Saturday, November 6, 2021

11/7/21 "Don't Hinder The Children "

#Sponsorship Saturday: 

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 
Matthew 19:14 NIV 

Jesus understood the importance of having the children come, the importance of not hindering them. 

Jesus understood  for The Kingdom  to experience growth and continue  progressing forward....There must be children.

We put so much importance on money, on financial gain...But our real inheritance lies within our children.

Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, The fruit of the womb a reward. 
Psalms 127:3 AMP 

Think about it:
If there were NO CHILDREN not only would The Kingdom of God be hindered....

But this world would end prematurely without the birth, nourishment, and growth of children to keep it going from generation to generation. 

The devil knows this...That's why the attack on our children is SO GREAT worldwide, NOT just here, in The States.

Beloved, You have been blind for too long...It 's time to wake up and see what the devil is trying to do.

He's trying to stop our children from coming to Jesus....He's trying to stop them for coming into THE BEST part of themselves. 

You see, I'm not just a preacher/prophetess here, in The States....But I am a World Vision sponsor and Child Ambassador.  Currently, I  sponsor 8 amazing children.

So, Globally I know the affects this world with all its new challenges has had on children, ALL  our children. 

Help me help them fight back against poverty, sex trafficking, child marriages etc.

CLICK THE LINK below for more details...Become A #WorldVision sponsor TODAY.

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