Saturday, November 13, 2021

11/13/21 "What's For Lunch?"

#Sponsorship Saturday: 

When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”....Philip didn't have the right response.

So, Andrew spoke up and said,“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.”....And just like that, Jesus feed 5 thousand from what started out as just a boy's lunch.
John 6:5-11 NIV

Think with me:
 If Jesus could use a boy's lunch to feed 5 thousand....I wonder, what He could do with the little we have?

Really we have no excuse...
Remember. The bible tells us:
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin....
Zechariah 4:10 NLT 

BELOVED, What you think of as small beginnings is ENOUGH for the Lord to rejoice.

He rejoices when He sees us doing what the boy in John 6 did without hesitation...He rejoices when He sees us giving something as small as our lunch or our lunch money, money we would have spent carelessly on fast food etc. 

Instead, We give it in that moment to help someone who is in a greater need than us.

He rejoices when He sees us (His Servants) doing the work  of The Kingdom.

Do you know how many souls you can win for Jesus simply by being there with the smallest gesture?

You see, You don't always need to talk Jesus...Sometimes you just need to demonstrate Jesus.

I'm sure that boy had NO THOUGHTS of feeding 5 thousand...He simply just gave what he had to Jesus.

Simply give what you have to Jesus, to #WorldVision-a Christian organization that STANDS for #Jesus and are diligent in feeding the children, diligent in restoring, in equipping communities with clean water, educational programs etc.

Imagine your impact on one child's life when they receive a letter, a picture from you and realize someone they don't even know is willing to sacrifice for them so that they can have what they need. What a witness!!!


Afterall, That's what Jesus did for us when we didn't know Him, when we weren't serving Him, but were still SINNERS working against Him...

He loved us, He sacrificed his life (the things he wanted) for us, He did it for us, He gave to us....

Click the link.
Rom 5:6-8 NCV

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