standards, just to be heard and feel like you matter to somebody? 
Because maybe the somebody you're with has started taking you for granted.

Help me understand. What's the attraction? Maybe, like Eve you're blind to the fact that they're subtly playing with your mind and pulling you away from God. 

God, who promised (as long as you remain) in Christ, he would withhold NO GOOD THING from you. So it's not God. It's what you're willingly, unknowingly are doing to yourself. 
God, who promised in Christ to give you the secret petitions of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 AMPC, Psalm 84:11 NKJ

Relationships‼ 👀
Let me pray for you.

Father God,
Break soul ties, starve out bad connections & ungodly situations during this pandemic, shutdown season. Cause their emotions to supernaturally reset, feelings to shift. Not by their might, nor their power, but by YOUR SPIRIT. 
Zech 4:6 
In Jesus name,

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 15, 2020

11/15/20 "Chasing After The Wind"


5 Minutes of Focus 

" Chasing After The Wind"

If still at your age, something in you feels unfulfilled. You're chasing money, chasing things, chasing what you think is the American dream and still for all your hard work, something is missing.

Society even has you thinking that you will be fulfilled when you get that husband or that wife....and you believe the hype. So, lately you've been coming across as "thirsty." which tells me, You need more than what you have been taught to think you need.

As did the woman in John 4 who had already been through 5 failed marriages and was currently living with a man who was not her husband...None of those relationships fulfilled her.  She was still thirsty, she was still at the well, looking to quench her thirst, when she met Jesus. 

After she met Jesus, things changed. He fulfilled her. She didn't go home to that man that didn't fulfill her, but IMMEDIATELY she went back into town to tell the people about Jesus.
She had found her calling as an Evangelist.
John 4:1-29 NIV

SOMEBODY: Invest MORE time and effort into your relationship with Jesus. When he truly fulfills you, you will find your calling.

Even if you had more money....Then what? Boaz was wealthy, but he still needed to step into his role as a type of Christ, as a kinsman redeemer. In order to be fulfilled and really be of help to Ruth, Boaz had to connect with that part of him that was most like Jesus. 
Ruth 3:1-13 NIV, • Kinsman (Redeemer) in the KJV.

Simply Put: Find Jesus, get fulfilled, and from a full cup find your calling.

You've been searching  EMPTY, searching THIRSTY.  Beloved, It don't work like that.

Don't end up like Solomon at end of your days saying:
I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil.  Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. 
Ecclesiastes 2:10‭-‬11 NIV 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/8/20 "A Place Called Bethesda "


5 Minutes of Focus

"A Place Called Bethesda"

Afterward Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, was the pool of Bethesda, with five covered porches.
Crowds of sick people—blind, lame, or paralyzed—lay on the porches.
John 5:1‭-‬3 NLT

What I love about the text is the people...All the different people represented; people with all kinds of physical conditions, but yet they were all together in ONE PLACE, a place called Bethesda (at the pool) with ONE AGENDA. They were all trying to get healed.

How I wish, we here in America would realize the need for us all to be together, that we can all be together whatever the color of our skin, whatever our political views are, whatever condition we're currently in without fighting, without bickering...

Because at the end of the day, we're all just here on earth, trying to heal from some type of condition, some type of circumstance or situation...We're all just trying to heal from something.
Mentally, we're all at a place, at a pool called Bethesda trying to heal, trying to get some things right.

So, really we don't have room to talk about each other, to make fun of each other...When we all are imperfect and flawed in some way. Like the people that qualified to be at Bethseda, there is blindness in the land, lameness in the land, we have been a paralyzed people for too long.

The bible says: Do not give the devil an opportunity.
Ephesians 4:27 NET

Therefore, It's time to stop making room for the devil with all the fighting and bickering and realize we are one and the same in so many ways.

This a clarion call for peace, for healing....
Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude.
Ephesians 4:31 CEV

Beloved, Simply put: Behave better than that, especially if you're a Christian and allow the real healing to begin.

Selah (Pause & Think about that!)

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love , Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 1, 2020

11/1/20 "He Worked A Miracle "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"He Worked A Miracle"

BELOVED, Stop looking at what  you're lacking or all the places you keep coming up short, because even in that....If you would just do whatever Jesus tells you to do without hesitation, what you get back will be better than what you had at first.

In Cana, they ran out of wine at a wedding Jesus just happened to be attending.  Coincidence? I think not!  Now Jesus could have just let the wine shortage be, and ruin the celebration for all who were in attendance, but he didn't. 
John 2:1-11 NIV

Instead, He worked a miracle right there in their midst....Even though, he had said to his mother (who was also there). “Woman, why do you involve me?”  “My hour has not yet come.”

Still, he worked a miracle....It wasn't his time yet to be OPENLY manifested as The Messiah. But still, he used the water they had to create the wine they needed.
John 2:4 NIV

He provided what they needed...
Even though, it could have possibly exposed him as The Messiah because only The Messiah could work a miracle like that...He took a chance and did it anyways.

