Saturday, June 6, 2020

6/7/20 "Broken To Be Restored "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Broken To Be Restored"

Something happened to Mephibosheth at an early age that broke him, left him broken.

NOTICE: I said, Broken and NOT damaged...
Because when something is damaged, it either needs fixing, or it's damaged beyond its ability to be repaired. Neither was the case for Mephibosheth and neither, Beloved, is the case for you.

Just like David came to bless Mephibosheth in his broken state...Something can still come through for you in your brokeness that will change your WHOLE life, for the better.
2 Samuel 4:4,   2 Samuel 9:1-8 NLT

I know, you're waiting to heal from some issues 1st...But what if you were broken ONLY  to be restored?

You see, a glass that is broken has a lot more room than one that has never be broken, hurt, affected by the human touch....Because a glass that's broken is now opened because of the pain it's been through.

SOMEBODY: You're opened to receive God's best because you're not perfect, but you are a broken vessel that has been left opened to receive.

Mephibosheth was left broken and in a position to receive, be restored even after so many years had passed and he had experienced the death of two key people in his life.... GOD STILL HADN'T FORGOT about him.

And don't you dare think, God has forgotten about you...He hasn't. 

As a matter of fact, while you're looking for ways to make things better YOURSELF for yourself...God is looking for the opening he needs to work through your brokenness. Trust him with your broken pieces and see what he does.

When David came to bless Mephibosheth, he was so broken...All he could offer David was the humbleness of his heart by saying, " I am your servant."

When God was preparing Jesus for THE CROSS  (to be a blessing to us) Jesus was so broken...All he had to offer him was His Will. Father, Not My Will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42 NIV

Simply put: In your brokenness SUBMIT, humble your heart, trust him for your restoration. It will be far greater than what you could repay yourself.
Joel 2:25 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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