Saturday, September 5, 2020

9/6/20 "So, What's Next?"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"So, What's Next?"

In Nehemiah Chapter 1: God put  a burden on Nehemiah's heart to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall. We see him in Chapter 1 praying it through.  By the end of the prayer, we see him asking God for favor with his employer who was yet to be informed of his plans.

In  Chapter 2: God gave Nehemiah favor with his employer (The King). By Chapter 6: The work on the wall was in ful operation and here comes opposition, but what I love is that Nehemiah didn't allow opposition from the enemy to stop what God called him to do.

A Word 4 Somebody: All opposition is, is push back from the enemy, is the enemy pushing back. The same way, your natural human reflects would push back someone who pushed you.

Still, Nehemiah didn't stop. He didn't know what was next, he only knew for now that's what God had him doing and he was going to work it to the best of his ability. 

SOMEBODY: So, stop worrying about what's next, and work what you know God told you to do. If he told you to sing, sing to the best of your ability, if he told you, to stay up interceding for different parts of the world, do it. If he told you to write a book, start an online business etc, do it! 

Your job is not to try and figure out what's next...In the words of Jesus's Mother: Whatever he tells you to do, do it!  That's your job. John 2:5 NIV

So what, if you don't know what's next...Do what's now, what's right there in front of you now. Be obedient and do the things before you that you've left unfinished. 

Notice: Nehemiah didn't leave anything unfinished....Before he traveled to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall, he made sure everything was good with his employer.

Beloved, you can't just leave one position for another without permission, without favor....You can't just up and leave things unfinished.
Finish what you started.

Stay sensitive like Nehemiah to areas where you feel a burden, a call on your heart....And one step will lead you to taking another step. All things work together. It's like a puzzle being put together. Rom 8:28

Eventually, You will see  your next as the picture unfolds 1st in your Spirit...Then IN your life.
Selah ✝️

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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