Not to please his mother, or to prove anything to anybody...But Jesus turned water into wine, because THE GOD in him couldn't deny the need of the people, people whom He was sitting among at the wedding.

Simply Put: If you invite Jesus in, the way that he was Invited to that wedding in Cana...If you keep yourself in His Presence, THE GOD in him will not be able to deny your needs.

The Apostle Paul put it like this: I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ!
Philippians 4:19 TPT

Selah- Pause & Think About That!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 24, 2020

10/25/20 "That Inner Touch "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"That Inner Touch"

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and up the flesh in its place.

22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. 

23 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”
Genesis 2:21‭-‬23 NKJV

Here, we see the 1st surgery ever to be performed. Right from the book of Genesis, God put Adam to sleep and surgically removed a rib from his body to produce Eve.

NOTICE: How God put Adam to sleep, but the bible never mentions God waking Adam up after the procedure was done.  There was no recovery time needed. Why?

Because when God touches you, (I call it that inner touch) from the inside out... You don't need nobody to tell you, you've been changed, you've been brought to life again. YOU JUST KNOW IT and you start talking, like you know.

So, Adam just started talking about Eve and how he had been given a part of himself through her....And NOTICE also that there was nothing mentioned in the text, that would imply that Adam was in pain as he talked.  Again, Why? Because Beloved, God is not the author of your pain. 

Think About This: If God is indeed the author of pain...Then Adam should have been in some serious pain after just having a rib removed from his body, but he wasn't. 

SOMEBODY: You have wrongfully accused God of some pain he didn't cause. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between God allowing you to go through a painful situation AND Him, actually being THE CAUSE OF IT.
Know what you're saying.

17 The bible says: The righteous cry out, and the Lord (IS THE ONE WHO) hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.

19 Also it says:  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Psalms 34:17 & 19‭ NKJ

So, How can he be your deliverer and the cause of your pain too?

The devil is the one that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. John 10:10

Therefore, Your pain is either the devil, SELF-inflicted, people associated, caused by sickness, or issues that come with this life, in general.

Selah- Pause & Think About‼

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 17, 2020

10/18/29 "Seriously Tho "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Seriously Tho"

Jesus starts off the Book Of John Chapter 14 by saying:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1 NIV
And nearing the end of the same Chapter he repeats himself again.

He starts off all casual like by saying:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

THEN just when you think he has forgotten. Jesus repeats himself again, by saying:
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27 NIV

Beloved, When Jesus says something 2xs in scripture it has already been established...YOU JUST NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT'S BEING SAID.
2 -is the number of establishment. He is not just repeating himself to be repeating himself.

Jesus has already established for you peace....He is our peace. Ephes 2:14

THEREFORE, You don't have to let your heart be troubled...The word, "let" implies that you have a choice in what you do. You don't have to be troubled over this, and over that, over all that's going on. You don't have to LET it get you down. He is our peace.
You don't have to LET it affect the condition of your heart.

SOMEBODY: YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE HEART ISSUES....There is nothing physically wrong with your heart. You are having heart palpitations because of the emotions you're feelings; everything going on right now has left you feeling some kinda of way about a lot of things and it's all affecting you physically.

Seriously Tho...This is the end of the matter like Daniel, many of you are deeply troubled by your thoughts in this seasons....(Those who are still able to gather a decent thought, that is) in spite of it all. Daniel 7:28 NLT

Still remember, through all that's going on, God's counter-offer is peace in the form of JESUS, a troubled free heart & mind in the form of JESUS.
Get to know Jesus in this season.

 He's the same Jesus that spoke up and calmed the disciple's storm; the winds & the waves obeyed him then....And there is still nothing on this earth, NOT one storm, he can't MASTER over, LORD over and control it, calm it because he is peace; let not your heart be troubled.  Seriously Tho.
Mark 4:36-41

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 11, 2020

10/11/20 "Choices"


5 Minutes of Focus 


The bible says: Jesus  saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon.
Luke 5:1-3 NIV

I wonder, what made him choose Simon's boat and not the other one?
 Have you ever wondered what made God choose one thing  and not the other, one person and not the other etc?

NEVERTHELESS, If he gave Jesus a choice that day in something so simple as choosing which  boat he would teach from. BELOVED, You need to stop saying that you have no choice....You're doing what you're  doing because you have no choice.
God is the author of choices.

In Deut 30:19 God set before you life & death and TOLD YOU TO CHOOSE life.

He even gave you a choice in how you would receive Him. Father, Son, Holy Spirit; choices...Is he God the Father, God the Son (who is also called The Word-  See John 1) or is he God the Holy Spirit to you? 

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
1 John 5:7 KJV

Choices... Do you prefer; are you at your best in the morning, noon, or night? God gave you a choice. 

God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Genesis 1:5 NIV

In everything, even in the simplest of things..He has given you choices. BELOVED, Open your eyes, you do have choices.

Think With Me: It was in the morning when Jesus came walking on the sea to the disciples. The bible says: It was between 3:00a.m. -6.00 am. 
Matt 14:25 AMPC
But it was about Noon  when he came at sat on the well to rest in John 4:6 NIV
Yet, again...It was at Midnight when he showed up for Paul & Silas and broke the chains off the prison doors, freeing EVERYBODY in that one moment, in that same moment.

