Sunday, November 22, 2020

11/22/20 "Relationships"


5 Minutes of Focus 


The bible says:  Do not be envious of evil men, Nor desire to be with them; 
Proverbs 24:1 NKJV 
The NLT says: Don’t desire their company. 

But still you desire to be with them, you know they're not good for you, but still you desire to be with them, you desire their company.

You're still finding creative ways to reach out to them, just to have them be apart of your life, really it makes no sense to your educated mind. You're smarter than that, but still you're doing just  that.

I don't understand... What's the attraction?  Is there a need inside of you so great that keeps causing you to fall for the same type of evil?

What is it? Help me understand.
Help me understand how Eve in Genesis 3 could spend all that time talking to the serpent and feel  comfortable doing so. Even though, she had a husband.

Is your need for companionship so great that you would lower your standards, just to be heard and feel like you matter to somebody? 
Because maybe the somebody you're with has started taking you for granted.

Help me understand. What's the attraction? Maybe, like Eve you're blind to the fact that they're subtly playing with your mind and pulling you away from God. 

God, who promised (as long as you remain) in Christ, he would withhold NO GOOD THING from you. So it's not God. It's what you're willingly, unknowingly are doing to yourself. 
God, who promised in Christ to give you the secret petitions of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 AMPC, Psalm 84:11 NKJ

Relationships‼ 👀
Let me pray for you.

Father God,
Break soul ties, starve out bad connections & ungodly situations during this pandemic, shutdown season. Cause their emotions to supernaturally reset, feelings to shift. Not by their might, nor their power, but by YOUR SPIRIT. 
Zech 4:6 
In Jesus name,

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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