Saturday, October 3, 2020

10/4/20 "Whose Really Due A Season?"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Whose Really Due A Season?"

Let's face it! Everybody is not due a season, owed a turn because somewhere along the way... They got tired, they got distracted, they got persuaded into believing a lie and in return they quit pursuing their dreams, they quit striving to accomplish their goals, accomplish what was good in the earth.

And sadly they ended up doing the 2 things the bible tells us not to do.
1). They ended up growing weary.
2). They ended up losing heart or fainting (KJV) Galatians 6:9

Lot's wife for example...She knew the goal was to safely escape from where she was and start a new life somewhere else with her husband, but at a time when she was supposed to be "running for her life" so to speak... She got distracted, lost sight of the goal and looked back, turning into a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:1-26...AND THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS: Those who are still addicted to the past are not due a season, owed a turn.

HOWEVER: Those eligible for a season, those who really do have a season due are those of YOU who literally like The Hebrew Boys have been in THE FIRE, but still refused to quit, refused to stop believing in the power of YOUR GOD to come through, to deliver. Daniel 3

OR Like Job you've been through a time where you lost EVERYTHING, dealt with sickness in your body, dealt with so-called friends talking; but not really knowing what's going on, and top it off...Some of you have had to live with a foolish talking spouse the whole time.But still, like Job in all of that...You did not sin. Job 1:22 KJV

And so, Beloved, you really do have a due season coming, a turn that's owed you...It's coming because you didn't succumb to weariness, you didn't faint. CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🥳

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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