Choices...Which best represents the time you're currently in? Is God moving in your life? Is this your rest season with everything going on or is it Midnight and you need a breakthrough to break out of some stuff. For me, It's that 3:00 a.m -6.00 am when Jesus was walking/moving. He is moving in my life. 
Selah (Pause & Think About That!)

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 3, 2020

10/4/20 "Whose Really Due A Season?"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Whose Really Due A Season?"

Let's face it! Everybody is not due a season, owed a turn because somewhere along the way... They got tired, they got distracted, they got persuaded into believing a lie and in return they quit pursuing their dreams, they quit striving to accomplish their goals, accomplish what was good in the earth.

And sadly they ended up doing the 2 things the bible tells us not to do.
1). They ended up growing weary.
2). They ended up losing heart or fainting (KJV) Galatians 6:9

Lot's wife for example...She knew the goal was to safely escape from where she was and start a new life somewhere else with her husband, but at a time when she was supposed to be "running for her life" so to speak... She got distracted, lost sight of the goal and looked back, turning into a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:1-26...AND THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS: Those who are still addicted to the past are not due a season, owed a turn.

HOWEVER: Those eligible for a season, those who really do have a season due are those of YOU who literally like The Hebrew Boys have been in THE FIRE, but still refused to quit, refused to stop believing in the power of YOUR GOD to come through, to deliver. Daniel 3

OR Like Job you've been through a time where you lost EVERYTHING, dealt with sickness in your body, dealt with so-called friends talking; but not really knowing what's going on, and top it off...Some of you have had to live with a foolish talking spouse the whole time.But still, like Job in all of that...You did not sin. Job 1:22 KJV

And so, Beloved, you really do have a due season coming, a turn that's owed you...It's coming because you didn't succumb to weariness, you didn't faint. CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🥳

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, September 26, 2020

9/27/20 "Be Merciful & Fair"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Be Merciful & Fair"

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Colossians 3:13 NLT

Beloved, Don't be the only one allowed to mess up, but allow others room to mess up without being judged for their faults. Look at them the same way, you would look at yourself and forgive.

Forgive because you're no better than that other person, but that other person is just as good as YOU.
Remember that‼

Forgive especially because you remember a time when you, yourself needed to be forgiven.

If Jesus from The Cross could ask the Father to forgive those that hurt him....Then why can't you forgive those who offended you?
Luke 23:34

What they did or said that offended you is nothing when compared to what Jesus suffered on The Cross. Jesus died so that you could have access to the power needed through Him to forgive. You can do ALL (all means all) things through Christ who strengthens you.  Philip 4:13

AND still, According to 1 John 4:17 NIV:
In this world we are like Jesus meaning we will be hurt sometimes, talked about sometimes etc. But still we are like Him, like Jesus in the sense that we are BIGGER that all of that. 

Therefore, Rise above it, BELOVED...Don't be selfish only making allowance (or room) for your mistakes, but judging others for their faults. Instead, Be Merciful & Fair!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, September 20, 2020

9/20/20 "Tempted"


5 Minutes of Focus 


Jesus tempted in the wilderness after  40 days & 40 nights of fasting...Hungry, still he resisted by telling the devil what's written.
Read: Matthew 4:1‭-‬11 NIV

BELOVED, It's so important that you in this season line your mouth up with the Word of God...You must know what is written and how to apply what is written to your situation. 

Even Jesus being hungry and in the wilderness knew that if he wanted to survive the devil's temptations..He had to line his mouth up with the Word of God and tell the devil, "It Is Written."

Over and over again, in Matthew 4 Jesus just kept telling the devil, "It Is Written and quoting scripture at him. You would think the devil was hard of hearing or something. 

But that's not it...He was trying to wear Jesus out mentally until he had no more comebacks, wear him out physically, knowing that Jesus was hungry and possibly at his weakest from having not eaten in 40 days & 40 nights.

And the devil's game plan is the same for you...He's trying to wear you out mentally until you have no more comebacks. He knows you're the weakest you've been in a long time right now.

But God...His strength is made perfect in weakness. Thefore, you're in the perfect position right now to give God glory for what he's about to do in your life, for all the things you are not strong enough to do right now, still it's getting done.

But God...Greater is he that's in YOU than he that is in the World. The temper is in the world, temptations are in the world. Yet, this verse implies that still there is someone greater; someone who is omnipresent with you EVERYWHERE you are (No matter where that place is) and He in YOU (which is an added bonus). 
1 John 4:4, 2 Corin 12:9 NKJ

So, Hear Me: You don't have to be defeated....You can overcome that temptation, you can overcome that weakness. You can overcome the wilderness you're in right now. 

