Saturday, November 28, 2020

11/29/20 "Don't Be Left Holding The Bag "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Don't  Be Left Holding The Bag"

Hear Me: You can't afford to be the one left holding the bag, and that's exactly what's going to happen. They're not going to pay the loan and the creditors are going to start calling you for the money.

Beloved, it's biblical for you NOT to be the one left holding the bag.
DON'T LET THEM USE YOU LIKE THAT pandemic or no pandemic. 

You're not a cash register; especially in this season. They can't just be ringing up debt on you like that.

God says,
Don’t promise to pay what someone else owes, and don’t guarantee anyone’s loan. If you cannot pay the loan, your own bed may be taken right out from under you. 
Proverbs 22:26‭-‬27 NCV 

That's what happened to the woman, the wife (turned widow), the mother of 2 in  2 Kings 4:1-7 NLT

She was left holding the bag after her husband died. The creditors were not sampthathic to her situation, but showed up looking for repayment and threaten to take her 2 sons (all she had left of her husband biologically) and make them slaves, if she didn't pay. 

So, she sought the help of Elisha, a fellow prophet who knew her husband and knew what he stood for....And what I love is that her financial troubles FORCED her into a little family owned business. She & her sons bottled and sold oil out of their house.

Still, I say to SOMEBODY: Unless you're ready for you financial troubles to INCREASE and FORCE you to go into business selling whatever you got (a little oil is what the woman had)....Then, don't co-sign for nobody.

You might not have a lot of money, but you have excellent credit. Don't let people mess up your credit. You don't have to buy friendships or family relationships and be the one left holding the bag when it gets too expensive. 

Go into business for yourself because you want to, NOT because you were trying to please them and got FORCED into it.

There's a HUGE difference between being a lender (blessing people) vs actually co-signing for someone, agreeing to pay their debt.
Deut 15:6, Deut 28:12

Lenders can afford to lend.
Co-signers are FORCED to pay, if that person doesn't, FORCED to borrow oil from neighbors etc.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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