Sunday, September 20, 2020

9/20/20 "Tempted"


5 Minutes of Focus 


Jesus tempted in the wilderness after  40 days & 40 nights of fasting...Hungry, still he resisted by telling the devil what's written.
Read: Matthew 4:1‭-‬11 NIV

BELOVED, It's so important that you in this season line your mouth up with the Word of God...You must know what is written and how to apply what is written to your situation. 

Even Jesus being hungry and in the wilderness knew that if he wanted to survive the devil's temptations..He had to line his mouth up with the Word of God and tell the devil, "It Is Written."

Over and over again, in Matthew 4 Jesus just kept telling the devil, "It Is Written and quoting scripture at him. You would think the devil was hard of hearing or something. 

But that's not it...He was trying to wear Jesus out mentally until he had no more comebacks, wear him out physically, knowing that Jesus was hungry and possibly at his weakest from having not eaten in 40 days & 40 nights.

And the devil's game plan is the same for you...He's trying to wear you out mentally until you have no more comebacks. He knows you're the weakest you've been in a long time right now.

But God...His strength is made perfect in weakness. Thefore, you're in the perfect position right now to give God glory for what he's about to do in your life, for all the things you are not strong enough to do right now, still it's getting done.

But God...Greater is he that's in YOU than he that is in the World. The temper is in the world, temptations are in the world. Yet, this verse implies that still there is someone greater; someone who is omnipresent with you EVERYWHERE you are (No matter where that place is) and He in YOU (which is an added bonus). 
1 John 4:4, 2 Corin 12:9 NKJ

So, Hear Me: You don't have to be defeated....You can overcome that temptation, you can overcome that weakness. You can overcome the wilderness you're in right now. 

It Is Written that after Jesus finished telling the devil off, telling him what is wrtten...Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him....WHICH IS MY PRAYER for you. 
Matthew 4:11 NIV


Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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