Sunday, May 31, 2020

5/31/20 "Keep Your Social Distance"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Keep Your Social Distance "

They say it takes 21 days to form a (new) habit...I certainly hope that's true. Because we have been practicing this new thing called "social distancing" longer than that. And if, the truth be told, you needed the time and space to break you away from that person...You know the one, you couldn't seem to leave alone on your own.

Call me crazy, but I do believe social distancing has been more of a blessing than a curse...
Because now, you know you can stay away from that person, you can make it without that person.

And I do believe social distancing will be responsible for the breaking of many soul ties in this season.

How I wish Leah would have had a chance to social distance herself from Jacob, from her "baby daddy" and developed the habit  of  being on her own, developed the habit of accepting the truth (no matter how painful)...The truth that Jacob just didn't love her as much as he loved Rachel and nothing she said or did would change that.
Genesis 29:14-35 NIV

So, BELOVED, you  just be grateful that something happened to separate you from them, from a situation that was unhealthy for your emotions, a situation that had you labeled a certain way and not addressed for the person you are beyond that. Just be grateful that you don't have to live as second best, not being loved properly as was Leah's only given choice.

And I pray that when it's safe to reach for others again...You will only reach for those essential to your life and leave all those who are destroyers to your character, your emotions, to your life, alone.

Don't fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.
1 Corinthians 15:33 CEV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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