Sunday, December 6, 2020

12/6/20 "THY SOUL- Relationships ll"


5 Minutes of Focus

" THY SOUL - Relationships ll"

In John 4  the woman comes to the well carrying a water pot, looking to collect water, but after she conversates with Jesus a bit, she wants the water he mentioned; the living water.

Jesus then lets her know, just how much he knew her, by calling out her previous relationships, something that was otherwise her private info.

Instantly, She knew from being in his presence and the accuracy of his words that he was a prophet; and possibly The Messiah. 

And so, by the end of John 4:1-29 NIV....Guess what happened?  The woman leaves the water pot she was carrying behind.

Now, Usually when a woman puts down what she's been carrying, what she felt, she had no choice, but to carry...It's because she feels safe.
Jesus made her feel safe.

Safe is when you can CONFIDE in that person and NOT be judged.

Safe is when they know the worst about you, your faults & failures and still they're not ashamed to be seen  with you.

Jesus' disciples came back from buying food with a certain look on their face, because they couldn't believe that Jesus was talking to "that kind" of woman as the scripture says in John 4:27 MSG

But Jesus didn't care about the disciples opinion, rules & regulations of that time, about the dissociation between Jews & Samaritans.  He cared about her, about the wellness of her SOUL after all she had been through.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as THY SOUL prospereth. 
3 John 1:2 KJV 

Have you found a Jesus type of love? A love that is concerned about your soul?  A love that makes you feel safe or are you still carrying EVERYTHING yourself because you feel, you have no choice, you have to carry it.

It's time you find Jesus, the living water himself and stop accepting substitutes.

Blessed be the Lord, who bears our burden day by day, The God who is our salvation! Selah. 
Psalms 68:19 AMP 

He's willing to carry  it for you, you can unburden yourself.
SOMEBODY: It's safe to leave your water pot behind.

God ’s a safe-house for the battered...
Psalm 9:9‭ MSG 

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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