Saturday, June 13, 2020

6/14/20 "I Am Overwhelmed"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"I Am Overwhelmed"

Beloved, Stop overwhelming yourself, putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform well..

In the bible we see that...When Peter was feeling overwhelmed by his current situation, overwhelmed by the pressure he put on HIMSELF to perform well...All he could say to Jesus was "Lord, Save Me." 
Matthew 14:25-30 NKJ

Save Me because I don't know what I'm doing after all and I'm about to drown. Peter was overwhelmed, he was in over his head. Keep In Mind: Never once, did Jesus ask Peter to come out on the water....Coming out on the water was solely Peter's idea which implies that often times, we take on a lot more than what we can handle, trying to impress onlookers, trying to impress God even, when really there is no need for either.

But still, here Peter was; out on the water, challenging himself, putting pressure on himself to perform well and make history, by being the 2nd man to ever walk on water.

Peter wanted to be like Jesus and leave his mark on the world, he wanted to be remembered for something other than those times when he failed, messed up or talked too much. 

But isn't that what we all want?...To make up for all those times when we weren't our best, by being our best now. There's nothing wrong with that. The Apostle Paul talks how when he was a child (in his immaturity), how he spoke and responded in a child-like manner to things, but now it's time to put all that away.
1 Corin 13:11 (ERV) and that's good too.

All I'm saying is balance yourself, know yourself well enough to recognize when something is too much and stop volunteering for stuff that God never asked you to do. He is not impressed and you're overwhelmed. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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