Saturday, October 30, 2021

10/31/21 "When It's Finished "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"When It's Finished'

Jesus told the Father to forgive them for they know NOT what they do.... But He NEVER said, He would  get on The Cross and let them treat him like that again. Instead, He said, "It Is Finished."
John 19:30 NIV
Luke 23:34 NKJ 

Beloved, You have to learn that when it's finished, it is finished...UNTIL OR UNLESS God tells you different. 

It is finished....

NO MORE making excuses, blaming yourself for changing your mind and deciding to put yourself 1st.

Everybody has a boiling point, a point where they realize something must be done, before an even bigger mess is created.

Have you ever left water boiling on the stove too long?

What happened? The heat coming from the stove caused the water to boil over and create a mess that needed to be cleaned up.

SOMEBODY: That's what you're doing now...You're cleaning up the mess that was made, so that you can heal.

You see, Just because you allowed them to treat you that way one time does NOT mean you have to keep subjecting yourself to the same thing over and over again.

For Jesus, The Cross was a ONE TIME thing...He NEVER said, He would be willing to endure that type of pain again.

But He did say,  "It is Finished" and to forgive...

Forgive meaning that EVERY day you are going to renew your mind in the Word Of God. 
Rom 12:2 NIV

Renew your mind meaning let God teach you how to stop holding on to that grudge, teach you how to stop being offended by something they said or did.

In doing so:
• You're NOT setting yourself up to be hurt again.
• And you're certainly NOT helping them get over on  you again, by choosing to forgive.
• You're NOT a weak individual. 
• You will NOT re-live any of what you've been through.

It just means that you're strong enough now to STOP trying to fight your own battle and give it to God.
Exodus 14:14

Let God repay what needs to be repaid and judge what needs to judged.

But as for you, It's  time to start again right from where you are..

It's time you began your healing process and MOVE ON.

Because when it's finished...It is finished. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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