Saturday, August 8, 2020

8/9/20 "A Second Chance For You Both"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"A Second Chance For You Both"

Not only are there Prodigal Sons and Daughters that need to come to their senses....

But God says, There's some Prodigal Fathers and Mothers that need to do the same, because you're not showing agape love to your backsliden child.

You see, the Father in Luke 15:11-31 (NIV) showed nothing but love for his son who had returned home, after a season of  living so far out of character  from the way he had raised him.

STILL, The father in the text didn't bring up his son's past or even ask him about where he'd been and what he'd been doing ... He was just thankful to have his child alive and back under his roof. That was enough. 

Instead of trying to get back at his son for all the heartache he had caused him...This father decided to err on the side of mercy, to err on the side of compassion. He decided to celebrate that his prayers had been answered.

Despite how onlookers might have felt, despite what family members including The Prodigal Son's own brother was saying.

This Father, The Prodigal Son's father saw this as a second chance  for him to father his son, to mentor his son who had now come to his senses and was willing to listen.

Because before everything was done prematurely...The Prodigal Son asked for his inheritance prematurely and The Father divided it up between his two sons prematurely. 

And that's why The Prodigal Son found himself in the pig pen hungry and thinking of home, because it was all done prematurely...Leaving him in a position to fight for his life, and the only way the Son knew how to win was REPENT and come back home.

SOMEBODY: You need to repent and come back home and Prodigal Father, Prodigal Mother drop your pride and allow them to come back home, be reinstated back into their old position with no questions asked.

IMAGINE if God asked you to recall every second of your past? You would be begging for his mercy, for his compassion.  THEREFORE, Give It!

I hear God saying, This is a second chance for you BOTH.


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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