Saturday, November 27, 2021

11/28/21 "A Father's Help "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"A Father's Help"

Give us a father’s help when we face our enemies. For to trust in any man is an empty hope.
Psalms 108:12 TPT 

• (NIV) For human help is worthless.

People need people, true...
We need each other, yes we do...

But STILL there are times when even the sincerest person's help feels worthless, feels empty like even that is not enough. 

That's when hopefully you realize more than ever,  just how much you desperately need God, just how much you need your Heavenly father's help. 

You see, Psalm 108 was written by King David- someone who had been through many trials & tribulations in his day, he had been in enough situations in his day to know that, if God hadn't stepped in and helped, his story would have ended sooner rather than later.

But God....

It was God acting as a father that stepped in and gave David back what  the devil tried to steal, kill, and destroy.

Who am I talking to? Because God has done the same for you.

God didn't allow even the biggest lion, the biggest bear to steal what David had worked so hard to protect.
1 Samuel 17:34-37 NIV

Many of you, you have worked hard to protect what you have, too hard to allow the enemy to come in and steal it, just like that.

Your Heavenly Father will not allow you to be stolen from.

The hand that attacks you will be attacking God in this season.

Nothing you have will taken or destroyed in this season....I feel like prophesying.

The same God that was David's shepherd is leading you, fighting for you.
Psalm 23:1-2 NKJ
Exodus 14:14 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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