Saturday, July 4, 2020

7/5/20 "Not If...But When"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Not If...But When"

19 When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 KJV

18 Now the Lord will get furious and do to his enemies, both near and far, what they did to his people. 

19 He will attack like a flood in a mighty windstorm. Nations in the west and the east will then honor and praise his wonderful name.
Isaiah 59:18‭-‬19 CEV

First of all, I want you notice what the scripture DOESN'T say...It doesn't say, IF the enemy comes in, as though his coming in is optional. 

No, but the scripture says, WHEN the enemy comes in....Because he is sure to come in and start some drama, start some chaos and confusion wherever he feels comfortable enough to rear his ugly head.

But I love what the CEV (Contemporary English Version) says...It says:
Now the Lord will get furious and do to his enemies, both near and far, what they did to his people. He will attack like a flood in a mighty windstorm.

Hear Me, Believe Me: The Lord is going to pay back his enemies , both near and far, for what they did to HIS PEOPLE.

So, SOMEBODY while you're so focused on what the enemy is doing (especially in this season, in this so- called pandemic)....You need to be MORE focused on your relationship with the Lord, checking yourself based on the WORD OF GOD to see if you are really HIS PEOPLE.

Because if you are really HIS PEOPLE (living holy, sold out for the Lord, no matter what)....He will be like a flood against the enemy, that's how forceful his attack will be on your behalf, as he pays his enemies back for what they did to you, his people. The battle is not yours, but HIS; they are his enemies.
2 Chronicles 20:15 KJV

Beloved...Right now, you really do have the wrong focus. Stop feeding into what the enemy is doing, because every time you do...You're unknowingly giving him the praise that belongs to the LORD. Instead, focus on, work on your relationship with the LORD ensuring that you are indeed his people, because the LORD fights for his people.

The Lord will fight for you, and you won't have to do a thing.”
Exodus 14:14 CEV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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