It Is Written that after Jesus finished telling the devil off, telling him what is wrtten...Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him....WHICH IS MY PRAYER for you. 
Matthew 4:11 NIV


Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, September 12, 2020

9/13/20 "Do It For Yourself "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Do It For Yourself "

Think how you have instructed many, how you have strengthened feeble hands.  Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees.  But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged; it strikes you, and you are dismayed.
Job 4:3‭-‬5 NIV

Perhaps, there are no truer words to describe how you have been an excellent support system for everybody else, how you have given everybody else great advice, instructing them in the way to go, in what to do.

You solved their problems to best of your ability.  You were there for them when they were going through and you were glad to be of help to them.

But now, that the shoe is on the other foot and you are the one going through, you are feeling discouraged, somewhat dismayed.

BELOVED, Why is it you can show up for everybody else, be their support system, their problem solver....
But not do the same for yourself?

That is so ONE-SIDED...It's time you were there for YOURSELF, every bit as much as you would be for EVERYBODY else. It's time you took your own advice. You know, all that great advice you've given...It's take you took some of that, and applied it to your situation.

You see, real self-care means being there for YOU, showing up  for YOU, being able to depend on you...And there's nothing wrong with that, because YOU can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you.  Philip 4:13

LET'S JUST  BE HONEST: A lot of times, self-care is better than waiting on others to care...Even those you've helped, you've supported, you've advised over the years may not be there in return when you need them....  But that's nothing new. Remember, the bible says, There is nothing new under the sun.
Eccles 1:9

Jesus taught the disciples how to pray., but when he needed them to keep watch with him & pray...They fell asleep.
Luke 11, Matt 26:36-43 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, September 5, 2020

9/6/20 "So, What's Next?"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"So, What's Next?"

In Nehemiah Chapter 1: God put  a burden on Nehemiah's heart to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall. We see him in Chapter 1 praying it through.  By the end of the prayer, we see him asking God for favor with his employer who was yet to be informed of his plans.

In  Chapter 2: God gave Nehemiah favor with his employer (The King). By Chapter 6: The work on the wall was in ful operation and here comes opposition, but what I love is that Nehemiah didn't allow opposition from the enemy to stop what God called him to do.

A Word 4 Somebody: All opposition is, is push back from the enemy, is the enemy pushing back. The same way, your natural human reflects would push back someone who pushed you.

Still, Nehemiah didn't stop. He didn't know what was next, he only knew for now that's what God had him doing and he was going to work it to the best of his ability. 

SOMEBODY: So, stop worrying about what's next, and work what you know God told you to do. If he told you to sing, sing to the best of your ability, if he told you, to stay up interceding for different parts of the world, do it. If he told you to write a book, start an online business etc, do it! 

Your job is not to try and figure out what's next...In the words of Jesus's Mother: Whatever he tells you to do, do it!  That's your job. John 2:5 NIV

So what, if you don't know what's next...Do what's now, what's right there in front of you now. Be obedient and do the things before you that you've left unfinished. 

Notice: Nehemiah didn't leave anything unfinished....Before he traveled to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall, he made sure everything was good with his employer.

Beloved, you can't just leave one position for another without permission, without favor....You can't just up and leave things unfinished.
Finish what you started.

Stay sensitive like Nehemiah to areas where you feel a burden, a call on your heart....And one step will lead you to taking another step. All things work together. It's like a puzzle being put together. Rom 8:28

Eventually, You will see  your next as the picture unfolds 1st in your Spirit...Then IN your life.
Selah ✝️

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 29, 2020

8/30/20 "Fight The Fight"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Fight The Fight"

I say these words to everyone in a battle you didn't ask for, you didn't want, you didn't even see it coming, but yet here you are...Fighting the fight up close and personal.

You see, David when you think about it in 1 Samuel 17: He was in control of the situation with Goliath the whole time; even though he was younger and smaller in size. Still, he was in control of that big giant known as Goliath.

David was in control because his was a battle, was a fight he chose to be in, he wanted to be in....UNLIKE many of you reading this, David asked for what had come upon him, he wanted it. So he could get the chance to whip Goliath for how he had disrespected the Army of The Living God.

And whipped him, he did...God got glory out of David's victory that day.

BELOVED,  I know right now....You can't see anything good coming out of that battle, out that fight. You can't even began to imagine how God could any glory out of that messy situation. 

May I remind you that ALL things; not some things, but ALL things work together for the good...Rom 8:28

May I also show you in scripture that David credited God for getting him out a messy situation too...Understandably so, every situation is not a pretty situation, but God.

David wrote: I give you all the credit, God — you got me out of that mess, you didn’t let my foes gloat.
Psalm 30:1 MSG

David goes on to write: God, my God, I yelled for help and you put me together. God, you pulled me out of the grave, gave me another chance at life when I was down-and-out.
Psalm 30:2‭-‬3 MSG

Sounds like David would later be in a battle, in a fight far worse than the one everybody knew about with Goliath.
He just didn't see Goliath as that big of a problem. If he could whip a lion & a bear, he could whip Goliath.

So I say to SOMEBODY: Forget what everybody knows..You're not trying to glamorize this moment, glamorize this season, you're just trying to get through it. 

