Saturday, November 20, 2021

11/21/21 "We Support You "

11/21/ 21

5 Minutes of Focus 

"We Support You"

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 
John 19:25 NIV 

When Jesus was on The Cross going through what he went through, he had people there at the foot The Cross emotionally supporting him.

They wanted to see him make it, they wanted to see him make it down off that Cross.

And just like Jesus had those who were in his corner, praying for him, those who would be there til the end; whatever that meant and whatever he needed.

You have people who support you too. We want to see you make it, we want to see you get pass The Cross you are currently bearing. 

We want to see you happy again and the pain of it all, be a distant memory of a lesson learned.

We are not all haters...

Sure, You have those who are laughing at where life has landed you, but they don't know what's going to come knocking on their door.... Their laughing just might end up being very costly.

I remember how a group of boys laughed at Elisha and their young lives were cut short.
2 Kings 2:23-24 NIV

I remember how the bible says: David's wife despised him in her heart. And because of how she felt secretly in her heart towards her husband...
2 Samuel 6:16-23 NIV

You, being a Child Of God...It's dangerous for them to laugh or to feel some kinda of way about you that goes against what the bible teaches which is for us to love each other,  for us to sincerely love each other, NO FAKING.
John 15:12, Rom 12:9 NIV

Nevertheless, You do have an emotional support system that's for real...Those of us who are praying for you, pulling for you, committed to doing whatever is necessary to ensure that you make it.

As for Jesus, He made it down off that Cross...Now, I would like to tell you, he was UNHARMED, but that's NOT the case.

You see, There are some situations in life that requires pain...And even though,  it was and is still very painful at times...

SOMEBODY: You need to know, there is life after the pain.
Just embrace the changes as best you can, go on,  and LIVE.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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