Let God get the glory in due time, because there will be a story, a testimony IN IT ALL. Continue to lean on Him for help...and keep fighting. Don't quit! Fight the fight, the good fight of faith. 1 Tim 6:12 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 22, 2020

8/23/20 "Where Are You, God?"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Where Are You, God?"

Why, Lord , do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
Psalms 10:1 NIV

I know many of you feel that God is being stand offish especially in this season...

May I remind you that God does not run from trouble, nor does he hide himself in times of trouble. But it's  just the opposite, God is an ever present help in times of trouble...
Meaning he's always present in times of trouble, making Himself available to help you.

God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
Psalms 46:1 NKJV

So, if He feels stand offish right now in the midst of your trouble...

What if I told you, it's because God wants you to seek him, go after him the way you would seek out any other relationship you're seriously interested in building, seriously interested in strengthening?

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV

From the CEV the  bible 📖 says: 
In all of your troubles, you may finally decide that you want to worship only the Lord . And if you turn back to him and obey him completely, he will again be your God.
Deuteronomy 4:29‭-‬30 CEV

SOMEBODY: You see, Up until Now...God has been too easy. You didn't really have to seek him (all that much), he was just there, but in Him just being there...It has become hard (for you) to gauge the compacity of your heart for Him.

Do you still love Him as much as you used to or do you desperately need to return to your 1st love? Return to the way you used to love God...Because that's what God is...
God is a relationship, not a religion.

●The person of God is JESUS.

●The voice of God, His likes & dislikes is The Word of God.

●And finally the power you need to sustain you, to sustain the relationship is the Holy Spirit. 

Remember, You can learn to know God (for real), if you want to. Jere 9:24 ERV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Disabling The Weakest Links"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Disabling The Weakest Links"

They laughed at Jesus because he said what they're eyes couldn't see...That the little girl actually was not dead, but asleep. So he put them out, and got her parents and three of his disciples and went in to perform the MIRACLE from which he had spoken.
Mark 5:38‭-‬42 NIV

BELOVED,  They laughed at Jesus for his faith, so expect them to do the same to you without hesitation. 

THEREFORE, To keep your atmosphere charged with faith....Keep closest to you those who have faith BOTH in God and faith in you. Eliminate or remove any weak links from your inner circle that's breaking the flow of faith in your life.

That's what Jesus did...He knew he had to do something drastic to disable the weak links present at Jairus's house that day....Because faith cannot be linked to negativity and still be expected to work, not even Jesus' faith.

And some of ya'll, you are linked to people who only know how to be nagative....and as a result you're finding yourself struggling in areas where you once had faith.

You're struggling because faith is always supposed to be in the "NOW," in the present tense. The bible says: NOW faith is....Not that it was, but it is. Hebrews 11:1 NKJ

Sadly though, because of your connection to some negative people....The faith you had for certain things has been forced into the background, forced into the past.
So, you know what you need to do?

SOMEBODY: It's time to identify  the weakest links in your inner circle and remove them.  It's not personal, it's neccessary.  You can be STRONG in faith again, just eliminate who you need to eliminate. 

Notice: In Mark 5....Jesus only kept close to him, the girl's parents and three of his disciples...Those who were biologically tied to the moment, and those he had trained for the moment.

Selah- Pause & Think About That!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 8, 2020

8/9/20 "A Second Chance For You Both"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"A Second Chance For You Both"

Not only are there Prodigal Sons and Daughters that need to come to their senses....

But God says, There's some Prodigal Fathers and Mothers that need to do the same, because you're not showing agape love to your backsliden child.

You see, the Father in Luke 15:11-31 (NIV) showed nothing but love for his son who had returned home, after a season of  living so far out of character  from the way he had raised him.

STILL, The father in the text didn't bring up his son's past or even ask him about where he'd been and what he'd been doing ... He was just thankful to have his child alive and back under his roof. That was enough. 

Instead of trying to get back at his son for all the heartache he had caused him...This father decided to err on the side of mercy, to err on the side of compassion. He decided to celebrate that his prayers had been answered.

Despite how onlookers might have felt, despite what family members including The Prodigal Son's own brother was saying.

This Father, The Prodigal Son's father saw this as a second chance  for him to father his son, to mentor his son who had now come to his senses and was willing to listen.

Because before everything was done prematurely...The Prodigal Son asked for his inheritance prematurely and The Father divided it up between his two sons prematurely. 

And that's why The Prodigal Son found himself in the pig pen hungry and thinking of home, because it was all done prematurely...Leaving him in a position to fight for his life, and the only way the Son knew how to win was REPENT and come back home.

SOMEBODY: You need to repent and come back home and Prodigal Father, Prodigal Mother drop your pride and allow them to come back home, be reinstated back into their old position with no questions asked.

IMAGINE if God asked you to recall every second of your past? You would be begging for his mercy, for his compassion.  THEREFORE, Give It!

I hear God saying, This is a second chance for you BOTH.


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 2, 2020

8/2/20 "Bullets "


5 Minutes of Focus 


David's oldest brother Eliab heard him talking with the soldiers. Eliab was angry with him and said, “What are you doing here, anyway? Who's taking care of your little flock of sheep out in the desert? You spoiled brat! You came here just to watch the fighting, didn't you?”
1 Samuel 17:28 CEV

In a moment of anger, David's oldest brother called him a spoiled brat!
AND often times, the harshest words imaginable will come from those who should have known better.

David's oldest brother should have known better, he should have been his younger brother's defender, his protector, his brother's keeper. (Genesis 4:9) INSTEAD, Eliab let his anger get the best of him and in that moment...He said what he said.

I know many of you can relate...You've taken words to your chest like  bullets from loved ones who should have known better, but still they said what they said. 

With no apology, they said, what they said and while it's not gun violence or even considered a crime...Still you have been severely affected by how little they think of you,  by the lack of respect they have for you and your feelings. 

But that was then, TODAY it's a new day in the month of August...August being the 8th month, 8 is the number of New Beginnings.  So, as a part of your new beginning, I decree and declare: Words won't hurt at all any more. Words from that break up, from that divorce, words from parents or like David, words from your own sibling will not hurt at all anymore, severely affect you any more.

You will rise up out of the maze of what was said about you with a new found strength....You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Philip 4:13 ALL things including being strong enough to handle unfair persecution from the most unlikely loved one.

I decree and declare:
Weapons made to attack you won't be successful; words spoken against you won't hurt at all...
Isaiah 54:17 CEV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 26, 2020

7/26/20 "Love Is Suppose To Be More Than Just Words"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Love Is Suppose To Be More Than Just  Words"

15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” 

16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.
John 21:15-17 NIV

If you're reading this, l need you to understand
something...Love is suppose to be more than just words. Peter could have told Jesus he loved him all day, until he turned blue in the face....But if, in all that time, there were no actions involved, just talk....
The sincerity of his words would still  have been in question. 

Instead,  Every time Peter said, Yes,  Lord..I LOVE YOU, Or You know, I LOVE YOU..Jesus required him to do something: 1). Feed my lambs  2). Take care of my sheep 3). Feed my sheep.

In other words...Put some actions behind your words. Show your love for me by what you do for them.

This was how Jesus reinstated Peter back into his life...After Peter had denied knowing him,  he required Peter's words be followed up with actions from then on.

🔥HEAR ME: Ya'll better stop reinstating people back into your life who have denied you, lied to you, and let you down based solely on the words of their mouth. Love is suppose to be more than just words, more than just talk.

You know that old saying, "Talk Is Cheap"...Beloved, It really is.

Learn from how Jesus handled his situation with Peter.. Stop believing their words. Like Jesus did...Demand that some type of action follow their words, make action a requirement, if they want to get back in proper alignment with you.
I'm just saying.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 19, 2020

7/19/20 "The Importance Of Presentation "


5 Minutes Of Focus

"The Importance of Presentation "

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which  is your reasonable service.
Romans 12:1 NKJV

This scripture says to present your bodies... Implying that presentation in itself is important. You can't just give God anything. You can't just begrudgingly give yourself to God and think that "somehow" that honors Him.
No, presentation is important. 

Think about it...When God brought Eve to Adam it was not done begrudgingly or with an unwilling attitude, but the presentation was done in such a way that instantly Adam knew:
“This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”
Genesis 2: 23 NKJ

Therefore, when we  present our bodies to God, there should be a moment where the Father just instantly knows within Himself that...This one right here is a part of me for real, this one right here is connected to me for real. They are not playing saved, they are saved for real.
They have made the neccessary sacrifices to live holy; for I am holy
 (1 Peter 1:16)...Meaning they've made some neccessary lifestyle changes, some neccessary behavior changes.  They no longer look like the world, but their sacrifice is living, daily evolving to look more like Me.

What they have presented is truly a living sacrifice not just a dead gesture they're trying to pass off as holiness, not realizing it sinks in my nostrils says God.

Beloved, We should be striving daily to  be a living sacrifice that is holy & acceptable to God, striving for him to KNOW us like Adam instantly knew Eve was apart of him, the way Jesus instantly knew the woman with the issue of blood had touched him, because he felt the onnection in Mark 5. 

We should want, seek after that type of onnection with God, now more than ever....The last thing we should ever want is to sink in His nostrils.  

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 12, 2020

7/12/20 "Give God A Yes"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Give God A Yes"

What a love about Mary as young as she was, she was her own person, but yet she was totally dependent on God.

So much so, that when the angel of the LORD came to her and told her, God had chosen her to get pregnant and carry Jesus in her womb .Even though, she didn't know how it would happen since she knew not a man (sexually) like that...She didn't go to Joseph (her fiance) asking for his approval, she just took God at His Word.

She responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.
Luke 1:26-38 NLT

Mary showed more strength and character at a young age than some of us twice her age at the time.

Why? Because a lot of us want to run and go consult with a man or woman, or whoever BEFORE we can give God a Yes, if we can, even give him a Yes at all. 

A lot of us end up of worrying about the opinion of a man, the opinion of a woman and what they will think....Instead of giving concern as to what God just might be thinking in that moment.

Because remember the bible does say,  He has thoughts that he thinks toward us. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

I wonder, what God is thinking when we run to the man and woman of God, or just a man or woman in general BEFORE giving him an answer?

Mary didn't have that problem though...She didn't hesitate to give God a Yes. Even though, Joseph (her fiance) would have to be convinced later on that she was telling him the truth and still worthy of marriage. Still, Mary took the risk and gave God a Yes....What are you waiting on? Give God a Yes.
Matthew Chapter 1

In the Words of Apostle I.V. Hilliard:
When it is, you've heard from God...
Counsel with men no more!
Or as the Apostle Paul once wrote:
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10 NIV

BELOVED, You can't do both...Either, God gets a Yes or the people you're trying to please gets a Yes.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, July 4, 2020

7/5/20 "Not If...But When"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Not If...But When"

19 When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 KJV

18 Now the Lord will get furious and do to his enemies, both near and far, what they did to his people. 

19 He will attack like a flood in a mighty windstorm. Nations in the west and the east will then honor and praise his wonderful name.
Isaiah 59:18‭-‬19 CEV

First of all, I want you notice what the scripture DOESN'T say...It doesn't say, IF the enemy comes in, as though his coming in is optional. 

No, but the scripture says, WHEN the enemy comes in....Because he is sure to come in and start some drama, start some chaos and confusion wherever he feels comfortable enough to rear his ugly head.

But I love what the CEV (Contemporary English Version) says...It says:
Now the Lord will get furious and do to his enemies, both near and far, what they did to his people. He will attack like a flood in a mighty windstorm.

Hear Me, Believe Me: The Lord is going to pay back his enemies , both near and far, for what they did to HIS PEOPLE.

So, SOMEBODY while you're so focused on what the enemy is doing (especially in this season, in this so- called pandemic)....You need to be MORE focused on your relationship with the Lord, checking yourself based on the WORD OF GOD to see if you are really HIS PEOPLE.

Because if you are really HIS PEOPLE (living holy, sold out for the Lord, no matter what)....He will be like a flood against the enemy, that's how forceful his attack will be on your behalf, as he pays his enemies back for what they did to you, his people. The battle is not yours, but HIS; they are his enemies.
2 Chronicles 20:15 KJV

Beloved...Right now, you really do have the wrong focus. Stop feeding into what the enemy is doing, because every time you do...You're unknowingly giving him the praise that belongs to the LORD. Instead, focus on, work on your relationship with the LORD ensuring that you are indeed his people, because the LORD fights for his people.

The Lord will fight for you, and you won't have to do a thing.”
Exodus 14:14 CEV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 28, 2020

6/28/20 "Your Mouth"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Your Mouth"

Your mouth attracts attention. Every time you open your mouth, you're either attracting the attention of something good or something bad towards you...There is no in between.
That's why the bible says: 
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 NKJV

What you say matters that much. So, I suggest you stop being so concerned with WHO you're attracting with your looks and be more concerned with WHAT you're attracting with your words.  The words of your mouth are powerful. 

Just ask Job for example: He lived in constant fear that his children just might be messing up on God, and as a result of sin, he would lose them spiritually. So, he offered a burnt offering on their behalf.  The bible says this was his daily custom....He thought it (NIV) and SAID IT (AMPC) And he did end up losing them all physically; burnt offering or not...And all he could say was: That which I FEARED has come upon me.
Job 1:5 Job 1:13-22 Job 3:25

Beloved, Watch what you think, as well as watch what you say...Because you  don't want that which you feared to come upon you.

On the other hand, it works for the good too. An example of that  would be...The woman with the issue of blood...She thought (NIV) If I just touch...(AMPC) For she kept SAYING, If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health. And immediately her flow of blood was dried up at the source, and [suddenly] she felt in her body that she was healed of her [distressing] ailment.
Mark 5:28‭-‬29 AMPC

So, from those two examples...It's  proven that what you think is servely linked to what you say. Therefore, think (good thoughts, WORD affirming, healing thoughts) before you speak and that way, fear will automatically be eliminated, yielded unfruitful. You won't have to concern yourself with...What did I just say? WHAT did I just attract to myself through my words, through my mouth??? Because your words will line up with your thoughts. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 21, 2020

6/21/20 "Embracing The Restart "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Embracing The Restart"

You might be in a place that's less than desirable right now, but that doesn't make YOU less than desirable.

God still has need of you and will cause you to connect with the right people to pull you through this difficult time.

You see, God who is always thinking like a Father on behalf of his children will sometimes make you live with the consequences of your actions...Not to hurt you, but to TEACH you, to CONNECT you, to RESTART you.

In Philemon 1:8-19 NIV
Onesimus found himself in prison (of all places)...Because restarting is not always a pretty process for the one trying to do better, but Onesimus was right where he needed to be. He needed to be in prison to connect to the  Apostle Paul who would teach him the true meaning of servanthood, who would show him what it's like to be a SON and to have a FATHER covering him. The Apostle Paul became Onesimus's spiritual father and was willing to pay any debt Onesimus owed.

SOMEBODY: You're right where you need to be. Pay attention to every little thing, let the people, let the atmosphere (even) teach you. God has you in that place... So listen, take notes. God has you in that place right now to teach you, to connect you to your own Apostle Paul (male or female), someone who will speak up for you, cover you, pave your way for a new start; even if it means literally paying what you owe, so that you can restart.

🔈SHOUT OUT to All The Fathers sacrificing to give your children a restart, or a better start than what you had. God is in you and with you.

Happy Father's Day!!! 💙

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, June 13, 2020

6/14/20 "I Am Overwhelmed"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"I Am Overwhelmed"

Beloved, Stop overwhelming yourself, putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform well..

In the bible we see that...When Peter was feeling overwhelmed by his current situation, overwhelmed by the pressure he put on HIMSELF to perform well...All he could say to Jesus was "Lord, Save Me." 
Matthew 14:25-30 NKJ

Save Me because I don't know what I'm doing after all and I'm about to drown. Peter was overwhelmed, he was in over his head. Keep In Mind: Never once, did Jesus ask Peter to come out on the water....Coming out on the water was solely Peter's idea which implies that often times, we take on a lot more than what we can handle, trying to impress onlookers, trying to impress God even, when really there is no need for either.

But still, here Peter was; out on the water, challenging himself, putting pressure on himself to perform well and make history, by being the 2nd man to ever walk on water.

Peter wanted to be like Jesus and leave his mark on the world, he wanted to be remembered for something other than those times when he failed, messed up or talked too much. 

But isn't that what we all want?...To make up for all those times when we weren't our best, by being our best now. There's nothing wrong with that. The Apostle Paul talks how when he was a child (in his immaturity), how he spoke and responded in a child-like manner to things, but now it's time to put all that away.
1 Corin 13:11 (ERV) and that's good too.

All I'm saying is balance yourself, know yourself well enough to recognize when something is too much and stop volunteering for stuff that God never asked you to do. He is not impressed and you're overwhelmed. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, June 6, 2020

6/7/20 "Broken To Be Restored "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Broken To Be Restored"

Something happened to Mephibosheth at an early age that broke him, left him broken.

NOTICE: I said, Broken and NOT damaged...
Because when something is damaged, it either needs fixing, or it's damaged beyond its ability to be repaired. Neither was the case for Mephibosheth and neither, Beloved, is the case for you.

Just like David came to bless Mephibosheth in his broken state...Something can still come through for you in your brokeness that will change your WHOLE life, for the better.
2 Samuel 4:4,   2 Samuel 9:1-8 NLT

I know, you're waiting to heal from some issues 1st...But what if you were broken ONLY  to be restored?

You see, a glass that is broken has a lot more room than one that has never be broken, hurt, affected by the human touch....Because a glass that's broken is now opened because of the pain it's been through.

SOMEBODY: You're opened to receive God's best because you're not perfect, but you are a broken vessel that has been left opened to receive.

Mephibosheth was left broken and in a position to receive, be restored even after so many years had passed and he had experienced the death of two key people in his life.... GOD STILL HADN'T FORGOT about him.

And don't you dare think, God has forgotten about you...He hasn't. 

As a matter of fact, while you're looking for ways to make things better YOURSELF for yourself...God is looking for the opening he needs to work through your brokenness. Trust him with your broken pieces and see what he does.

When David came to bless Mephibosheth, he was so broken...All he could offer David was the humbleness of his heart by saying, " I am your servant."

When God was preparing Jesus for THE CROSS  (to be a blessing to us) Jesus was so broken...All he had to offer him was His Will. Father, Not My Will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42 NIV

Simply put: In your brokenness SUBMIT, humble your heart, trust him for your restoration. It will be far greater than what you could repay yourself.
Joel 2:25 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, May 31, 2020

5/31/20 "Keep Your Social Distance"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Keep Your Social Distance "

They say it takes 21 days to form a (new) habit...I certainly hope that's true. Because we have been practicing this new thing called "social distancing" longer than that. And if, the truth be told, you needed the time and space to break you away from that person...You know the one, you couldn't seem to leave alone on your own.

Call me crazy, but I do believe social distancing has been more of a blessing than a curse...
Because now, you know you can stay away from that person, you can make it without that person.

And I do believe social distancing will be responsible for the breaking of many soul ties in this season.

How I wish Leah would have had a chance to social distance herself from Jacob, from her "baby daddy" and developed the habit  of  being on her own, developed the habit of accepting the truth (no matter how painful)...The truth that Jacob just didn't love her as much as he loved Rachel and nothing she said or did would change that.
Genesis 29:14-35 NIV

So, BELOVED, you  just be grateful that something happened to separate you from them, from a situation that was unhealthy for your emotions, a situation that had you labeled a certain way and not addressed for the person you are beyond that. Just be grateful that you don't have to live as second best, not being loved properly as was Leah's only given choice.

And I pray that when it's safe to reach for others again...You will only reach for those essential to your life and leave all those who are destroyers to your character, your emotions, to your life, alone.

Don't fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.
1 Corinthians 15:33 CEV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy